Parish of Our Lady of Fatima
159 Northway, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail Website: Tel 0315635554 Fax 0315634684

Parish Priest: Rev Fr Desmond Nair

Deacon: Rev Peter Venter
Pastoral Assistants: Irene Helsdon and Anne Chatteris
21 December 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love Year B
Missal References Page 398 (old), 33 (new), 88 w/day
Eucharistic Prayer No. 2
Memorial Acclamation No. 2
Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 104 (old), 454 (new), 124 w/day
Next Sunday Feast of the Holy Family
Feasts of the Week
Tuesday St John of Kanty, priest
Friday St Stephen, Martyr
Saturday St John, Apostle & Evangelist

Entrance Antiphon

Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Saviour.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 88

I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
… through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth.
Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever,
that your truth is firmly established as the heavens.
‘I have made a covenant with my chosen one;
I have sworn to David my servant:
I will establish your dynasty for ever
and set up your throne through all ages.’
He will say to me: ‘You are my father,
my God, the rock who saves me.’
I will keep my love for him always;
for him my covenant shall endure.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord. /

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia!

I am the handmaid of the Lord: let what you have said be done to me. Alleluia!

Communion Antiphon

The Virgin is with child, and shall bear a son, and she will call him Emmanuel.

This Week’s Diary
Monday / Mass / 9.00am
Tuesday / Mass / 6.30am
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction / 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Wednesday / Carol Service
Midnight Mass / 11.15pm
Thursday / Christmas Day Masses / 7.00am & 9.00am
Friday / Mass / 9.00am
Saturday / Mass / 9.00am
Sunday / Masses / 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.45pm

Please pray for the Sick especially:


Tris Tillard’s sister; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Gladys Cole’s brother; Maryse Bowman’s nieces; Louise Kin’s sister; Renee Armstrong’s sisters; Ugo Surian’s sister; Mary Kidd’s grand-daughter; Josiane & Marie-Claude Maujean’s brother; Nancy Chettiar’s mother; Stuart McGregor; Hana Toman’s father; Jan Huiskamp’s mother; Annette Hoyer’s parents; Stella Barber; Graham Naude’s mother; Alma Osborn’s grandson; Esme Hallot’s nieces; Zelda Byrne’s daughter-in-law; Anna Kalinowska’s mother; Nicole Blackburn’s daughter, sisters & aunt; Anne Appelgren’s husband; John Bremner’s nephew; Peter Squires; Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Jo James’ nephew. / Elsa Pearton’s son Michael, sister & granddaughter; Jean & Pauline Leclezio’s son & daughter-in-law; Brenda Ogle’s granddaughter; Margaret Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s daughter; Candice Behrens’ grandfather; Maryse Wardell’s mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; Gill Yelland’s daughter-in-law; Josè Martins’ mother: Lyn Alborough’s brother; Caron Martins’ father & sister; Norlie McDonogh’s sister-in-law & sister; Tottie Bremner’s father & nephew; Lynne Tillard’s brother; George & Carol Urquhart’s mothers; Theresa Hoogewerf’s uncle; Ancilla Donaldson’s parents; Sharon Ellis’ sister; Michelle Lock’s father; Loretta Liviero; Mary Ann Salvage’s brother; Eve Huiskamp’s niece; / Denise Topp’s daughter & son-in law; Warren Walker’s uncle; Nadine Paul’s mother & cousin; Rose Botha’s mother-in law; Richard Gorlei’s mother; Gail Rossiter’s daughter; Father Des’ nephew & brother; Kevin Curtis’ nephew; Liz Newberry’s husband; Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & daughter-in-law; Gail Hansen’s mother; Bronwyn Curtis’ aunt; Manuel Lourenco’s nephew; Michael Basson’s daughter; May Dormehl’s brother-in law & daughter; Dean Ilett’s brothers, Jeanette Concer’s husband; Brigitte Gaud’s grandson; Paddy Pirie & Gail Rossiter’s sister; Debbie Macpherson’s father.


Hugh & Lou Elliott; Cathy Hogg;
Sue & Des Bloom; Sr. Catherina; Anthea Jack; Clare Whatmore; Virgile Bonhomme; Cameron Smith; Felicity Harrison; Irene Gliddon; Jenny Ducray; Hendrika Brock;
Leigh Went; Luc Pous; May Dormehl; Gail Rossiter. / Randolph Tryon; Gordon Urquhart; Olga Newby-Fraser; Maryse Bowman; Mary Kidd; Roger Brouard; Dorothy Warburton; Daphne Rahmer; Pierette Lenferna, Milly van Gogh; Pat du Trevou; Branko Kuzelj; Lynne Govender; Clifton Brock. / Sandra Teodosio; Tony Akal; Daniel Lourenco; Graham Steele; Teresa Latouf; Pam Farr; Nancy Chettiar; Simon Webb; Doug Haynes; Monique Saint-Georges; Zelda Byrne; Noreen Horton; Joy Lees; Gilda de Freitas; Pat Sturgess.


Grateful thanks to all who supported our Raffle which was drawn

after the 9.00am Mass last Sunday.

The Christmas Hamper was won by Chantelle Naude.

GRATEFUL THANKS from Felicity Harrison and Anthea Jack to members of their NSG group No 16 (Carol, Gail, Jenny, Marjorie, Margaret, Michelle & Sophia) for the delicious meals prepared and delivered to them during Felicity’s stay in hospital and her recovery at home. Sincere thanks also, to Fr Des and fellow parishioiners for the prayers during this time. Felicity is recovering well.

Scripture Readings For Next Sunday

Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6, 12-14 Colossians 3:12-21 Luke 2:22-40


“We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him” Matthew 2:2

Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early Church , or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through the biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God’s creativity. Discover the secret of the Star – a secret of magnificent beauty.

22 December at 6.00 pm on the School Ground.

Bring a picnic basket and a chair or cushion

Put Christ Back Into Christmas

a)  Put Christ back into Christmas” pack of 5 Christmas cards (R5 per pack), licence disc holders (R3) & bumper stickers (R5),

b) Nazareth House Christmas cards R15 for a pack of 5 assorted cards.

c) Knights of da Gama Christmas cards R25 for a pack of 8 assorted cards.

d) Calendars at R20,00 each.

SVDP Christmas Buckets

Fatima SVDP is putting together "Christmas Buckets" for the needy

in Ottawa - a donation of R130 will buy one person some

much-needed food items, particularly at this time of the year.

Any donation amount from "Good King Wenceslas" persons

toward a Christmas Bucket is also welcome!


Duty Lists are on the Notice Board at the main entrance to the Church.

Ministers of the Eucharist, Hospitality, & the Word, Sacristans and Altar Servers are asked to please fill your names in, if you are available, in the appropriate spaces. Those who have already volunteered are asked to please check the lists to confirm your duties. Furthermore, we ask that those Ministers who take the Eucharist to the sick,
to please fill your names in on the list if you are available.

Christmas Mass Times


Midnight Mass Commencing with a Carol Service at 11.15pm


Christmas Day 7.00am & 9.00am


Feast of St Stephen 9.00am


Mass 9.00am


Feast of the Holy Family 7.00am, 9.00am & 5.45pm



Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God: Mass 9.00am


The Feast of the Holy Family is celebrated on Sunday 28 December.

We wish to encourage families in the parish to attend Mass and to sit together where possible. A special invitation should be extended to non-Catholic spouses to attend this Mass during which we will have a blessing of marriages vows and families. There will also be a blessing for the divorced, widowed and single.


Thursday 1 January is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. You are invited and encouraged to celebrate this feast and to mark the first day of New Year by attending Holy Mass which will be celebrated at 9.00am.


Please note that the Parish office will be closed from 24 December to and will reopen on Monday 5 January 2015.


The Knights of da Gama, with the generosity of the Durban Community, collect, refurbish, pack and distribute toys to bring happiness to hundreds of children each year. These items may be left at the Parish Office during office hours.


In this the third month of our financial year, 68% of the parish have made a financial dedication. We thanks all who are supporting the work and mission of the parish and encourage the remaining 32% to make a financial dedication as soon as possible. Dedications forms are available from the parish office or on the table at the back of the church.

Prayer for our Families

God of tender love and mercy,

thank you for the gift and blessing of Christian family life and all families.

We entrust our families to your constant care and protection.

Grant us wisdom to see how we can change our home life,

to become more like that of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Teach us to listen to each other more attentively

and to be sensitive to each other’s needs.

Show us how to care for each other

and to share our time and all we have, generously.

Give us a spirit of patience and understanding.

Draw us together in deep bonds of friendship,
love and care for one another.

Comfort and strengthen us when we are wearied by trials and sorrows.

May the inspiration of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, be in our homes,

bringing light, warmth, unity, forgiveness and peace.

May we radiate the joy of Christian family life to all who come to our homes.

Bless our hearts and our homes now and always,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Mass Intentions

21 December 2014 to 28 December 2014

Sunday / 7.00am / Hallot & Bowman families RIP (Esme & Maryse) and
Thomas & Evelyn Cleary RIP (Donnelly family)
9.00am / Philippe Bernon RIP & Allister Ritchie RIP (Lise Bernon) and
Special Intention (Mike Coward)
5.45pm / Pro Populo
Monday / 9.00am / Yvonne McDonogh RIP (Rory & Norlie McDonogh))
Tuesday / 6.30am / Joan Rutherford RIP (Jacqui Botha)
Wednesday / Midnight / Pro Populo
Thursday / 7.00am / Alain Avrillon RIP (Nathalie Haynes) and
Ercole D’Ercole RIP (Michael & Claudette D’Ercole))
9.00am / Anthony Clark RIP (Pro Deo)
Friday / 9.00am / Paul & Jeanne Nair RIP (Fr Des)
Saturday / 9.00am / Special Intention (Mike Coward)
Sunday / 7.00am / Charlie & Tiny Baxter RIP (Anne Appelgren) and
Antonio Modari RIP (Natalie Modari)
9.00am / In Thanksgiving (Jessie Naidu) and
Lynette Hollinshead RIP (Jillian Hollinshead)
5.45pm / Pro Propulo

Welcome New Parishioners

Change of Address and/or Phone No

/ / Need dedication information

New registration

/ / Registered but do not receive mail
Moving out of the parish / Email mailing list
City / Code

Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality

Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B
21 December 2014
Commentary Terence Crotty OP
First Reading (2 Samuel 7:1-5; 8-12; 14; 16)
That the name ‘David’ occurs more often in the Bible than that of Jesus (or any other human name) witnesses his high importance. The promise made to King David recorded in this reading became a mainstay for Israelite hopes during the exile in Babylon and in the prophets: Israel could never be ultimately destroyed because of God’s promise of the descendent of David who would reign as king. The Ark of the Covenant, which is the place of the presence of God, now finally being placed in Jerusalem, David decides to build a proper temple for it; but, instead, God promises David that he himself will build David a house, meaning by that a royal dynasty. The emphasis, as elsewhere in David’s story (2 Sam 12:7-8) is on the sheer graciousness of God, who in turn requires no favours from David. As with Abraham (Gen 15) a child is the ultimate sign of this grace; here the child is Jesus.
Second Reading (Romans 16:25-27)
That, despite our doubts, we have the strength to live the Christian life is a recurring theme in the New Testament (Eph 3:20; Jude 24; 1 Jn 5:3) because of the authors’ confidence in God ‘who is able to give you the strength’. Human weakness is of secondary importance.
A ‘mystery’ for Paul is something which, were it not revealed, would remain unknown or unidentified. The ‘wisdom’ of God is a theme common to late Judaism and early Christianity. God’s ‘wisdom’ goes well beyond the sort of intelligence that the word signifies today: it is God’s arranging of the entirety of Creation and history, even making use of human sin to bring forth good. For Paul, this wisdom reaches its high point in the event of the coming of Christ.
Gospel (Luke 1:26-38)
In the first lines St Luke emphasises the virginity of Mary (noting it twice) and also mentions Joseph’s origins in the House of David. Jesus is both Son of God (by his virginal birth) and Son of David. The importance of this annunciation is thus highlighted: after 46 books of the Old Testament referring to God’s dealings with humanity, now suddenly God becomes human. The Holy Spirit, ‘coming upon’ Mary also came upon the waters of the abyss in the Creation story: Jesus is not just a new David but also a new Adam, inaugurating the new creation.
The power of the Most High which overshadows Mary is already present in Ex 40:34 where it covers the Tent of Meeting, God’s dwelling on earth among his people. This is the ‘glory of the Lord’ which Ezekiel (Ezek 11:23) saw departing from Jerusalem before the Babylonian exile, c. 598 B.C.; for the first time since then it is mentioned as returning, now overshadowing Mary, the new dwelling of God on earth.
The Gospel is therefore a painting of figures: of Mary as uniquely favoured, the sanctified dwelling of God; of Jesus in all his titles and as God himself, returning to dwell among his people. At the end the angel leaves: Jesus himself is now the messenger of God.