Credit Card Authorization Form Dinner Down the Orchard

Contact Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________ City/Zip__________

Email: __________________________ Phone: ____________

Circle preferred dates for dinner: $90.00pp (all inclusive) 4 courses/wines

March 25th, 2017 April 22, 2017 September 9, 2017

Please circle the Credit Card: AMEX VISA MC #of guests________

NUMBER: _____________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________________

PRINT NAME: ______________________Exp:_____ Code Back):________

Please sign and fax or email

Charges will be made one week prior to your scheduled dinner. $50.00 charge on ANY cancellation within one week of event. If cancelled within 48 hours of the specified event, 100% of the cost of the dinner will be forfeited. Chef menus will be on website 2 weeks prior to dinner. Please contact Schnepf Farms office with any questions use email: (480) 987-3100

22601 E. Cloud Road Queen Creek, AZ 85242 Ph: (480) 987-3100 Fax: (480) 987-3338
