Western Regional Community Advisory Committee Minutes
Date:April 16, 2014Location: Genesis United Methodist ChurchTime:12noon – 2pm
Members Present: Howard Manning (chair), Roberto Cardoso (vice-chair), Craig Ham, Classy Preston, Paul Gregg, Sharon McMillian, John Collins, Tracy Stone-Dino, Ira Jones, and Sharon Peterson
Staff Present: Karen Morant, Lisa Sellers, Regina Petteway, Michele Crenshaw, Maria Robayo
Members Absent: Madhu Sharma, Carlos Villamarin, Kathleen Herndon-Lee
- Opening
Classy Preston opened the meeting with a prayer
- Wake County Human Services Program Specialist Position
Regina updated committee members about the staff position that will assist the Western Regional Community Advisory Committee (WR CAC) development of a network of care. Regina shared that 80 applications were received, 5 candidates were interviewed. The interview committee has selected the top two candidates and Ramon Rojano selected one to interview. WCHS is waiting for an official offer to be accepted.
- March 27 WIC Expansion Presentation to the Human Services Board – Robert Cordoso
Michele sent a copy of the presentation to committee members prior to the meeting. Robert reported that the board was eager to listen, and ultimately agreed to support the WR CAC’s recommendation to provide a WIC office in the Western part of Wake County. (see Action Items)
- WIC Expansion Next Steps
Howard reported he has met with Bob Sorrels and Giang Le, to discuss a WIC service office operating inside of Dorcas Ministries including the associated costs to Wake County. Howard has had a general contractor assess and quote the up fit expense. Expenses of $86,000.00 have been shared with Bob Sorrels which he submitted in the FY15 Wake County expansion request.
- WIC Expansion Request for Support
Paul communicated that he has acquired a list of OB/GYN and Pediatricians offices located in the Western Region. Howard will ask a Dorcas volunteer to input names and address into an excel spreadsheet for Michele to perform a mail merge.
- Community Survey
John reported that Carlos has community survey questions. Michele read selected question aloud. Group members agreed to send the survey question to three contacts with diversity in mind. Howard asked members to bring results to the next meeting.
- WR CAC Strategic Direction
- Howard opened discussions regarding what western region service gap is the committee interested in researching. Karen reminded the group that she has given them copies of their strategic plan which consist of basic needs such as access to healthcare, Medicaid, food and energy assistance. Karen recommended the group review the 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment as a reference.
- Regina and Sharon Peterson can take back the question “Who does not have access to
what care?” and report back to the WR CAC. Michele suggested contacting Susan Davis,
Executive Director of Community Care of North Carolina Wake and Johnston Counties and ask her to attend an upcoming WR CAC meeting.
Action Items
1)Howard will send the WCHS Board a Thank You note on behalf of the committee.
2)Howard will ask Pablo Escobar, WCHS Board Chairperson for a WIC Expansion letter of support.
3)Michele will send the WCHS Board Minutes to the committee members.
4)Michele will create WR CAC letterhead and send to Howard.
5)Michele will set up a follow up meeting for Howard and/or Robert, Bob and Giang to further discuss the WIC expansion.
6)Howard will ask a Dorcas volunteer to input names and address into an excel spreadsheet for Michele to perform a mail merge.
7)Howard will contact the mayor of Cary to ask him to host a meeting with committee members and the mayors of Morrisville and Apex to discuss a western region WIC office. Howard will not attend this meeting.
8)John will contact Carlos and request community survey questions to be sent by committee members to three contacts.
9)Once members have the survey questions they will email 3 contacts to respond. Results will be discussed at the next meeting.
10)Howard will contact Charles Faust, Wake Health Services and Susan Davis, CCNC to request their attendance at next month’s meeting.
11)Regina and Sharon Peterson can take back the question “Who does not have access to
what care?” and report back to the WR CAC.
Meeting Adjourned, next meeting scheduled May 21, 2014, 12noon – 2pm, location TBD
Minutes reviewed by: Howard Manning