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Information for the ARCPs 2012
The Annual Cycle
A Training Year and the documentation associated with it runs from either:
•Date of the start of appointment to the first Review, or
•Date of one Review to the next Review.
For example, if a trainee was appointed to start in August 2010, and the Reviews are performed in June each year, the First Year Review would cover from August 2010 to June 2011 (ie: 10 months). The Second Year Review would cover from June 2011 to June 2012 (ie: 12 months).
Trainees may also be asked to attend for an interim review, especially if there is an unsatisfactory outcome at a previous ARCP, if cause for concern is raised during the year cycle, for trainees returning from out of programme leave, etc.
Training Forms
All forms MUST be completed electronically rather than by hand.
Then forms should either:
Be printed off, signed by all relevant parties and then scanned aindividual pdf files to the e-portfolio.
Digital signatures will be accepted onlyby those supervisors who have the electronic ability to seal the report as a locked pdf file that cannot then be altered. Such supervisors should be cleared in advance by the head of school. Unauthorised electronic signatures will not be accepted.
The Educational/Review Process requires the completion of 5 forms, plus submission of the trainee’s e-portfolio:
Form 1Trainee Demographic, Contact & CCT Data
Form 2Annual Appraisal Sheet & PDP
Form 3Clinical Supervisor Reports
Form 4Educational Supervisor ReportTraining Summary
Form 5Panel Summary, Outcome and Handover
Senior trainees (ST6-7) are also asked to submit a copy of their CV in preparation for a consultant CV at the end of training. CVs will not be considered for ST1-5 due to time restrictions so all relevant achievements must be recorded in the ESR.
Form I.Trainee Demographic, Contact & CCT Data
This form is completed by the trainee and contains:
- Trainee demographic information
- Trainee contact details
- Cumulative record of training time contributing to CCT date
In addition it is essential for trainees to keep the deanery informed of any changes to contact details during the year. This can be done by
Form 2. Appraisal Evidence Sheet & PDP
Regular appraisal and reflection on the progress is a vital element of training.
Form 2A is signed by the trainee and educational supervisor at the time of each appraisal as evidence that regular appraisal has taken place throughout the year and should then be recorded as complete in the final ESR for the ARCP.
Form 2B 2B is not reviewed by the ARCP panel but aims to provide structure and focus to the appraisal process. This is a personal development plan which should be completed in part by the trainee before their initial appraisal at each posting and then completed with the educational supervisor once aims and objectives have been set for the post. This should then be reviewed at later appraisals to reflect on progress made.
At subsequent appraisals the previous PDP and ESR, the e-portfolio and the ARCP panel summary (Form 5B) can then act as the basis for appraisal discussion and help when planning new goals and objectives.
Trainees may wish to upload Form 2 to the e-portfolio as a resource for future personal reflection but they are not reviewed by the ARCP panel routinely.
Form 3.Clinical Supervisor Reports
Clinical Supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the trainee in the workplace and are usually the consultant trainers on the firm to which the trainee is attached.
A separate Form 3must be completed by each Clinical Supervisor beforeany appraisal where the educational supervisor is due to complete an ESR and Training Summary, i.e. the end of term appraisal for Post 1 and the midterm appraisal for Post 2.
The CSR MUST be completed electronically rather than by hand. It may then either be electronically signed and closed as a locked PDF file or then printed off, signed, scanned and uploaded as a single PDF file which should be uploaded to the trainee e-portfolio and assigned to the ARCP as evidence. Again head of school clearance is required in advance for electronic signatures. Paper copies of CSRs will not be reviewed by the panel but instead viewed on the e-portfolio.
All CSRs will be reviewed by the ARCP panel in the e-portfolio.
Trainees should submit to the ARCP Review Panel:
- 2 CSR per post
- minimum of 4 per year (2 per year for ASTOs)
Please Note: Signatures confirm that this is a true record of the discussions which took place, and do not infer that the trainee is in agreement with the comments and opinions stated.
The trainee has space to write their own comments.
Form 4.Educational Supervisor Report & Annual Training Summary
The Educational Supervisor (often the College Tutor) is the trainer responsible for the supervision of a trainee’s progress over timeand performs their appraisals. They may or may not have direct clinical responsibility for the trainee.
Prior to completing Form 4, Educational Supervisors should ensure progress stated in the Clinical and Educational Supervisor Reports are a true reflection of recent performance and progress and should identify factors that might have influenced the trainee’s progress during the current training year. This is achieved by discussion with the Clinical Supervisors(this may be done, for example, at a departmental consultant meeting or by speaking individually with consultant colleagues and other senior staff).
Form 4 is a summary of the trainee’s achievements during the current training year, and includes some key cumulative totals. It takes the form ofa structured curriculum vitae covering all areas to be developed during training. The ESR is also a useful tool for appraisal and the transfer of information from one unit to the next.
Please note: Signatures confirm that this is a true record of the discussions which took place, and do not infer that the trainee is in agreement with the comments or opinions stated.
The trainee has space to write their own comments.
Form 4 should be completed in part by the traineeto summarize progress to date. The progress stated should then be added to and confirmed by the Educational Supervisor at the time of appraisal by witnessing evidence to support the data entered e.g. review of audits or publications, study leave allowance for that period etc.in signing the ESR the educational supervisor is confirming that he has witnessed evidence to support the ESR. Signing the form without witnessing evidence could be regarded as a patient safety risk and negligence on the part of the supervisor.
Form 4 and Form 5B are also essential documents to be reviewed by educational supervisors when taking on a new trainee.
In essence, From 4 submitted for an ARCP should look like a structured CV, with a full summary of professional achievements that build over years, with particular reference to all achieved since the last ARCP. (This means that the second ESR generally completed before the June ARCPs should include a summary of everything achieved over the previous year).
Form 5.Panel summary, Outcome and Handover
Form 5A is completed by the Review Panel to record which documents have been provided and are satisfactory. The CCT date is confirmed. The outcome (see The Gold Guide for details) is recorded and recommendations for further training and support made, prior to the trainee interview.
Form 5B is completed with the review panel and the head of school and signed by all concerned at the interview. This is then forwarded by the Deanery to the trainee and the trainee’s current and next Educational Supervisor.
Throughout their training, trainees should collect into a portfolio evidence of the training they have acquired, their achievements and their assessments.
Essential for the Annual Review are:
- Workplace based assessments (WBAs)
- Multisource feedback (part of WBAs)
- Certificates for examinations
- GMC Survey completion certificate
- Log book with each firm’s procedures signed by the Clinical Supervisor
- Publications copies of articles
- Audits copies of presentations, hand outs, guidelines, etc
The portfolio may also include:
- Ophthalmic Training Record Forms 1-4 (paper copy essential 2011)
- Certificates for prizes
- Certificates for attendance at courses, conferences, meetings, etc
- Presentations
- Appraisals (if the trainee wishes)
- Evidence of good practice – e.g: letters from patients or colleagues
- Evidence of teaching, management, organization, leadership, etc.
- Information relating to health and probity
Documents are best uploaded into personal resources in pdf format and compatible with word 1997-2003.
Those resources which you wish to be submitted as evidence for an ARCP MUST BE assigned to the ARCP. Otherwise they will not be available on line to the panel.
Certificates of attendance at courses or conferences should first be uploaded to resources and then linked to the CPD activity.
The CPD diary eventshould be marked as 'open' in the status section.
Guidance on using the portfolio is located at the following web address:
For any queries with regard to the e-portfolio, please discuss the matter with either your educational supervisor or contact Mr Manjit Mehat who is the West Midland Deanery lead trainee for e-portfolio support at
The Ophthalmic Training Record and Portfolio are documents central to the appraisal process. The Educational Supervisor is responsible for the formal appraisal process. Formal appraisal should take place at the start, in the middle and at the end of each placement. In preparation for these sessions, Clinical Supervisors will perform mini-appraisals at the beginning and end of each firm.
The following documentation will assist the appraisal process and should be made available to your supervisor to aid planning your PDP
- Previous educational supervisor report and ARCP outcomes
- Previous Personal development plan
- Planned annual and study leave
- College requirements (WBAs etc) expected for your year of OST
- CV
- Logbook
Personal Development Plan (PDP) – Form 2
The Personal Development Plan (PDP) is purely an appraisal document and can therefore remain confidential between the Trainee and Supervisor.
The PDP should be continued and developed throughout the year. It is often useful to share it with Clinical Supervisors as well as the Educational Supervisor.
Beginning-of-year Appraisal
At the beginning-of-post appraisal the trainee should provide to their Educational Supervisor:
- Ophthalmic Training Record (Form 4 and Form 5B) from the previous year
- Personal Development Plan (PDP) from previous year, and a new one to be
Mid-term Appraisal
This appraisal is aimed at checking progress made against the PDP set for that 6 month period and addressing any issues that may be preventing achievement of those goals.
End-of-post/year Appraisal
At the end-of-year appraisal the Educational Supervisors should:
- Review the trainee’s portfolio – including log book signed by Clinical Supervisors. See earlier comments about review of evidence.
- Review all the Form 3s (Clinical Supervisor Reports) for the year, and ensure that all are present.
- Review and complete Form 4 (Educational Supervisor Report & Training Summary).
ARCP Timetable 2012
ST1 – ST6Submission of paperwork / Friday May 18
ARCP Panel Review / Friday May 25
ARCP Interviews / Wednesday June 13 ST1-ST3 am
ST4-ST6 pm
Academic pm
ARCP Outcome 5 Reviews and Interview / Friday June 29
Submission of paperwork / Friday March 2
ARCP Panel Review and Interview / Friday March 9
ARCP Outcome 5 Reviews and Interview / Wednesday March 21 am
December ARCPs
Submission of paperwork / Friday December 7
ARCP panel and Interview / Friday December 14 am
All paper work should be submitted by 5 pm on the date listed to:
- Ms Yvonne Draper at West Midland Deanery,St Chads Court, 213 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 9RG.
Please note that the end-of-year appraisal will need to be completed beforehand, so remember to book a date with your supervisors well in advance!
The evidence presented must be able to demonstrate your career progress independently with panel members, as ARCP outcomes are determinedbefore interview on the evidence submitted and cannot be altered by mitigating circumstances presented later.Failure to submit appropriatepaperwork will result in ARCP Outcome 5, i.e. failure to present appropriate evidence of progress.
If you are unable to attend for interview on the appointed day, your paperwork MUST still be submitted for assessment and your ARCP outcome will still be determined in abstentia on the evidence submitted.Alterations to the timetable are not possible as timescales are extremely tight and interview is not an essential element of the ARCP process, except for those with an unfavourable outcome. For those who are unable to attend, Mrs Robinson is always available by appointment, outside the ARCP process, to discuss any training issues.
The submitted evidence for each trainee will be assessed by three panel members. For those trainees awarded Outcome 1 (favourable outcome), a short panel discussion will take place with the trainee to address any queries either may have that have not been addressed through regular appraisal with your educational supervisor.
For those trainees where an unsatisfactory outcome has been awarded, a more detailed interview will take place to determine if there are mitigating circumstances surrounding the evidence submitted and to agree a plan of action.
Those trainees awarded an outcome 5 will have two weeks to submit further evidence. Some may be called for interview on the same day (am).
ARCP Outcomes
Outcome 1Appropriate progress, proceed to next stage
Outcome 2Focused training required, no extension to training time
Outcome 3Additional training time required
Outcome 4 Removal from the training programme
Outcome 5Failure to submit appropriate paperwork
Further information available in The Gold guide for Subspeciality Training UK
Rosemary Robinson
Head of School
University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital
West Midland Deanery School of Ophthalmology ARCP Checklist
Paper Work Evidence to be submitted in advance
- Trainee demographic data (Form 1)
- Final Educational supervisor report (Form 4)
- CV for ST5 and above only(CVs for ST1-4 will not be reviewed due to time limitations)
Quality Assurance Paperwork
- Certificate of completion of JEST survey Feb 2011
- Certificate of completion of JEST survey May 2011
- Certificate of completion of GMC trainee survey 2011
E-portfolio evidence to be to be viewed online
- Educational supervisor report (Form 4) for first 6 months
- Clinical supervisor reports x 4 (ASTO at least 2) (Form 3)
- Copy of any examination certificates achieved since last ARCP.
- WBAs (must be 100% complete for stage)
- Completed CPD diary and scanned certificates of attendance
Please Note
Failure to provide feedback on training or poor attendance at regional postgraduate and local education teaching sessions will result in an unsatisfactory ARCP outcome on instructions from the dean.