COE Technology Committee Minutes

Monday – March 9, 2015

3:30 p.m. – SEC 123A


Mindy Noble, IRTS
Rodd Grady, IRTS
Daniel Mourlam – TQP Tech Specialist
Amy Staples, Special Education
Neil Clopton, IRTS
Marty Mark – Interim Chief Information Office, ITS-CIO’s
Maryam Ghayoor Rad – Grad Student
Jason Vetter – ITTC
Farah Kashef, COE/ITS
Chambray Daugherty
Travis Ficklin, HPELS /


Vickie Robinson, ELPSE
Ian Hubrig – Grad Student
Maxine Davis, IRTS
Magdalena Galloway, C & I
Michael Fanelli, Ed Psych
Nikki Lyons, Grad Student
Tim Thomas, IRTS
Linda Rosulek, OSFE
Aaron Howard, ITTC
Mary Herring, Associate Dean

♦ Neil opened the meeting with a discussion about Call for Proposals. The first Call was sent out to the departments that will not be affected by the SEC renovation. Those departments were: HPELS, CDC and SLS. They were allotted $24880 of the $89490 SCF funds. With $64610 remaining, the discussion to do another Call for Proposals now or wait until the renovation is complete needed to come to light. Marty has stated in a previous meeting the money will carry over. It was decided by the committee that we would wait to do the Call for Proposal at a later date.

♦ Information was shared by Farah that faculty and staff will be moving out in April and May to their temporary offices. Everyone will be moving out for the renovation. Farah will send an email out at a later date to let faculty know where she will be located.

♦ No subcommittee reports.

♦ Proposals were ranked in the following order:

#3 – High Speed Cameras - $3747.84 – fully funded

#2 – Mobile Eye - $21300 - fully funded

#5 – Preston CPR Manikins - $1950 – fully funded

#4 – Videography Cameras - $2524.91 - not funded

#1 - Scanner - $115.70 – not funded

Proposal #3, #2 and #5 were unanimously agreed upon to fully fund. The total amount of the funded proposals came to $26997.84. A shortfall of $2117.84 which the committee voted to fully fund. Proposal #4 and #1 were not funded.

♦ Meeting adjourned @ 4:02

Next meeting: Monday, April 7 at 3:30 in SEC 123A .

Respectfully submitted,

Mindy Noble