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Newsflash No.4 from the EuropeanCoatings SHOW 2013


EuropeanCoatings Show 2013 keeps up the pace


/ / / The coatingsindustryislooking on the bright side in 2013, despite the slighteconomicdownturn. As the ECS entersitsthirdday, more eagervisitorsflockto the stands or returntodiscoverfurthernovelties. The definitive figuresfor the ECS willbepublishedshortlyafter the show closes. The numberofexhibitorstotals 962 from 42 nations. The leadingexhibitorcountriesafterGermany (351) are China (155), the Netherlands (56) and Great Britain (46). More than 25,000 visitors are expectedtoattend the show over the threedays. “Wehavehad more visitorsthanexpected, especially on the first dayof the show,” saidJanaGoedicke, Head ofCommunication, DispersionsPigmentsEurope at BASF.

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Vincentz Network signscooperationwithTurkishcoatingsassociation BOSAD


/ / / Lookingforwardto a goodcollaboration: representativesof the TurkishcoatingsassociationBosadhave come to the EuropeanCoatings Show yesterdaytosign a cooperationcontractwithVincentz Network. As part of the agreement, Vincentz Network willsupportBosad in planning and organising the congress in conjunctionwith the trade show “Paint Istanbul 2014”. The signatoriesexpressedtheirgreatestconfidencethattheircooperationwill benefit bothparties and leadto a successful show and congressnextyear. The contractwassigned in a cordial atmosphere, asbothpartieshaveknowneachotherfor some time. The signatories (fromleftto right):AhmetYiğitbaşı (Vice Chairman, Bosad), AhmetFaikBitlis (Chairman, Bosad) and Jürgen Nowak (Publisher, Vincentz Network). "Paintistanbul" takesplaceeverytwoyears and hasdevelopedinto the mostimportantcongress and exhibitionfor the coatings and paintindustry in the region.

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Colour, variety and forwardthinking


/ / / Inspiredideas and progressive technologiesabound at the ECS 2013.Thedullweatherwasperhaps a strokeofluckfor the ECS. The colour in the hallscontrasted so stronglywith the greyskiesoutsidethatitwas a stillstrongerinducementtoremainindoors and enjoy the enormousvarietyofexhibits. The trend towardsdifferentiation and individualisation can beseenboth in the exhibits and the stands. Colour and appearance are a big differentiator and a veryimportantsellingargument. “Withnewtechnologies, you can developnewcolourproposals,” said Michael Bauer, Head of Marketing and Communications at Schlenk. “We produce effectpigmentsbased on aluminium and copper. Ournewbrandmeetscustomerneeds,” hecontinued. Heshowedhow the additionofanaluminiumeffectpigmentto a brownmetallicshade on a vintage Citroëncarproduced a completelynovel, sparklingyetdiscreetappearanceperfectlysuitedto the vehicle.

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Energy-savingresinforcar-refinish and high-end 2K markets


/ / / DSM CoatingResinsdeveloped a so-called “Energy Save” concepttoincreasereactivityfor 2-component car-refinishclearcoats. Normally the reactivityisincreasedbyadding more catalystto the 2-component system. Thishasmanydisadvantages, suchasshorterpot life, adhesion and appearancefailures. The “Energy Save” conceptdeveloped a resinfor 2-component car-refinishtopcoatswithoutthesedisadvantages. Thisresiniscalled "Hybrane® CY-245 E-75" and ispartlybased on DSM-patentedtechnology. When a carpainteruses a paintbased on thisresin, the curing temperature can bereducedfrom 60 to 40 °C withoutcompromising the properties. Althoughdevelopedfor VOC 420g/l compliantcar-refinishapplications, thisresin can alsobeused in othermarketsthatuse 2K polyurethanecoatings under controlledapplicationconditions, suchas ACE (agriculture, construction and earth-moving), commercial vehicles (trucks and busses) and generalindustry.


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Weight or volumetricfilling? Mix and match!


/ / / Belgian company De Vreedesigns and manufacturessemi-automatic and fullyautomaticfillingequipmentfor industrial fluidssuchaspaints, solvents, thinners, hardeners, adhesives, woodstains, woodpreservers etc. De Vreeis the preferredsupplierto a numberofworld-renownedmanufacturers. Recentnewdevelopments include machinesthat combine volumetric and weightfillingtoincreaseboth the fillingspeed and fillingaccuracyofcompressible and high viscosityproducts. A combined filler ofthistype, the V230H, willmakeits first appearance at thisyear’s ECS in Nürnberg.

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Grindinginto the nano range


/ / / Fritschpresentsitsplanetarymillsseries “premium line” forgrindingofcolouredpigments down to the nanometerrange. Withthismill rotation speedsof up to 1100 rpm and accelerationof 95 times the forceofgravity can beachieved. The resultingenergyapplicationisroughly 150 % greaterthanclassicplanetarymills. The bowl and lidform a solidunit: the grindingbowls are closed gas-tight withonemotion and with a secondmotion, they are safelylocked in the mill. The grindingbowls position themselves and snapsecurelyintoplace. The grindingchamberopens and closesautomatically and independentlyrotates the bowlmounts in a convenient position forhandling. The millautomaticallydetects the insertedgrindingbowls via a special RFID chip, thenoptimises the rotation speed and preventsimpermissiblegrindingsettings.

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Resinsthatresistfire and high temperatures


/ “Vinnapas LL3112” hasbeenintroducedas a copolymerbinderforwaterborneintumescentcoatingsthatprotectload-bearing steel structures in the eventoffire. Itspronouncedfoaming and expansion and long-termfoamstability are coupledwithimprovedadhesion and strength. Coatingswithfireresistanceclass F120 (heatprotectionfor up to 120 minutes) can bedeveloped. “Silres MPF 52E” is a newalkoxy-functional silicone resinemulsionforheat-resistantprotectivecoatings. Low-solvent or evensolvent-freecoatings can beformulated. Applicationsrangefrompots and panstoovens, pipes, plant and machineparts. Itmaybeusedtomodifyorganicpolymers, creatingsystemsthatwillresist up to 200 °C, or as a sole binderitwillresisttemperaturesof up to 500 °C.

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