MEETING Notes – Advocacy Committee

DATE: May 17, 2011

TIME: 1-2 p.m. ET

LOCATION: Conference call number: 1-866-705-3849, Pass Code: 9161176*

PURPOSE: To discuss progress on Advocacy Committee Work Plan.

Time / Topic / Background / Discussion Items / Action Steps
All 1-2 pm EST / Welcome and Roll Call / Members in attendance:
Joanne Rinker (NC), Trina Thompson (FL), Sharon Morris (CDC), Kate Watson (KS), Laura Pennington (WA), Karen Richard Lee (CDC), Deborah Griffin (AL), Brenda Ralls (UT)
NACDD: Marti Macchi, Trish Herrmann
Review and approval of March 15, 2011 meeting minutes (no April meeting due to DDT)
Natasha McCoy, Chair / The last meeting was held March 15 (there was no meeting in April due to the DDT conference). / Natasha reviewed the March 15 meeting minutes. No one had any edits. Kate motioned to approve. Trina seconded. Minutes were approved.
Subcommittee Reports
1. Update on DDT Conference Training (Natasha) / Advocacy committee held at a training
Tuesday afternoon (April 21) of DDT conference. / Natasha thanked everyone involved in planning the advocacy training at the DDT conference. About 45-50 people attended.
We received great feedback from the participants. Marti is preparing the official evaluation report.
From glancing at the evaluation, many participants did not know about PSTAT and there was an increase knowledge about what PSTAT is. Natasha served as a facilitator in Brenda Ralls place. Brenda was unable due to attend the DDT training due to an injury. Natasha thanked Brenda for her work on planning this training and preparing the evaluation tool.
There were two evaluations: 1) the standard evaluation for conference and 2) a special evaluation prepared by Brenda Ralls to capture addition information. / Committee members will review Evaluation Report from Advocacy Training on June call.
Subcommittee Reports
2. P-STAT (Marti Macchi) Call for subcommittee members / Marti provided an update on PSTAT.
Based on the evaluation of the DDT training, 14 States said they were interested in a potential PSTAT visit. This is out of the scope of PSTAT as we have resources to do only 2 PSTAT visits.
PSTAT materials are being revised and are expected to be completed by the end of this week.
Some changes from pilot project include length of training: change from 2.5 day to 1.5 days and have a smaller, specialized PSTAT team.
We need to reconvene PSTAT subcommittee. Subcommittee members will review PSTAT applications, assist with choosing 2 states, and helping with the evaluation of the PSTAT visits. Marti asked if anyone is interested in serving on this committee. Marti estimated that there will be three 1-hour phone calls between now and June.
Laura Pennington and Kate Watson volunteered to be on committee.
Joanne Rinker is willing to help out, if needed. / Members who are willing to serve should contact Marti Macchi. (Mmacchi
Marti will also ask previous subcommittee members about their interest to serve again.
PSTAT Article / Members have been working on article since last fall. / The article successfully cleared the CDC clearance process and was submitted to Preventing Chronic Disease (CDC’s online journal). This journal is translated to other languages so there will be international exposure.
Ellen Jones served as the lead for writing this article.
Policy & Legislation update
Federal legislation update / NACDD policy – legislative call / Marti gave an update from the May 16 NACDD policy and legislative call. Dave Hoffman and Lisa Meyer reported on 2011 operating budget for CDC.
The Chronic Disease and Prevention Center received more than $1 Billion; however this reflects a $300 million cut. This cut is backfilled by the Prevention Fund. The Prevention Fund is in jeopardy and Congress may choose not to fund.
Specific cuts for 2011 for CDC programs/divisions include:
Diabetes - $1.2 million
Heart disease and stroke - $1 million
Prevention block - $20 million
Consolidated Grant is part of 2012 budget.
The American Diabetes Association is advocating for funding allocation for primary prevention fund.
NACDD lobbing efforts are focused on 2012.
Dave Hoffman is working on a document, “Principles of Consolidation,” to educate Legislators on what consolidation of chronic disease programs and principle to consider. Consolidation requires resources, stable funding streams, and making sure programs have relationship with CDC.
Other updates:
States are eligible to apply for the Community Transformation Grants.
State Diabetes Coordinator Legislation is showing up again. Maureen Spence in NY said that potential legislation is under review in NY. Novo Nordisk is using data for estimates for the number of people with diabetes in 2015, 2025, and 2050 and wants State decision makers to put resources towards diabetes prevention and control.
When this legislation started appearing at States a couple of years ago,
Jim Copeland (previously with the DC DPCP) and Denise Cyzman (Previously the NACDD Senior Diabetes Consultant) spoke with Novo Nordisk.
Natasha has spoken to Dana Haza and Chris McCowan (Federal Government Relations) about this legislation. They are fully knowledgeable about DPCPs. Novo Nordisk is pushing for more resources in States, not necessarily for the DPCPs.
Natasha provided an update on what happened at a few states as a result of legislation.
TN appropriated diabetes prevention and control funds but it did not go to the DPCP. In GA, the state DPCP Coordinator became the Diabetes Coordinator for the state. In IL, the legislation caused the DPCP staff to be transferred to other divisions.
New Chair / Natasha introduced Trina Thompson. Trina served as the Chair for the Diabetes Council and has accepted the request to serve as the Chair of the Advocacy Committee. Trina will lead the June call.
Trina thanked Natasha for her work on the Advocacy Committee. Among her many accomplishments are overseeing both the PTAT project and development of the Advocacy Toolbox.
Review of Advocacy Committee Work plan, 2010-2011—Next Steps (Natasha) / Natasha reviewed workplan.
Frank Bright, DTTAC, and CDC staff are key resources for policy efforts.
Brenda Ralls and Natasha have been working on questions for the Advocacy Committee for the General Member Survey. Some questions will be asked be annually and some periodically.
Adjourn / Next meeting June 21, 2011, 1 pm to 2 pm, EST / Kate and many members thanked Natasha for her service, commitment, and leadership to this committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 2 pm.

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