Varsity Coach – Diane Kosakowski 719-761-2562

JV – Alex Villwock 720-822-2364

Assistant – Midi Daddis 303-995-5399

Athletic Trainer - Rachel Tincknell

Training room office - 303-387-1278 Office Hours – Monday-Friday 2:55pm - 6:30pm

Athletic Director – Jeff Gardella 303-387-1143

Athletic Assistant – Jan Shawcroft 303-387-1206

Welcome to the 2017-18 girls tennis season

Mission Statement

To offer a positive, fun, organized quality approach in all tennis related areas- physical, strategic, mental and technical. To teach the tools to reach a players full potential.

Coaching Philosophy Tennis is a vehicle to teach life skills, which enable athletes to become meaningful contributors to society. Our role as coaches is to develop these skills via positive lessons on the court and by creating self-awareness and developing confidence in the athletes. Tennis is a unique game that depends on the ethical behavior of the players. Our coaches and athletes will be held to the highest standard of integrity as we represent Douglas County High School with pride.

Practice Practices are mandatory and are held from 3:15 to 5:15 Monday – Friday beginning February 26th. In case of inclement weather, we will meet in the aux gym in the north building. Please come dressed to play if we are inside or outside. If we have a lot of snow on the courts we will have shovel days. I will always tell you the day prior to a shovel party so you can bring the appropriate clothing including boots because the courts become very slushy. You will also be asked to bring a plastic tip shovel if you have one. Shovels can be stored in Coach Villwocksroom, 31S, on shovel days.


Athletes are required to wear team shirts that will be provided, to all matches. The shirts are to be returned after season. If a shirt is lost or damaged the player will be charged $25 for a replacement. Players are to provide their own black shirt or shorts for matches. Any appropriate tennis clothes are acceptable for practices. No jeans or street clothes please. All players must wear tennis shoes (not running shoes) for safety reasons, as tennis is a multi-directional sport. If you have any questions about shoes please ask your coach.

It is recommended for players to have a tennis bag or any sort of bag to bring what you need to be prepared for practice and matches. This should include:

Sweatshirt or jacket, hat, gloves and pants for weather changes

Snack food

Water bottle We will have a water jug at practices and home matches for you to fill your water bottles. Please have filled bottles for away matches incase water is not provided.

Hair ties – yes I can guarantee it will be windy out

Sunscreen – my optimistic side 

Band-Aids, Kleenex, etc.

AttendanceIf your home sick please send your coach a text by noon of that day to tell them you will not be at practice.If you get sick that afternoon please text ASAP. Practices are planned in advance and it makes a difference if you are not there. Please make every effort to be in attendance.

Excused absences include being home from school with an illness or school sanctioned events.Unexcused absences include after school jobs, vacations, making up tests without prior approval, or attending a practice or tryouts for another sport or organization. Three unexcused absences will result in suspension for one match. Each following unexcused absence will result in one match suspension each. Repetitive behavior may result in removal from the team. Tardiness to practice or leaving early from practice will not be accepted. Two such occurrences will equal one unexcused absence.

In the case of medical excuses other than illness (i.e. injuries, or any other condition that might physically hinder the athlete from practicing), you are required to come to practice and watch in order to remain a member in good standing. PLEASE NOTE - If an athlete goes to the doctor they must have a doctor’s note in order to be able to participate in practice, games, and tournaments. If an athlete does not get a note they must sit out until the coach receives one. Coach’s discretion will be used in all circumstances. Extended absences for illness, injury, emergency, or family functions will be addressed individually and an appropriate consequence will be required. If you need to see a trainer for any injury and then go to your own private doctor the doctor’s note must be taken to the trainer’s office for clearance, not to the coach.

If you miss practice with an unexcused absence during challenge matches, it will be considered a loss. If you are at school that day and do not come to practice without notice you will be asked to sit out the next day’s practice and/or match.

*Students must be present for ½ of the school day to be eligible to participate in practice or a game that day (CHSAA Rule)

Schedule Conference matches are played on Tuesday and Thursday’s. We will need to have parent volunteers to help transport the players to the matches. We can also use student drivers. We always meet in the lobby of the North building before leaving for matches and we leave as a team unless prior plans have been arranged. Players must stay untilthe conclusion of all the matches before leaving;they may not leave after their own match is complete. If there is a situation where the student needs to leave early prior approval is needed from one of the coaches.

The schedule is online at Girls tennis

Varsity matches are played at the school courts. JV matches are played at Bison Park.

Start timefor all matches is 3:30 pm and students will be dismissed early for away matches only.

Season begins 2/26 No practice during spring break

Lettering Requirements

Lettering is for varsity team members only thatfinish the season in good standing. JV players in good standing, who play up in Varsity matches, can qualify for a letter after 2 matches. To remain in good standing, the athlete will need to participate in the mandatory activities (practices, games, team functions, dinners, meetings, fund-raisers, etc.)

Determining Team Line-ups We will have several students that have never played tennis before, have a little experience, or have not played since last year. We will therefore spend time with them practicing and learning as much about tennis as we can before we even have a match. All players, regardless of their playing levels will play in matches. Returning players will be having tryouts so we can develop a line-up. The singles line-up will be determined strictly by challenge match results. For doubles, we often have to use our own judgment as to who would play well with whom when putting together the strongest doubles teams. Singles and doubles are very different games and it takes a lot of knowledge of the game to assess doubles ability. The coaches, challenge matches, doubles knowledge, experience and compatibility with a partner will determine the doubles positions.

The coaches will be developing the best team line-up for DCHS. There are no substitutions in tennis unless there is an injury or ineligibility. If a position is unable to play for “3” consecutive matches, the coach may not substitute a player and must move the line-up up in order to ensure that the best players/teams are playing in that position based upon challenge matches. There are only 11 players on the varsity team. The Varsity team plays 3 singles and 4 doubles positions and a match is a standard 2 out of 3 sets format. The third set may be a tiebreaker if the weather or darkness becomes an issue. Varsity players must play in the same position at least 6 times to qualify for Regionals. The JV team will play an all doubles format and play pro sets due to the numbers of players and courts available.

Expectations Sportsmanlike behavior on and off the court is always expected. I have always been very proud of my girls and expect them to feel proud to be part of this team. I will not tolerate any disrespect toward anyone including opponents.I always receive compliments from our opponents on how well behaved my girls are if they are winning or losing. After matches, it is expected for all players to acknowledge the opposing coach with a thank you and handshake.

Please read together the online documents on the registration page including rules and expectation, sporting behavior and hazing. Hazing in any form will not be tolerated.

Being an athlete requires a GREAT deal of time, commitment and dedication. Academics should always be a priority; tennis should be next, with all other activities to follow. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • The athlete will maintain academic eligibility (CHASSA and program guidelines)
  • The athlete will represent Douglas County High School in a positive manner in action, dress and overall conduct and will exhibit acceptable standards of citizenship at all times.
  • The athlete will refrain from gossiping or any form of verbal or physical confrontation.
  • The athlete will follow through with all commitments. The athlete will attend all practices, games and functions and will be on time to said events. Further, she will plan family outings, appointment and other activities with their tennis schedule in mind. She will take responsibility for notifying the coach of an absence.
  • The athlete will communicate in a positive manner with teammates, coaches, opponents, parents and other staff.
  • The athlete will maintain a positive attitude towards school and tennis.
  • The athlete will continue to be coachable.
  • The athlete will concentrate on their improvement and not on coaching their teammates.
  • The athlete will be able to take direction and criticisms positively
  • The athlete will be cooperative.
  • The athlete will come to practice with the intention f improving their skills and supporting their teammates.

Parents and spectators are welcome and highly encouraged to attend matches and to cheer for good points made by either team. Mistakes should never be applauded. The players work hard and always appreciate an audience. Parents are not allowed to coach during match play. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the DCHS coaches only. Parents are highly encouraged to focus on the effort and sportsmanship of their child after matches. Please leave the technical or strategic feedback to the coaches. Parent support is so important to the success of a season.

Team ParentI will be asking for a team parent or parents from both the V and JV teams or parents who could help me to organize the snack schedule for the matches. I will also need them to help me to organize the end of the year banquet. Ideas for snacks include include small sandwiches, fruit, crackers, cheese, bagels, trail mix, granola or protein bars. Please no oranges due to the bee issue at the courts. Also a cooler of water/sport drinks is always appreciated. Please no junk food, or soda. We ask for the snacks to be to the courts at 3 pm for home matches so they can grab something before they go on the court. Girls also enjoy team dinners. If anyone is interest in hosting the girls for dinner the day before a match please let me know. The dinners really help the team to bond.

Sunday Contact and Out of school TournamentsA coach may have contact with his or her team on Sunday for a social, academic or service related activity that is strictly voluntary. The contact must be a voluntary, non-competitive/non- participatory activity.

If your player signs up for a tournament during spring break they must have prior approval from the school principal.

24 Hour RuleThere are steps to communication with the coaches. As a coaching staff we ask you to adhere to our 24-hour rule for not contacting us after competition. This means no emails or phone calls. We will not respond to communication that is within this window.


First Step - Player should talk to the appropriate team coach. If no resolution is reached move to second step.

Second Step - Parent(s) and player should make an appointment to talk with the appropriate team coach. Parent and athlete must be present at this meeting. If no resolution move to third step.

Third Step - The coaches, athlete and parents will meet with the athletic director. All must be present at the meeting. In these meetings playing time will not be discussed. Athleticism/skill of other players will not be discussed. We can help your athlete understand what they can work on for personal improvement.

Fundraisers/Community Service - I would love to have help to work on a fundraiser for during the season. Tennis does not have the benefit of a boosters club but still have expenses that occur. I would also love for the players to get involved in some sort of community service.

Please let me know if you have any ideas for a fundraiser or community service project.

I’m looking forward to a great season and keeping my fingers crossed for good weather. I find it a privilege to work with your girls. I have been coaching and teaching tennis for many years and my goal to make this a positive experience. Please feel free to call, email or text me if you have any questions or issues.

Team Communications – there are many options to stay informed during the season. If there are any changes on match days, coaches will text the players. Please ask your players to text you with the information. The information will also be posted on the website, Facebook page and on twitter. Please make sure your information is correct and listed on the registration page. This is where we as coaches get your contact information.

Website dchuskies.org

Facebook DCHS Tennis

Twitter @DCHSTennis

Please read and sign the last sheet and turn it in to one of the coaches or please email me at to confirm you have read the handbook.

Players Name


I have read the Douglas County 2017-18 Tennis Handbook in its entirety and understand its contents. I understand the responsibility my child is undertaking by becoming a Douglas County Tennis player. I agree to fully support my child and will encourage them to fulfill their commitment. I understand that being a Douglas County Athlete is a commitment on the part of the parent as well. I realize that when representing Douglas County, I must always conduct myself with class and responsibility. I understand that any athlete or parent that does not abide by the rules and regulations contained in their contract, that is consistently negative, or acts in a manner that jeopardize the name and reputation of the Douglas County Tennis Program, will be subjected to removal with no refund.

Athlete: I have read the 2017-18 Tennis Handbook and understand what is expected of me to fulfill my obligation to my teammates and to the program. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations contained in this document and all the other DCSD and DCHS documents. I will give 100% in order to make our team the best possible. I am eagerly looking forward to becoming an active member of the 2017-18 Douglas County High School Tennis team.

Athlete’s Signature:______


Parent: I have read the 2017-18 DCHS Tennis Handbook and understand the principles and expectations contained within. I agree to assist my athlete in fulfilling their role in the DCHS Tennis program. I am aware that athletics requires an enormous time commitment and lots of dedication from both athletes and parents. I will support the program, the other athletes in the program and my daughter 100%.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______

Date: ______