Reference:MADate:13th October 2014
Dear Parent
As you will be aware,Ebbw Fawr Learning Community opened on the 1stSeptember 2012. There is current a Parent Governor vacancy of the Governing Body.
There are 6 Parent Governor positions on the Governing Body. All parents, or legal guardians, of pupils registered at the school are eligible to participate in the election. Those elected will serve for a period of four years and they may continue as Governors even if their child or children leave the school during this time. They may of course resign at any time during the four years.
School Governors have an important part to play in ensuring that the requirements of the National Curriculum are met, establishing standards of behaviour, theselection of staff, budget matters and preparation and presentation of the Annual Report to Parents. Governing Bodies are required to meet at least once a term and most meet after 4.00 p.m. or during the evening. The frequency and timing of meetings will be decided by the Governing Body at its Annual Meeting.
Those parents who have already served as Governors may choose to seek re-election provided they still have a child or children of statutory school age. Grandparents of pupils are not allowed to take part in the election unless they are the legal guardians of the child. No Governor may serve on more than two school Governing Bodies in any category.
Ebbw Fawr Learning Community is a 3-16 school, which educates children from nursery age through to age 16. Therefore, it would be beneficial for both the primary and secondary sectors of the school to be equitably represented by parents on the GoverningBody, although this is not a mandatory requirement.
I enclose a nomination form to enable you to put your name forward for election or to propose or second a parent. You may propose or second candidates up to the number of vacancies. All nominees, proposers and seconders must be parents or pupils registered at the school. It is in order for a wife to propose or second her husband’s nomination, and vice versa. Nominees must indicate their acceptance of a nomination and may include a brief personal statement to be distributed to parents in the event of a ballot.
The nomination form should be returned to Mrs Marie Anderson, Clerk to the Governing Body, Ebbw Fawr Learning Community, byFriday 24th October, 2014.
If only one valid nomination is received, then this parent will be declared as the Parent Governor.
If more than one nomination is received then all parents will be given the opportunity to vote in a secret ballot. Details of the election will be sent to you at the appropriate time, if necessary.
The names of parents elected to serve on the Governing Body will be displayed at the school.
Yours faithfully
M. Anderson
Marie Anderson
Clerk to the Governing Body
Ebbw Fawr Learning Community
Education Act 1996
Parents of pupils registered atEbbw Fawr Learning Communityare entitled to elect 1 Parent Representative(s) to serve on the School Governing Body, due to one position being vacant
Parents proposing or seconding a fellow parent and those accepting the nomination should complete the appropriate section below.
The form should then be returned to Mrs Marie Anderson, Clerk to the Governing Body, Ebbw Fawr Learning Community, by Friday 24th October, 2014.. Parents nominated may wish to offer a brief personal statement for publication to other parents. If this is the case, please use the space provided. Any statement should be printed, in order to avoid any misinterpretation when reproduced, and signed by the nominee.
Full name and address ofNominated Parent / Name and address of Proposer / Name and address of Seconder
Mr/Mrs/Miss / Mr/Mrs/Miss / Mr/Mrs/Miss
I accept this nomination.
Signed: / Signed: / Signed:
Date: / Date: / Date:
Personal Statement of Nominated Parent
Signed: / Date: