ALCTS Program Evaluation Form - YEAR
Program Sponsor
ALA Annual Conference <Location> Date:______
Your evaluation of this workshop is very important to the presenter and to ALCTS. Your honest, candid answers to the following questions will assist us in providing quality programs.
Please rate the following aspects of today's workshop by checking the box that best reflects your evaluation:
- The content of the Program:
5 4 3 2 1___
a. was extremely valuable ______of little value
b. provided enough detail______too general
c. was current & relevant______outdated
d. was cohesive & logical______fragmented/difficult to follow
e. was appropriate to my needs______not at all appropriate
f. met its stated objectives______did not meet objectives
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The presenter:
5 4 3 2 1____
g. was knowledgeable______was unsure of the material
h. had good presentation skills______had poor presentation skills
i. encouraged participation______discouraged participation
j. addressed my level ofdid not consider my level
k. answered questions directly______did not answer questions
l. was prepared______was not prepared
m. understood the audience______ignored audience dynamics
- The training materials (handouts):
5 4 3 2 1__
n. are excellent______are poor
o. followed course content______are disjointed/out of sequence
p. are valuable for future reference______are of no value
- Overall, the Program:
5 4 3 2 1___
a. pace was excellent______pace was not appropriate
b. was too long______was too short
c. was well organized______was not well organized
d. had clear goals______had unclear goals
e. exceeded my expectations______was disappointing
f. increased my knowledge added nothing to my knowledge
about the topics presented______
g. information about the institute could find nothing on the Institute
was easy to find______
h. registration was convenient______registration was difficult
i. was a good value______was too expensive
j. was excellent overall______was poor overall
- How did you learn about this program? (check one)
ALCTS web site Annual Conference ProgramPress Release
ALA web site Advance publicityWord or Mouth
Other (please list)______
Please give the following information about yourself:
- Type of library or organization: (check one)
University College Community CollegePublic School Special/Corp. Other______
- Select the one area in which you work primarily: (check only one)
Access Services Acquisitions Administration Cataloging Collection Development
Public Services SerialsSpecial Collections/Archives/ Technical Services (General)
Web/Digital Resources
- At what level is your position? (check one)
DirectorAssoc/Asst DirectorDept. HeadSupervisor/Manager Professional staff Paraprofessional staff
- Your level of knowledge in the subject of this program before today: expert 5 4 3 2 1 novice
- Your level of experience in the subject of this program before today: very experienced 5 4 3 2 1 beginner
- Other comments:
THANK YOU! Please return your completed form to the Program Coordinator.