‘Inspire to believe and achieve’
Shoscombe Church of England VA Primary School
Oversubscription Criteria School Admissions Code - 2012
Ethos statement: ‘Recognising its historic foundation, Shoscombe School will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and Diocesan level.
The school aims to serve the community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes and upholds Christian values through the experience it offers to all its learners.
The aim is to provide a safe environment in which all the children are values as individuals made in the image of God and in which they can find security, acceptance, reassurance and an opportunity to develop their full potential. The school’s intention is to create a caring and happy community’.
Shoscombe Church of England Primary is a Voluntary aided School and as such the governing body is the admissions authority for the school.
The school was established to serve all within its community and strives to offer high quality education underpinned by a distinctively Christian ethos.
All applications for admissions must be submitted to your home local authority by the closing date of 15th January 2012, and will be considered under the Equal Preference with ranking system of allocation. The supplementary information forms, (SIFs) must be sent to the school. The Local Authority (LA) will forward details of all preferences to the school and the governing body will rank them against the oversubscription criteria set out below. This list will then be returned to the Local authority under the co-ordinated admissions scheme and the child’s home LA will make a single offer of a place which in the case of Bath & North East Somerset residents will be on the 20th April 2012.
The admissions number for the Reception class for September 2012 is seventeen in September. If the number of applications exceeds the published admissions number then the governors will admit in accordance with the following priority.
There is a different procedure for the admission to school for children with Statements of Special Educational Needs: it is administered by the Local Authority (LA) in whose area the family lives. The LA is responsible for issuing the Statement and consulting the parents and the governing body of Shoscombe Primary school, before the school is named in the Statement. If the school is named in the statement the child will be admitted.
1. Children in care (children in care of a local authority).
2. Admissions criteria as stipulated in Shoscombe Church of England Primary School’s Trust Deed which identifies that priority is to be given to the ‘children only of the labouring, manufacturing and other poorer class ‘ of the Parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill. Those children to be identified as children of families who are in receipt of Income Support.
3. Children who themselves or whose parents are practising members of the Church of England which is the founding religious body of the school and who live within the Parish St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill. (See notes to identify ‘practising’ and how to access a map of the parish).
4. Children living within the Parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill, with an older sibling at the school at the time of admission, and who live at the same address.
5. Children living in the Parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill.
6. Children who themselves or whose parents are practising members of the founding religious body of the school and who live outside the Parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill.
7. Children of other faiths whose parents are supportive of the ethos of a Church of England School and who live in the Parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill
8. Children living outside the parish of St James the Less, Foxcote with Shoscombe and the neighbouring hamlets of Woodborough, Stoney Littleton and Double Hill, with an older sibling at the school at the time of admission, and who live at the same address.
9. Children living outside the Parish of St James the Less, Shoscombe with Foxcote but closest to the school as measured in a direct line distance.
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In applying these criteria:
a) A child is a sibling if they are a full or half brother or sister, they are an adoptive brother or sister or they are children of the same household.
b) A parent includes all those people, including carers, who have parental responsibility for a child as set out in the Children Act 1989.
c) Parents of pupils, who qualify under Criterion 2 specifically in relation to the school’s Trust Deed, should contact the school, the Rector of the Parish of Camerton, Dunkerton and Foxcote with Shoscombe and or a Church Foundation Governor in the first instance. A written request must then be sent to the school by 15th January 2012
d) For school oversubscription purposes, the child’s home address will be considered to be the place where the child permanently resides. This would normally be the same address as the person who has parental responsibility for the child as their main carer. Where parents/carers equally share parental responsibility for a child, the governors will consider a place of residence of the parent/carer who receives Child Benefit to be the child’s home. The admission authority (the governing body) reserves the right to request independent confirmation of the child’s place of residence. Parents may be asked to supply such documentation to support their application as deemed appropriate, e.g. a letter of confirmation of the receipt of Child Benefit.
e) Should there be more applicants within any of the categories than there are places remaining, priority will be given to the children living closest to the school as measured in a direct line between the home address and the school. Should there be more applicants in any of the categories than there are places remaining, priority will be given to the children living closest to the school as measured in a direct line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school. Measurement will be determined using the Local Authority’s GIS computerised mapping system.
f) For categories 3, 6 & 7, a completed supplementary information form (SIF), part A completed by the parent/guardian and part B completed by the vicar/priest/minister/faith leader or church officer must be sent to the Headteacher at the school. For the purposes of this admissions criteria the Diocese of Bath and Wells supports the policy of ‘local schools for local children’ and recommends that either the child or at least one parent has attended worship at the church for at least once a month for a minimum of 6 months prior to the time of application.
g) A map of the Parish as identified in Criterion 3 can be viewed at the school.
h) In the event that a final place/places cannot be allocated as it is impossible to further define a difference between applications (i.e. determining an allocation from persons of the same household such as children of multiple births or residing in the same household/building), all or both final place allocations will be admitted.
i) In the event of over-subscription for the Reception year intake, the governors will keep, until the end of the academic year of admission an updated waiting list of on time refusals and late applications. A copy of the waiting list will also be held by the Local Authority. On time refusals and late applications will be ranked as prescribed in the Government’s School admissions Code which became law on 10th February 2009. Children will be ranked in the same order as the over subscription categories. However, children who are the subject of a direction by the LA to admit or who are allocated to the school with a Fair Access Protocol must take precedence over those on the waiting list.
j) For those parents seeking a place for their child/children at other times during the academic year (known as ‘In Year Admissions’). Parents must request an application form from their HOME Local Authority. The completed form must be returned to the HOME authority in all cases but the school’s Supplementary Information Form (SIF) should be returned directly to the school. Under agreed co-ordinated admission arrangements Bath & North East Somerset Local Authority will inform the Governors of applications received and the Governor’s Admission Committee will meet to make a decision on the school’s ability to accept the new child/children. Their decision will be based upon the school’s capacity to admit the child/children. In the event of more than one application children will be ranked in the same order as the oversubscription criteria.
k) In the event of parents seeking to appeal against a decision not to admit a pupil, the governors will present their case at the appeal hearing.
Shoscombe Church of England Primary School
St Julian’s Road,
18th October 2011 BATH
Review Annually BA2 8NB