DATE: October 23, 2013

TIME: 1:30

ROOM: 107

ATTENDANCE: Jason Balserait, Chris Borglum, Kera Coyer, Susan Dunn,Isabel Hagan, Damion Hammock, Dr. Stacey Johnson, Lisa Keeton, Dr. Shara Lee, Dr. Michele McArdle, Cate McGowan, Ben Mittag,Katy Moore, John Niss, Marva Pryor, Jamie Rost, Upasana Santra, Leesa Sward, Linda Villarand Val Woldman.

WELCOME – Michele McArdle

GUESTS – Amy Eger

IEW Week – Kera Coyer

  • Handouts distributed
  • November 6 in room 221
  • Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury speaking on Challenges of Poverty in the World’s Most Vulnerable Nations: A Possible Way Out
  • 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
  • November 11-15: International Education Week (college-wide)
  • Winter Park Campus calendar was distributed as a handout at meeting
  • College-wide calendar was distributed in The Grove on Oct. 29th
  • Finalized calendar sent with minutes

Ice Breaker – Facilitated by Isabel Hagan

  • Mental activity about how perception plays an important role in our decision making process.

All USA Awards– Michele

  • PTK Scholarships
  • If you know students who may be able to qualify, send them to Sunni
  • Deadline: November 21st

Instructional Materials Policy – Michele

  • Instructional Materials forms
  • Standard adoption
  • Opt Out Supplemental materials form
  • These materials will need to be approved through these forms

SACS compliance report–Michele

  • General ed/Assessment plans
  • Thank you for the work you’ve been doing with the assessment plans
  • Mid-morning, Monday, November 11, 2013
  • SACs people may meet with a few faculty
  • May ask about student complaints
  • Dean’s Office is assessing credentialing paperwork
  • SACs Assessment report distributed

TED Woman Conference –Michele

  • Friday, December 6th
  • 224-226
  • We will be Advertising to Women’s Groups
  • Committee meeting next week to discuss

Campus NISOD Award

  • Cheryl Robinson was awarded

Learning Community Definitions – Michele

  • LinC classes
  • Difference between LinC course, and paired course

Governance Redesign Update–Michele

  • Damion, John, Suzette, Susan, John, Dr. Johnson and Michele
  • Four designs for model
  • Dr. Shugart will visit Winter Park campus December 12 1:30-3:30
  • Feedback about new model
  • Longer term for Faculty Association President for continuity? - John
  • Team formation for state requirements, utilization of strategic counsel – Dr. Johnson
  • Annual Planning Meetings

Sage Update– Michele

  • Handouts
  • Faculty Curriculum
  • Study abroad
  • Addressing Internationalizing curriculums within courses
  • Working Statistics/Business Calculus - Damion

Faculty Credentials Procedure Manual-Michele

  • Credential Procedures Manual available online
  • Chris, John, Susan, and Michele work on the credentialing process
  • This Manual formalizes what we are already doing
  • We would like to thank Michele Foster and Karen Gordon for working on that

Grade Distribution Reports-Michele

  • Michele will share the data in individual meetings.

Program Learning Outcome Timeline and Curricular Mapping Projects-Michele

  • Deadline: June 2014

Student Feedback on Instruction Workshop – Leesa Sward

  • Nine Items with Laura
  • Leesa Sward- It’s an online workshop 1.5-2 hours
  • Reviews how to access reports, and demonstrates how to use different tools to analyze your results.
  • Leesa has sent instructions and tips to get your students to participate.
  • Laura leads Student Feedback of Instruction Training
  • Extra Credit/Incentives for students to participate in this
  • Send Blackboard instructions announcement
  • Students complete assessment
  • Send instructor screenshot of “Completed” page
  • Instructor can see who provided feedback without them seeing what they said

Community Partners Meeting – Val Woldman

  • Valencia Students: Library Access at Winter Park Library (pending)
  • Five houses: Habitat for Humanity, Energy Efficient, Modular Homes on New England Ave
  • Perfect for beginning Professors
  • Land Lease for first-time home owners
  • Applications available online
  • Winter Park Neighborhood Center for Families
  • Thanksgiving food drive at Winter Park Tech
  • Need to provided turkey dinners for ten families
  • Ready to eat, non-perishable foods or gift cards needed/requested

Discipline Assessments – Various Faculty

  • Leesa- Science faculty must prove that they are teaching / assessing scientific method by reporting it to their dean
  • Val - Students are randomly selected from all humanities classes. Selected papers are graded on a rubric.
  • Assessed for Cultural/historical understanding, and evidence and support.
  • Added indicator for writing style from English department.
  • Chris - Randomly-selected English professors are assessed on information literacy, written communication and critical thinking, through 400-word essays submitted by students.
  • Establishing a process through Blackboard, so faculty don’t read redundant essays, and each member would read 20 essays.
  • Ben - Library assessments are partnered with instructors to assess information literacy.
  • All English professors
  • John - Math faculty, sample surveying through college algebra. Critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning skills.
  • Ethical responsibility
  • Suzette - Speech faculty, oral communication assessments. Four criteria to reflect critical thinking, and Q&A for interpersonal communication on a rubric.
  • Marva - Business faculty, intro to business common project. Design of small business.

Introducing Amy Eger, New Instructional Designer – Shara Lee

  • Mondays & Tuesdays 815-415
  • Available Fridays by appointment

New CTLI Hours – Shara Lee

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30AM-5:00PM
  • Wednesday 8:30AM-7:00PM
  • Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM

New Sign for CTLI

  • Faculty will be featured in sign

Upcoming Professional Development Course–Shara Lee

  • February 2014: Peer Observation of Teaching, Professional Development at Winter Park
  • Focuses on:
  • Best Practices
  • Greater sense of collegiality
  • 2 hour course

Student Online Preparation Course – Shara Lee

  • Start Right with Online Learning
  • Training Students with LMS
  • Research for development of online course simulation for students
  • Amy, Katy, Michele, Cate, Shara, Damion, and Ben are working on this plus people collegewide
  • It’s important to plan out what is the next phase after we look at the LMS training – Dr. Johnson
  • Katy reported that students tend to be overly optimistic when they report their online readiness
  • Look at what Endowed chairs have tackled similar projects. – Dr. Johnson

Registration related verbiage – Linda Villar

  • 2 Handouts
  • Suggested verbiage:
  • Grade forgiveness not available for C grade or higher
  • Second Attempts/Third Attempts – student receives grade for 3rd
  • Pop-up warning if students sign up for a repeated course
  • Damion asked about Supplemental Learning or support services – it was suggested the message include examples of services, i.e., tutoring, SL

Staff Appreciation Event – Michele

  • Michele thanked Isabel for staff appreciation event

Book Orders – Isabel Hagan

  • Isabel thanked faculty for working with her on those
  • She will send the book order list again next week for faculty to review

Strategic Equipment – Isabel Hagan

  • Katy looked at Seminole state and libraries/testing centers for upgrade ideas
  • Testing Center and Library are being upgraded
  • Library will move bookshelves out of the quiet study area
  • Moving printers closer to math lab area
  • Expecting delivery of new furniture the last week of December

Facilities – Isabel Hagan

  • New carpet in 113/114 was approved
  • AC issues are in the works
  • Let Isabel know every time there is a problem so she can keep track of the problem
  • 249 keypad, Isabel is providing the log to maintenance to justify why we need to utilize this expense

Valencia Ally – Isabel

  • 3–hour workshop
  • To establish safezones on campus for students who are seeking someone to talk with.

NetTutor – Lisa Keeton

  • Lisa provided feedback from demonstration for NetTutor
  • If anyone wants to pilot online tutoring through Blackboard, contact Lisa so she can look at what subjects are needed.

Ramp Collection Fund for Ilyse – Michele

  • Card at Aaron’s Desk

Meeting Adjournment at 3:22PM