Welcome to Imperial School!


School Year by MonthsPage 2





P.O. Box 240

Imperial, SK

S0G 2J0

Phone: 963-2240

Fax: 963-2271


Web Address:




2017/2018 Staffing AssignmentsPage 4

Subject Offerings and RegulationsPage 5

Grades 10, 11, 12 Peculiarities Page 5

School/Community CommunicationsPage 5

Examinations and ReportingPage 6

Homework and AssignmentsPage 6

Bell TimesPage 7

Student FeesPage 7

All Visitors to Imperial SchoolPage 8

Buses and BilletsPage 8

AttendancePage 8

Itinerant Schedules Page 8

Student PoliciesPage 9

Student Representative CouncilPage 10

Extra-Curricular ActivitiesPage 11

GymnasiumPage 11

Duplicating ServicesPage 11


August 25- Admin Day

28- Admin Day

29 - Non-instructional Day

30-Teachers’ Convention

31 - Collaborative Learning Day

September1- Opening Day Celebration

4 - Labour Day - no school

5 - First day of classes

12- Sr. Golf Grass Districts

14 - Jr. Golf Grass Pre-Districts

15 - Picture Day

18- Collaborative Learning Day- no school for students

19 - Jr. Golf Grass Districts

20-22- Student Leadership Conference

22/23- Sr. Golf Grass Provincials

27 - Cross Country Pre-Districts

28- National School Terry Fox Walk(2:15 PM)


5 - Cross Country Districts

9 - Thanksgiving - no school

14 - Cross Country Provincials

13/14- Sr. Girls Volleyball Tournament (in Imperial)

16-20 – Education Week

16- Meet the Staff BBQ

23 - Collaborative Learning Day

28- Tackle Football Quarterfinals

November1 - Jr. Volleyball Pre-Districts

4 - Sr. Girls’ Volleyball Conferences

4 - Tackle Football Provincial Semi-finals

7 - Jr. Volleyball Districts

9 - First Report Day (7-12)

10 - Day in Lieu of Parent Teacher Interviews

11- Tackle Football Provincial Championships

11 - Sr. Girls Volleyball Regionals; Sr. Boys’ Volleyball Conferences

13 – Day in lieu of Remembrance Day

17/18- Sr. Girls Volleyball Provincial Championships

18- Sr. Boys Volleyball Regionals

20 - Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30-9 PM)

20 - Book Fair

24/25- Sr. Boys Volleyball Provincials

December 1 - First Report Day (K-6)

6-8 - Dessert Theatre

21- Elementary Christmas Concert

22 - Last day of school – 2017

January -8- First day of school (Gr. K -12) - 2018

25-30- Exams

31 - Non- instructional day- no school for students

31 -Start of Semester Two

February 1 - Start of Semester Two

5 - Sr. Curling Pre-Districts

6 - Jr. Curling Pre-Districts

9 - Second Report Day (7-12)

9/10 - Sr. Curling Districts

13/14 – Jr. Curling Districts

19 - Family Day (holiday) - no school

20-23 - Mid-Winter Break - no school

27 - Jr. Basketball Districts approx. date- bracket draw

March2/3- Sr. Curling Regionals

5 - Non- instructional day- no school for students

7/8 - Jr. Curling Districts

9/10 - Sr. Curling Provincials

9/10 - Sr. Basketball Conferences

16- Second Elementary Report Day (K-6)

16/17 - Sr. Basketball Regionals

19 - Collaborative Learning Day- no school for students

21- Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30-9 PM)

23/24 - Sr. Basketball Provincials

28 - Carnival

30– Good Friday

April2-5 – Easter Break

6 - Day in Lieu PTSI- no school for students

20- Third Term Report (Gr.7-12)

24/25- Sr. Badminton Pre-Districts

26/27- Jr. Badminton Pre-Districts

28 - Sr. Badminton Districts

May2/3 - Jr. Badminton Districts

5- Sr. Badminton Regionals

12- Sr. Badminton Provincials

15 - Track Pre-Districts (tentative)

16- Track 3000m (tentative)

18 - Non- instructional day- no school for students

21 - Victoria Day - no school

22 - Track Districts (tentative)

June 1/2- Track Provincials

12 - Awards Afternoon (2 PM)

22 - 27 – Exams (Grade 10-12)

26- Last Day of Kindergarten

26- Play Day/Staff BBQ; (K-6)

28- Admin Day - no school

29 - Final Report Day

2017/2018 Staffing Assignments

Miss. S. Saelhof

All Kindergarten classes, Grades K/1/2 (Music); Grade 1/2Health Grades 7/8, 9/10 (Home Economics)

Mrs. R. Kelly

Learning Resource; Grade1/2 (English Language Arts, Math, Library); Grade 3/4 (Health)

Mrs. J. VanDamme

Grade 3/4 (English Language Arts, Mathematics)

Miss. K. Hayter

Grade 1/2 (Social, Science, Arts Education); Grades 1/2/3 (Health, Computers); Grade 3/4 (Art, Library, Music); Grades 4/5/6 (Computers)

Mr. Engele

Grade 5/6 (English Language Arts, Math, Social, Science, Arts Education, Library, Health); Grades 4/5/6 (Health, Physical Education)

Mr. J. Heppner

Grades 1/2/3 (Physical Education); Grade 3/4 (Social, Science); Grades 7/8 (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,Physical Education); Grades 9/10 (Physical Education); Grade 11/12 (Physical Education)

Mrs. C. Baade (Principal)

Grades 11/12 (English Language Arts A30 & B30, English Language Arts 20 & Communication Studies 20, ELA support)

Ms. V. Danyluk

Grades 7/8 (English Language Arts, Arts Education, Health, Careers);Grades 9/10 (English Language Arts, Arts Education, Social 9, History 10);Grades 11/12 (History 30, Life Transitions 30)

Mr. S. Hart

Grades 9/10 (Math 9, Math Workplace & Apprenticeship 10, Math Foundations & Pre-calculus 10,Accounting 10, Science 9/10); Grade 10/11/12 (Distance Education) Grades 11/12 (Math Foundations 20/30, Physical Science 20, Health Science20, Chemistry 30); Grades 9-12 (Info Processing 10/20/30)

Mr. E. Libke

Grades 7/8 (Industrial Arts); Grades 9/10 (Industrial Arts)

Mr. V. Osatiuk

Grade 3/4 (Music) Grade 5/6 (Band); Grade 7/8 (Band);

Grades 9-12 (Band)

Miss D. MacLellan

Driver Training

Support Staff:

Mrs. Sheila Snell

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. A. Metz

Librarian & Educational Assistant

Mrs. L. Zubrian/ Mr. O. Zubrian


Bus Drivers:

Mrs. R. Mooney

Mrs. J. Nelson

Mr. Shawn Sim


A) Grades 1-9

- students must take all subjects offered

B) Grades 10-12

(Grade 10)

-Compulsory subjects - English 10A/10B, History 10, Science 10, Math Foundations and Pre-calculus10, Math Workplace and Apprenticeship 10, Wellness 10

-Required subjects - Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Band or Information Processing 10, Accounting, History 10

*A minimum of eight credits (including all compulsory subjects) is required to achieve standing at the grade ten level.

(Grade 11)

-Compulsory subjects - English 20

- Required subjects - Communications 20, History 30

-Optional subjects offered –Physical Science 20, Health Science 20, Chemistry30, Math Foundations20/30, Band, Physical Education 20, Information Processing20, Life Transitions 30

(Grade 12)

- Compulsory subjects - English A30/B30,History 30

- Required subject offered -supervised Tutorial or option for a Distance Education class

- Optional subjects offered –Physical Science 20, Health Science 20, Chemistry30, Math Foundations20/30, Band, Physical Education 30, Life Transitions 30, Information Processing 30

*A minimum of twenty-four credits must be accumulated to achieve grade 12 standing (five of these credits must be at the grade 12 level).

*Students are strongly encouraged to take the maximum number of courses offered to keep open their future opportunities after graduation.

*Information on Distance Education courses can be received from the principal or the guidance counsellor.


A)Students Not Taking Subjects Offered

For any student signing a discontinuation form, you are not required to attend that particular class. However, you may attend during part or all of your spare-time to use school-resources (library, computers, etc.) for educational purposes. In order to be legally accountable for students on spares, they will be asked to sign in/out at the Office when they leave the school.

B)Discontinuation of a Subject

At the beginning of a semester, all senior students are registered automatically in every subject offered and must attend the introductory class. If a student wishes to discontinue the subject, contact the principal for the appropriate discontinuation form. The student remains in the class until approval to discontinue has been received from the student’s parents.


- The staff of Imperial School believe in open and effective avenues of communication with parents and others in our communities. To promote this, school newsletters will be distributed monthly via the Internet and by paper in postal boxes. The community is welcome to use these letters to advertise coming events by contacting our secretary.

- In addition, intermittent noticeswill be sent via email, and/or the “Remind” Apphome to inform parents of other upcoming events.

- Our telephone line (963-2240), fax line (963-2271) and e-mail address () remain open and welcome to communication from parents and others. However, if you wish to talk to a teacher or staff member (for reasons other than of an emergent nature) please attempt to do so at a time when classes are not in session.

- K-6 will have daily planners in which they record upcoming exams, assignments, and events. Students are responsible for bringing planners back and forth each day. Parents of K-6 students are expected to read and initial these on a daily basis. Please feel free to add any notes for the school/teacher in the planner.

- Teachers may send emails occasionally.

- See the cover for our Twitter Accounts.


-For the 2017/2018 school year, the reporting periods will be as follows:

Kindergarten-Grade 6- (Dec 1, March 16, June 30)

Grades 7-12 - (Nov 9, Feb 9, Apr 20, June 30)

-K-12 formal parent-teacher interviews will occur November 20 and March 21 from 3:30-9:00pm.

- Examination Procedures:

Students will be informed of upcoming examinations by the subject-teacher with reasonable time to prepare. For elementary students: a note will be written in the student’s day planner. *For secondary students,it is the student's responsibility to remember the examination date and content and to communicate such information home.

When unavoidable absences from an exam(s) occur for medical or compassionate reasons, an alternate date will be made. *Every effort should be made to inform the subject-teacher or principal as soon as possible before the examination.

Subject-teachers will make every reasonable effort to have examination results returned to the student as soon as possible.

Parental perusal of their child's exam is encouraged, preferably through a joint parent-teacher meeting.


As part of a student's requirements, it is expected that homework and assignments be completed to the best of the student's ability and on time. Failure to do so may result in:

(a)working with the teacher at an alternate time

(b) loss of other to-be-determined privileges

*Award criteria will be posted on the school website*


Elementary (K-6)

8:53 AM - Ready Bell

8:55 - 9:50 - Period One

9:50 - 10:40 - Period Two

(10:40 - 10:55) - (Recess)

10:55 - 11:45 - Period Three

(11:45 - 12:00) - (Lunch)

(12:00-12:25) – (Noon)

12:25 - 1:20 - Period Four

1:20 - 2:10 - Period Five

(2:10 - 2:25) - (Recess)

2:25 - 3:17 - Period Six

3:17 - Students return to homeroom

3:20 - Bus students released

3:25 – Busses depart and other students released

Secondary (Grs. 7-12)

8:53 AM - Ready Bell

8:55 - 9:50 - Period One

(9:50 - 9:58) - (Break)

9:58 - 10:48 - Period Two

(10:48 - 10:55) - (Break)

10:55 - 11:45 - Period Three

(11:45 - 12:25) - (Noon)

12:25 - 1:20 - Period Four

(1:20-1:28) - (Break)

1:28 PM - 2:18 PM - Period Five

(2:18 - 2:25) - (Break)

2:25 - 3:17- Period Six

3:17 - Students return to homeroom

3:20 - Bus students released

3:25 – Busses depart and other students released


Students (Grades 1-12) are required to pay a $20.00 Consumption Fee (School services/materials fee). Kindergarten students pay $10.

- All Home Economics (Gr. 7-10) students must pay a $15.00 fee to partially cover cost of in-school materials consumed. Additional project fees will be invoiced accordingly.

- All Industrial Art (Gr. 7-10) students must pay a $15.00 fee to partially cover cost of in-school materials consumed. (ie - screws, nails, glue, etc.) Additional project fees will be invoiced accordingly.

-All Accounting students (Gr. 9/10) students must pay $25 to cover the cost of their Accounting Workbook.

- All Grades 7-12students must pay a $5Kleenex fee

-SRC Participation Fee - any student, Grades 6-12, participating in any Divisional sports activity is required to pay a $30.00 fee.

- For families interested in financial aid, please check out

*All fees must be paid to the School by September 30.Students will not take part in competition until ALL school fees are paid.

*Lost or damaged school materials/equipment - students will be charged if school materials/equipment (books, sports equipment, science/computer equipment, musical instruments, etc.) which has been loaned to them is lost or damaged.


All visitors, including parents, are welcome. School regulations state, however, that visitors must report their presence and reasons for their presence to the School Office upon entry to the school.Please do not go directly to classrooms. The secretary will deliver items or messages to students at their next break. This helps meet our school goal of protecting instructional time.


We are fortunate to have received a new gym floor, and to preserve its beauty, we expect the students and all guests to abide by the following rules:

1)No food or drinks in the gym unless you are on the stage.

2)Water bottles will be the only drink allowed when on the gym floor.

3)All outdoor footwear must be removed or cleaned before entering the gym


- Students are responsible to the school for their behaviour from the time they get on the bus in the morning to when they get off the bus in the afternoon. Therefore students are expected to:

a) display respectful behaviour while on the buses. (Bus drivers are an extension of the school and their rules are our rules.)

b) have adequate clothing to withstand our cold winter days. (It does not necessarily have to be worn, but should be in a child's possession.)

- Buses are scheduled to arrive at school after 8:40 AM and not leave before 3:25 PM under normal circumstances.

- Parental arrangement for an in-town billet should be made at the beginning of the school term in case of inclement weather which causes buses to be unable to run. *The billet's name will be recorded on your student's information file kept in the School Office.

* Please contact your bus driver each day your child will not be riding on the bus.

** School doors are not open until 8:40 AM.


Regular and punctual attendance at school is of the utmost importance. Generally speaking, medical (illness, appointments, etc.) or compassionate reasons for absence are the only legitimate ones.

If absence should occur, please refer to the following:

a)Parents must notify the schoolof their child's absence by note, telephone, email or in person prior to the absence (if planned) or as soon as possible after the absence (if emergent). Emails to the secretary are greatly appreciated.

b)Students who miss examinations for the above legitimate reasons will be allowed to make alternate arrangements for the evaluation. Other reasons for absence will be determined as legitimate or not by the subject-teacher and/or the principal.



Our music itinerant teacher, Mr. Osatiuk, will be coming to Imperial School on Day One (AM), Day Four (PM), and Day Six (AM)

- Students must indicate to the Principal their desire to enter band by the beginning of September.

- Band is required for all Grades 5, 6, 7 & 8 students.

- Band is offered to Grades 9-12 students.

Driver Education

This year the in-class portion of the Driver Education program will be presented by instructor, Miss. D. MacLellan. The driving portion of the instruction will continue to be offered by Mr. Dean Stewart.


Student Conduct:

Below is a list of supervision rules for the students of ImperialSchool:

1)Students shall have a general respect for the staff, other students, the property of other students and the school:

a)Teachers and support staff are to be addressed by their proper titles (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.)

b)Foul language or obscene gestures are not acceptable

c)Accidental damage to school property should be avoided, but if it occurs, report immediately to the Principal

d) Willful damage of school property (vandalism) will be dealt with according to Division Policy

e) Bullying or threats will not be tolerated

2)Proper dress is required in school and during all school activities:

a)Revealing clothing is unacceptable

b)Clothing or headwear containing offensive or inappropriate messages or alcohol labels are unacceptable

c)Toques, hats or hoods are to be worn outside, not inside the school

d)Proper gym clothing and footwear are required during all gym activities

e)Students should have a separate pair of shoes for wearing indoors during inclement weather

f) Students must wear shoes or slippers inside the school for safety reasons- no bare or sock feet

g) Big boots are not acceptable indoors

h) Shoes are not permitted in the Music Room as it contains a special dance floor.

3)Conduct in classrooms and labs - A student’s behavior is his/her responsibility. Failure to behave acceptably may result in a teacher-directed response and/or removal from the classroom. Multiple removals will result in parent phone calls.

4) Conduct in halls and rooms is to be orderly

a)Students shall walk not run

b)Pushing, wrestling, etc. is not acceptable at any time

5)The eating of food shall only occur in the classrooms, boot room or student lounge. Elementary students staying for lunch at noon are not allowed to leave their eating room until the 12:00 release bell. Students are allowed to stay in to finish their lunch if necessary. *Sunflower & Pumpkin seeds, nuts, and energy drinks are notpermitted in school.

6)The use of physically harmful substances:

a) Smoking or chewing tobacco is not allowed inside the school or on school property.

b) Alcohol and/or drug use is not allowed and results in immediate school suspension.

c) Firearms or weapons of any kind are not allowed inside the school or on school property.

d) Drug paraphernalia is not permitted on school property.

7)Recess breaks are times to "recharge" your batteries

a)K-6 are required to be outside unless the weather is bad or a particular student has medical reasons for not being outside (*parental advisement required)

9)The playground area to the west of the school is reserved for K-6 students. *The parking lots, streets and ditches are not part of the playground. Trees are not for climbing.

10)Bicyclesare to be placed in the stands provided and are to remain in the stands during recess.

11)If a child is too sick to be outside at recess or noon hour, then they are also too sick to partake in PE or In-motion.

12) Different entrance doors are provided for the various grades:

a) West entrance - K to Gr. 3

b) North entrance - Gr. 4-12 students

c) East entrance - Gr. 7-12 students

  • Entrance doors will remain locked until 8:40 AM
  • Main doors are for staff and visitors during school hours.

13)Noon Hour:

a)If taking part in a school activity, lunch should be brought.

b)K-6 bus students must have written or verbal parental permission communicated to the school to leave school grounds each time they need to do so.

c)Gr. 7-12 rural students may leave the school premises provided they have returned a noon hour privilege form signed by their parents.

14)Student Vehicles are allowed to be used at noon provided they are used properly (no speeding, reckless driving, alcohol consumption, etc.) *Students are not allowed to sit in vehicles.

15)A student telephone is provided, by the SRC. However, long distance phone calls have to be have to be made, with permission, from the Office.