Insufficient (1) / Rudimentary (2) / Good (3) / Exemplary (4)1.a. Assessment Plan
●No assessment plan is provided
●If provided, little or no relationship between learning outcome and assessment plan / ●Measure stated, but not described
●Relationship of measure to learning outcome unclear / ●Minimal description of measure
●Clear relationship to learning outcome / ●Detailed description of measure
●Clear relationship to learning outcome
●Assignment attached
●Target for achievement
●Time administered
1.b. Types of Assessment Measures
●No assessment measures listed / ●Indirect measures only / ●One direct measure / ●Two measures, including one direct
2.a. Assessment Findings
●No information on total number of students assessed
●Distribution of scores not provided
●Grading rubric not attached / ●Includes only one of the following:
- Information on total number of students assessed
- Distribution of scores
- Grading rubric or questions and answer key as appropriate / ●Includes two of the following:
- Information on total number of students assessed
- Distribution of scores
- Grading rubric or questions and answer key as appropriate / ●Information on total number of students assessed provided
●Distribution of scores provided
●Grading rubric or questions and answer key attached
2.b. Interpretation of Assessment Findings
●No interpretation of how well students achieved learning outcome
●No information on whether students met acceptable target
●No interpretation of how timing of assessment influenced findings / ●Interpretation irrelevant to the learning outcome / ●Interpretation relevant to the learning outcome
●Includes one of the following:
- Acceptable target
- Timing of assessment (if relevant)
- Student strengths and weaknesses / ●Relevant and detailed interpretation
●Details where students are strong and where improvement is needed
●States if the target was met
●States how timing of assessment influenced findings (if relevant)
3. Action Plan
●No action plan
●If provided, action plan content irrelevant to findings and interpretation of findings / ●Action plan’s relevance to findings and interpretation of findings is unclear
●No plan to improve student learning is provided / ●Action plan clearly relates to findings and interpretation of findings
●Plan to improve student learning is provided, although lacks specificity
Ex. “I’ll discuss readings more in class.” / ●Well-developed action plan related to findings and interpretation of findings
●Specific next steps for improving/sustaining student learning and/or the measure
Insufficient (1) / Rudimentary (2) / Good (3) / Exemplary (4)
3.a. Assessment Findings
For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed none of the following is provided:
●Information on total number of students assessed
●Distribution of scores
●Grading rubric, scoring method, or question and answer key as appropriate / For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed one of the following is included:
- Information on total number of students assessed
- Distribution of scores
- Grading rubric, scoring method, or question and answer key as appropriate
● Information on total number of students assessed
● Distribution of scores
●Grading rubric, scoring method, or question and answer key as appropriate / For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed all of the following are included:
●Information on total number of students assessed
●Distribution of scores
●Grading rubric, scoring method, or question and answer key as appropriate
3.b. Interpretation of Assessment Findings
For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed, an interpretation of how well students achieved learning outcome is not included / For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed, an interpretation irrelevant to the learning outcome is included / For the majority of learning outcomes assessed, interpretation includes:
●Interpretation relevant to the learning outcome AND
●One of the following:
- Acceptable target
- Timing of assessment (if relevant)
- Student strengths and weaknesses / For the majority of learning outcomes assessed, interpretation includes:
●Relevant and detailed interpretation,
●Student strengths and weaknesses,
●Indication if the target was met, AND
●How timing of assessment influenced findings (if relevant)
4. Action Plan
For the majority of the learning outcomes assessed, an action plan is not included. / The majority of the learning outcomes assessed include:
●Action plan irrelevant to findings and interpretation of findings OR
●A vague action plan / The majority of the learning outcomes assessed include:
●Action plan which relates to findings and interpretation of findings
●Plan to improve student learning is provided, although lacks specificity
Ex. We’ll include more writing assignments in lower level courses.” / The majority of the learning outcomes assessed include:
●Well-developed action plan related to findings and interpretation of findings
●Specific next steps for improving/sustaining student learning and/or the measure