H06-029 Policy/Procedure
May 16, 2006
TO: / Area Agency on Aging DirectorsFROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Kathy Marshall, Director, Management Services Division
Purpose: / To notify Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) of their projected Case Management/Nursing Services Caseload and estimated revenues, supplemental reporting forms, initial allotments, interlocal agreement, budget forms, and instructions for state fiscal year 2007.Background: / Funding for Case Management and Nursing Services will continue to be based on the number of cases authorized per month multiplied by the approved monthly unit rate per case.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified: /
- The client to case handling staff ratio target is lowered from 65:1 to 64:1
- The client to Registered Nurse (RN) staff minimum target is 570:1
- The case handling staff to supervisor ratio will continue to be 8:1
- FY07 inflation was estimated at 3.92 percent.
- Core Services Contract Management funding is increased by 3.92 percent over SFY06 funding.
- Unit rates are increased by 6 percent over SFY06 levels to accommodate for inflation and to lower the case handling staff ratio target.
- Actual payment will be based on the number of clients authorized multiplied by the monthly unit rate and there will no longer be a 97 percent guarantee.
- Adjustments will be made to the billing amounts monthly if the client to case handling staff ratio exceeds 64:1.
- SCSA and other local sources, plus Title 19 requested federal match, for CM/NS can only be used to reduce caseloads below 64:1, except for the grandfathered limits for Pierce, King, Snohomish and LMT.
- AAAs are again required to submit a Case Management/Nursing Services FTE worksheet.
- AAAs that provide I&A as a direct service or that choose to do admin claiming are required to submit an I&A FTE worksheet.
- The final FFY06 and initial FFY07 NSIP funding is not yet available. The initial funding for this amendment is calculated at 90 percent of the SFY06 contracted amount and the FFY05 meal count was used for allocation. The funding may be increased or decreased in the future depending on the actual grant award received.
- Title V funding is based on 80 percent of SFY06 funding. The funding may be increased or decreased by AAA in the future depending on the finalized slot allocation.
- Language has been clarified regarding the laptop replacement schedule to ensure that each laptop is replaced every three years.
- Submit State/Federal line item budgets, CSCM Supplemental Worksheet and FTE worksheets (Core Services Contract Management, Case Management/Nursing Services, and DDD Nursing Services) to Pat Draleau by June 9, 2006.
- Provide comment on the Interlocal Agreement to your AAA Specialist by June 9, 2006.
ATTACHMENT(S): / Core Services AAA Agreement SFY07 Budget Instructions
FY07 CM NS Est. KCSP Initial SFY07Allotment
NSIP Initial SFY07 Allotment SCSA, Respite, SFCSP, Sr. Drug
Ed., Kinship Nav., Volunteer Chore
Title V- Sr. Com. Service Senior Farmer’s Market
Employment Program Nutrition Program
SFY07 State/Fed. Budget Supplemental Worksheet for SFY07 CSCM
CONTACT(S): / General questions or questions regarding caseload, unit method, or Interlocal Agreement to your AAA Specialist:
Aaron Van Valkenburg
Telephone: (360) 725-2554
Susan Shepherd
Telephone: (360) 725-2418
Susan Engels
Telephone: (360) 725-2563
Fiscal Questions:
Patricia Draleau
Telephone: (360) 725-2374