Scaling Up Climate Services for Farmers in Africa and South Asia
Saly, Senegal, 10-12 December 2012
Sunday 09 December: Field trip to Kaffrine
Day 1, Monday 10 DecemberFrom / To
9:00 / 10:30 / Session 1: Workshop opening
H.E. Republic of Senegal’s Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr. Ali Haydar
H.E. Republic of Senegal’s Minister of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Equipment, Mr. Abdoulaye Balde
9:00 / 9:15 / Welcome remarks / Arame Tall, CCAFS/ICRISAT
9:15 / 9:30 / Video: Voices from the Field: Benefits and Potential of Climate Information for Smallholder Farmers in Mali and India
9:30 / 10:00 / Keynote address: What do we know about the information needs of farmers, and the challenges to meeting those needs? / M.V. Sivakumar, WMO
10:00 / 10:30 / Workshop opening / H.E. Mr. Ali Haydar
H.E. Mr. Abdoulaye Balde
10:30 / 11:00 / Coffee break
Press briefing
11:00 / 13:00 / Session 2: Workshop themes
Chair: John Furlow, USAID
11:00 / 11:20 / Cross-community introduction icebreaker / Arame Tall, CCAFS/ICRISAT
11:20 / 11:30 / Workshop objectives and roadmap / Jim Hansen, CCAFS/IRI
11:30 / 11:50 / Climate information services reaching the unreached: options for the Great Unconnected / Balaji Venkataraman, Commonwealth of Learning
11:50 / 12:10 / Making climate information more relevant to smallholder farmers / Jim Hansen, CCAFS/IRI
12:10 / 12:30 / Gender literacy: Why gender matters in climate information and advisory services / Sarah McKune, U. Florida
12:30 / 12:50 / Farmers, information and information networks: What else is needed? / Surabhi Mittal, CIMMYT
12:50 / 13:00 / Discussion
13:00 / 14:00 / Lunch
Day 1, Monday 10 December (continued)
14:00 / 15:40 / Session 3: Lessons from Mali’s Agrometeorological Advisory Service
Chair: Kaliba Konare, WMO
14:00 / 14:15 / Overview of Mali’s agrometeorological advisory program / Daouda Diarra, Agence Meteo-Mali
14:15 / 14:35 / Lessons from Mali evaluation / Ed Carr, USAID/U. South Carolina
14:35 / 15:40 / Panel discussion / Pierre Sibiry Traore, ICRISAT; Abdoulaye S. Moussa, CCAFS W. Africa; Youssouf Coulibaly, Extension officer Cinzana; Aminata Bagayoko/Souibou Toure, model farmers, Cinzana
15:40 / 16:00 / Coffee break
16:00 / 18:00 / Session 4: Lessons from India’s Agromet-Advisory Service
Chair: M.V. Sivakumar, WMO
16:00 / 16:20 / Overview of India’s Integrated Agromet-Advisory Service (AAS) / N. Chattopadhyay, India Meteorological Department
16:20 / 16:35 / Lessons from India village study / Kalpana Venkatasubramanian, CCAFS/Rutgers U.
16:35 / 17:40 / Panel discussion / Pramod Aggarwal, CCAFS S. Asia, R.S. Rana, Palampur Agr. U., Himachal Pradesh, M.S. Gandla, ANGRAU, Hyderabad; S.R. Narahari, Shanti Service Society, Andhra Pradesh Chekkala Venkataiah, Model farmer, Gorita
17:40 / 18:00 / Day-1 debriefing / Jim Hansen, CCAFS/IRI
Day-2 preview / Arame Tall, CCAFS/ICRISAT
20:00 / 22:00 / Workshop Welcome dinner:
An African Spectacle
Day 2, Tuesday 11 December
From / To
9:00 / 11:30 / Session 5: Parallel thematic working groups
9:00 / 9:10 / Charge to thematic working groups (plenary) / Alhassan Diallo, ACMAD
9:10 / 11:30 / WG 1: How to produce climate information and advisory services that are more salient for smallholder farmers? / Chair: Jim Hansen, CCAFS/IRI
WG 2: Reaching the "last mile" – at scale: What are the most promising pathways for reaching millions of farmers? / Chair: Balaji Venkataraman, Commonwealth of Learning
WG 3: How to give farmers an effective voice into the design, delivery and evaluation of climate services? / Chair: Carla Roncoli
WG 4: Equitable rural climate services: How to reach women, other socially- and economically-disadvantaged groups? / Chair: Sarah McKune, University of Florida
WG 5: Is Information Enough? How to connect climate services with other interventions to enable management of climate-related risk at the farm level? / Chair: Surabhi Mittal, CIMMYT
11:30 / 11:45 / Coffee break
11:45 / 13:00 / Session 6: Thematic working groups report to plenary
Chair: Alhassan Diallo, ACMAD
13:00 / 14:00 / Lunch
14:00 / 16:30 / Session 7: Parallel regional working groups
14:00 / 14:10 / Charge to regional working groups (plenary) / Seleshi Bekele, ACPC
14:10 / 16:30 / West Africa (Room 1) / Chair: Abdoulaye Moussa, CCAFS W. Affrica
East and Southern Africa (Room2) / Chair: K.P.C. Rao, ICRISAT
South Asia (Room 3) / Chair: Pramod Aggarwal, CCAFS S. Asia
16:30 / 16:45 / Coffee break
16:45 / 18:00 / Session 8: Regional Working Group report to plenary
Chair: Seleshi Bekele, ACPC
18:30 / 20:00 / Social event: Intra-Regional Volleyball Game: Dismantling Together the Obstacles to Farmer-Focused Climate Services!
Side event: Moving towards gender equity in climate services – next steps / Organizer: Sarah McKune, U. Florida
Day 3, Wednesday 12 December
From / To
9:00 / 10:30 / Session 9: Opportunities for South-South learning and partnership
Chair: Bob Stefanski, WMO
10:30 / 11:00 / Coffee break
11:00 / 13:00 / Session 10: Toward priority actions
Chair: Haresh Bhojwani, IRI
13:00 / 14:00 / Lunch
14:00 / 15:40 / Session 11: Development panel discussion on priority actions
Chair: Steve Zebiak, CSP
14:00 / 14:20 / Reflections from development panelists / USAID, CCAFS, WMO, ADB, GIZ, CDKN
14:20 / 15:40 / Panel discussion on each proposed priority action
15:40 / 16:00 / Coffee Break
16:00 / 17:15 / Session 12: Workshop closing / Jim Hansen, Arame Tall, John Furlow, Bob Stefanski, Steve Zebiak
16:00 / 17:00 / Discussion: Where do we go from here?
17:00 / 17:15 / Closing statement
Representative of H.E. Republic of Senegal’s Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development