LIHEAP Performance Measures Implementation Work Group (PMIWG)
15th Teleconference Minutes
April 28, 2011 @ 2:00pm EST
Telephone Number: 1-877-546-1573;Audio Passcode: 8245824
Webinar URL Address:
Webinar Conference Number:PW6205661;Webinar Passcode: 8245824
- Purpose2 minutes
- Discuss announcements
- Discuss NEADA and NEUAC presentations scheduled for June
- Updated from the subgroups
- Begin identifying Year 1 Recommendations for HHS
- Next steps
- Announcements10 minutes
- Roll Call: Susan, Mike, Marcia, Jane, Akm, Leslie, Matt, Chad, and Lauren were present.
- NEUAC attendance
- Unable: Ralph, Susan, Mike , Marcia
- Unsure: Jane,Cari
- Definite: Leslie, Melissa, Janet, Akm, Chad, Lauren, Matt, Charlotte
- June Presentations
- NEADA: Sunday, June 26 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm (1.5 hours)
- Progress update from Communications—Cari
- Overlay tools from Process—Chad
- Templates from Methodology—Jane
- NEUAC: Developing Partnerships to Measure Performance—Wednesday, June 29 from 10:30am – 11:45 am (1 hour 15 minutes)
- Panelist: Janet, Akm, and Richard (Methodology Subgroup)
- Moderator: Leslie
- New Member
- Richard Moffi, LIHEAP Director from Vermont, has expressed an interested in joining the work group. Current members agreed to bring him aboard and to include him in the Methodology subgroup.
- Subcommittee Progress Report25 minutes
- Communications—Ralph
- Letter to Yolanda was revised and sent to her on May 5, 2011. Yolanda will meet with Nick to discuss and develop a response.
- Basecamp external set up is completed and invitations have been sent. Out of the 52 invitees, only 17 people have registered.
- State Grantee Newsletter was sent on May 4, 2011.
- Basecamp webinar will be held on May 17and an email invite will be sent and posted to Basecamp.
- Methodology—Matt
- Tier 1 collection template external—needs to be sent to grantees for external testing.
- Tier 2 collection template internal testing—needs to be sent to the working group for internal testing.
- Web-based database
- A request for resources for the web-based reporting was included in the Yolanda letter.
- Matt will research different web-based reporting options and report back to the group.
- Process—Marcia reviewed the following three processing overlays. The suggested changes will be made and the overlays will be posted as PDF files.
- State Plan
- Client Application
- Vendor Agreement
- Year 1 Recommendations for HHS15 minutes
- To include recommended activities in FFY 2012 plans and budget, preliminary year 1 recommendations are needed. We will revisit these preliminary recommendations in the upcoming meetings.
- Resources and supports for Basecamp, webinars, and a web-based database were included in the letter to Yolanda.
- Establish new tasks and next meeting5 minutes
- Assignments
- Communications –Basecamp webinar on May 17, 2011.
- Methodology – send out tier 1 template and collect feedback from States; complete and send work group members tier 2 template.
- Process – complete the next three overlays.
- Next Meeting
- Mid to late May (week of the 15th or the 22nd) @ 2:00pm; a meeting request will be sent out. Please respond with availability.