The Matter Most Urgent

( This is Temp Document that is meant for editing as there may be some errors so send feedback to M.Amin.Shah . the final document will be submitted to Director Rural Dev Dept Kmr Div)


The Director Rural Dev.

Department Kashmir Division/jammu Division

Subject : MIS and obstacles while MIS

On the behalf of Association of Computer Assistants of Kashmir Division I would like to write some facts about MIS NREGA and some obstacles which everyone is facing and also its solution that can be implemented so that the MIS will be successfully uploaded on MIS portal. Also I will discuss the problems which are unique among the computer assistants and want justice

1. The main aim of the MIS nrega is to upload every entities or attributes of the system (NREGA) means from Job Card Registration to completion of work. This whole process is very time consuming and almost every operator needs not only office hours to do the job but at home also. Even the Job is time consuming every computer assistants is willing to do the Job at home also .it is not only they want to do the Job at home also but they are doing the Job at home also. the reason behind it is only we will grow or we will be secure or reason is simply that everyone is dedicating.

Now if everyone knows that the Job is time consuming then why our officers or the concerned authorities are not very much serious about it ? Why they are using the Computer Assistants for the other means ? Why a computer assistants is used as Photographer who is taking the Photographs of IAY Houses, Why a Computer Assistants is asked that “hell with MIS” do the other Jobs first. So it is the first Question Mark for Department that is to be answered so that MIS will be successful in our state.

2. Every Computer Assistant is a degree Holder and knows about the whole scenario or system. We know the obstacles and we know the solutions. The Present System can be viewed like this

New Job Card Is Issued by Authority (if New Job Card is Issued then Who is the responsible that makes it possible to upload it on MIS , how a computer assistant knows that he /she has issued a new Job Card.

New Work is taken up

( New Work is taken up by some executing agency and Computer Assistant is supposed to upload it when work is taken up. Finally the work is in ongoing status still computer assistants are unaware. Department is only using MPR’s where a computer assistant can only know the no. of works taken up . it means MPR’s or not giving clear picture of the Progress. MIS needs every attribute of a Work Taken up with technical , financial and activity wise details. Finally the Job Cards are on M Rolls and the payments are made against the M Rolls , here is the main problem where the department is doing the wrong as no one other than a computer assistant knows the fault of M Sheets . the problems that can be

  • may be a worker is on other sheets on the same day which effects the MIS
  • may be a worker(HouseHold) has crossed 100 days limit as it is not possible in MIS to upload the crossed 100 days limit persondays.
  • may be a worker is not on the register.
  • may be the technical details are not correct

Almost every block has M rolls signed by undersigned officer but problematic

Solution for this System

MPR Needs some more formats where a block can send details of works taken up so that it can be used to upload the same on MIS portal. The formats needed for MIS is at Annexure A

There Should be a Monitoring Cell who will monitor and who will see the reports at daily basis.

Only One Person can do the Job as it is not the time consuming it will take only ten minutes to check the MIS of all the blocks.

Also there is still some operators who does not have any internet connectivity or have laptops

As said earlier it will ease the Job of Computer Assistants if the Department will provide the laptops to each computer assistants. So if the computer assistants are willing to do the Job at Day and Night then what is wrong with the authority, we will ensure MIS successful if the department will provide us facility.

There are some locations where the internet speed is too low for that there is the solution to use offline software and for that the computer assistants needs some training so that they can take advantage to use the software.

On the behalf of association there are some computer assistants who are well versed to the information technology so if they will be trained it will be benefited for all CA’s and hence it will improve the whole system.

At DPC level no one is having the knowledge about the DPC module fully so they are also the part of the system , they don’t transfer the funds online with the result funds are not transferred from PO level to GP level. In the previous year almost every CA where facing the problems regarding the addition of banks and vendors. Every one was making contact to Mr Anil Abrol So this issue was resolved by CA’s not by DPC level even this feature is in DPC online module. One more problem in the system is that the material procured for a work is purchased from a unregistered vendors and presently the MIS is uploaded on the basis of unregistered vendors. So this is also the point of issue that must be resolved.

Although every CA is working day and night they still or not getting the salary or the Yearly extension on time. The Salary enhancement order is not honored or endorsed by various officers. The officers are not doing justice to the Computer Assistants. Is this justice that a computer assistants is begging for salary and the expenditure on MIS (Photon Bills) .

There is the need of training to BDO’s and the officials who are linked to the system as they are still unaware and taking this MIS non serious. So at least they should have some knowledge so that they can make it possible to complete the basis documentations which are basis of the MGNREGA. As per guideline the basic documentation is (Job Card Register, Works Register,Employement Register, Measurment Books , Muster Rolls ) so when these documents are complete the CA can make MIS successful. Every time Top Authority is asking the poor performance of CA’s but the reality is something else which every one knows.

Finally we are just giving a suggestion that there should be a periodic review for the improvement of the system and also we the Computer assistants are requesting that kindly make the above points in your notice for taking necessary action for only successful of MIS in our state.

M.A.Shah (9596374541)

With Regards

Admin M.A.SHAH.

Copy To

1. All Computer Assistants of Jammu and Kashmir Divisions.