Summary Facilitation Report
Strategic Planning Session of the Deming-LunaCounty Economic Development Corporation on September 16-17, 2009
The Deming-Luna County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has been in operation for more than 20 years. It has performed several roles: advisory to Luna County, the City of Deming and the Village of Columbus; collector and disseminator of economic data; contact point for new businesses interested in investment in the County or the municipalities; facilitating or coordinating meetings and/or strategies to accommodate new business; and, on-going liaison with existing businesses in the County and the municipalities.
The EDC recently took inventory of its role and activities and decided it was time to review what it does and how it does it; what it should be doing and how it should do it; and, what will be needed to accomplish its goals and objectives. A Strategic Planning Session was determined to be the best way to accomplish much of what was thought to be needed. The Strategic Planning Session took place over a period of one and one-half consecutive days on September16 and 17, 2009.
The Session was well attended by EDC members, Deming Chamber of Commerce, and Mimbres Valley Authority Committee members and others.
The major thrust of the Planning Session was a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses. Consideration of some basic EDC Board actions regarding purpose, organization and composition was also part of the Session.
The Planning Session covered three principal areas:
- a general discussion of the EDC Strengths and Weaknesses together with external strengths and weaknesses and a listing of economic opportunities;
- identification of seven (7) major areas of opportunity and an analyses of the strengths and weaknesses (EDC and external) of each opportunity and possible strategies for overcoming the weaknesses; and,
- a basic action plan (objectives, strategies, responsibilities and time frame) for the EDC and for three (3) opportunities selected by the Group as the three priorities for the EDC to pursue.
The Planning Session was facilitated by Resources for Excellence Incorporated.
1.1EDC Commitment
The EDC is to be commended on its commitment to move ahead with a plan that involves much self-evaluation. The commitment to plan is the first major step in any strategic planning process and the EDC has made that commitment. The Strategic Planning Session that has now taken place was very intensive and the Group involved took a hard look at itself and at its strengths and weaknesses. The Group has come up with some reasonable strategies to overcome weaknesses and to move forward.
1.2Possible Mission Statement
A brief discussion took place with respect to a mission statement. The facilitators suggested that the Purpose of the EDC as set out in its Bylaws, with a small addition, be the basis for a mission statement so that a possible mission statement might be as follows:
“To stimulate economic development in Deming/Luna County through a program of organization, promotion, design and economic revitalization, and to receive, distribute and administer funds in connection with activities related to the above purposes for the benefit, economic and social, of the residents of Luna County.”
This is a suggested mission statement only and the statement may be modified as the EDC deems appropriate. It is to be kept in mind that a mission statement should answer 3 basic questions: what is it that we do, who we do it for and how we do it. The statement should be as short as possible, not have detailed information and usually have no more than 50 words.
NOTE (Facilitator Comment): At several points during the Session, comment was made that the Village of Columbus is excluded from the EDC name and that it is a separate entity with an identity of its own. Thought should be given to adjusting the EDC name to include Columbus and statements and strategies should refer to all three entities: City of Deming, LunaCounty and Village of Columbus.
2.0General Discussion: Economic Development Corporation Strengths and Weaknesses,External Strengths and Weaknesses, and Economic Opportunities-Current Situation
The group was asked to list all of the current strengths and weaknesses of the EDC as it was now comprised and as it now operated. The group was also asked to list all of the external strengths and weaknesses. The group then focused on developing a full list of economic opportunities without trying to distinguish between EDC opportunities and external opportunities. It was recognized that some of the external strengths might be considered opportunities.
All of this information appears in the table that follows.
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Economic Development Corporation (EDC) / External / Economic OpportunitiesStrengths / Weaknesses / Strengths / Weaknesses
Commitment /
- Marketing efforts could be better – don’t always get the best message out
- Mexico – instability and violence
Professional staff /
- Lack of Vision and Mission
- Polarization of community
Financially sound /
- Individual roles
- Lack of use of technology (Notall tech. is available)
Positive reputation in the state /
- Corporation roles
- Retirement Community – donot bring youth to community
Good mix of members /
- No strategic plan
- Unwillingness to change
Flexible - ability to act quickly /
- Sometimes too reactive
- Abject poverty – social service issue/health
Resourceful /
- Consistency – structure, organization, meeting times
- Business taking money out of town
Open to self-evaluation /
- Cultural gap (Hispanic businesses)
- Communication issues (Columbus to Deming is long distance telephone call)
Prepared to respond /
- Little diversify in age of members
- High unemployment
Realistic about opportunities in economic development /
- Accessibility to EDC
- Lack of primary businesses
Motivated /
- May not have all the players at the table
- Workforce: Diversity in skills and low wage may invite businesses we don’t want
Members are rooted in the community /
- Lack of liability in by-laws
- Lack of workforce numbers
Economic Development Corporation (EDC) / External / Economic Opportunities
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strengths / Weaknesses
Longevity of EDC members /
- Lack of coordination with other organizations and CountyEconomic organizations
- Lack of curb appeal – homeless
Commitment of various economic components of community /
- Consistency in purpose and message
- Communication between workers and management – language barriers
Solid success (overt and subtle) /
- Unnecessary competition between political jurisdictions
- Communication – re: Tapping into funds for businesses
Generosity in giving time / Small business are the backbone of the community – more employment /
- Open restaurant facilities later in the evening or off hours
Strong literacy program and dual language program /
- Road block to new developments – get beat-out on projects
Strong Motel/Hotel presence – beds /
- Reliance on State Funding
Good service organizations /
- Responding quickly to newcomer needs for housing and jobs for spouses
Access to State and Federal funding / Get the word out about Deming as a great place to live and work
Apprentice program for builders – program is at the high school
Retaining local population – shoppers, youth
Refrigerated storage facility (border foods)
Economic Development Corporation (EDC / External / Economic Opportunities
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strengths / Weaknesses
Explore/Identifybusiness related needs
Having an identity or theme for community
Balance: Build on heritage and Duck races and other events and venues
Convey message of strategic plan to political jurisdictions
Using social networks to get the word out (MySpace, Face Book, Twitter, etc)
Wine Festival
Sustainable Economic Development options
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3.0Major Economic Opportunities
3.1The group was asked to review the list of opportunities identified in the previous exercise, Section 2.0, and set out in the previous table, and group these into broad categories of opportunities. The Group chose the following seven (7) general categories as best representing the range of opportunities that the EDC and the County and the municipalities could realistically pursue.
- Business Development
- Tourism
- Housing
- Renewable Energy
- Infrastructure
- Retirement Community (Planning)
- Education
3.2Seven (7) Major Economic Opportunities: Strengths & Weaknesses, and Strategies to Overcome the Weaknesses-Summary Table
The Group was divided into four working groups for the purpose of performing a basic strengths and weaknesses analyses. This was done for each of the 7 major economic opportunities and it was done from the points of view of the EDC and External issues. For each opportunity, the strengths and weaknesses of the EDC, as it is presently constituted, to accomplish the specific opportunity were listed. Then, for each weakness identified the working group prescribed a strategy for overcoming that weakness. The same process was followed for External strengths and weaknesses for each opportunity.
Each working group described its findings and the Group as a whole then discussed the findings and added to them as appropriate.
This analysesare set-out in detail in the table that follows.
- 1 -
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / ExternalStrengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Business Development / Certified Community /
- Lack of coordination of efforts among all organizations
- Certified Community
- Establish a Revolving Loan Fund
Local Government support /
- No “Recruitment” Team
- “Doing Business…” Booklet
- Partner with SBDC and (Scope??) (Serve as Educational Resource)
Track record/reputation /
- Increased visibility with elected officials
- Available Industrial land
- P & Zoning/Code Enforcement – City & County participation
- Ability to influence spending money
- NorthIndustrial Park for “Big Business”
- Coordination with Realtors/marketing spaces
- Reactive rather than Proactive – No target Industries
- Land
- Limit recruitment to one large water user and prudent future planning
- By-Laws
- Retiree Demographic:
**Medical / Underutilizing Venues /
- Sports events
- I-10 proximity/traffic
- Wine and Music Festival
- Weather
- Approach PRC with access to fiber optics
- Local Events are well done
- Outreach to existing businesses
- Infrastructure:
**Education Opportunities (post secondary)
- New Venues Planned
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / External
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Tourism / Diversified EDC with knowledge resources (staff/Board) /
- Coordination - Lack of a paid coordinator
- Four (4) State Parks
- Funding for an assistant paid coordinator
Longevity /
- Focus on business development versus other economic opportunities
- One (1) StateMuseum
- Promote Chamber calendar of events (all inclusive)
Commitment to Deming’s sustainable growth /
- Outreach:
**Etc / Attend Conferences /
- Climate
- Develop outreach plan to include inter-state events, conferences, trade shows, media
Volunteerism is great! / Inventory of Facilities and brainstorm special events based on inventory of facilities /
- Wineries
Willingness to learn / Develop a relationship with American Trade Council /
- Southern hub – Interstate – Gateway
(Bike Rallies)
Board has an investment / Promote Chamber calendar of events (all inclusive) /
- Great accommodations
Open-minded /
- Great American Duck Race
Confidentiality /
- Adequate facilities for events
- History – Buildings, Farming, Ranching, etc
- Golf Course – lowest fees
- Lodger’s tax is lower
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / External
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Housing / Resourceful /
- Market knowledge
- Affordability
- Talk to investors – collaborate with developers/builders
Motivated /
- Communication with Government Agencies
- Available Land
- Increase trades programs
Prepared to respond / Confidentiality Agreements with EDC Board Members regarding incoming and upcoming issues /
- Water
- Aggressive code and clean-up enforcement
Knowledge of incoming needs /
- USDA Funding (rural)
- Zoning regulations for the County
Strong leadership /
- Low cost of living
- LocalState inspectors
Multi-family shortage /
- Talk to water companies about Deming
Lack of CountyZoning
1 Acre minimum
Abandoned Houses
Renewable Energy / Professional Staff and Board /
- New Concepts are underutilized because of price
(Training, feedback) /
- Energy is fundamental to economic development
- Evaluation criteria to see the benefit of the project
Great Volunteers /
- Lack of knowledge technology
- Pay property tax
- LEDA Training
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / External
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Renewable Energy (Cont) / Open-Minded /
- Lack of participation at conferences
- Abundance of sun
- IRB Training
Innovative /
- Lack of paid Coordinator
- Flat land
(Construction maintenance repair) /
- Anti-Donation Training
Board Members have knowledge on the Economics of Energy /
- Tax credits
- Water Plan – completed
Unity/Partnership at Legislative level of Silver Spikes /
- WNMU – looking at providing certifications in this field
- Develop Water-Source Protection Plan
Confidentiality /
- Develop Drought Mitigation Plan
- Partnerships for training:
**DonaAnnaCommunity College (NMSU)
Infrastructure /
- Direct incoming companies to proper entities-political jurisdictions
- Not aware of City and County plans
- Invite appropriate City and CountyRepresentative to join EDC
- Forward thinking
- Knowledge of workforce funding and programs
- More members needed
- Membership drive
- Shared costs with developers
- Strong Leadership
- Motivated City
- City and CountyPartnerships
- Grant writing
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / External
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Infrastructure (Cont) /
- Quality and quantity of water
Truck by-pass needed
Information networks are needed
Qwest is unreliable
Retirement Community (Planning) /
- Experience
- Add Senior or SeniorCenter representation to EDC Board
- Lack of Retirement Facilities (Housing & Healthcare)
- Members concern
- Representative from Hospital on EDC
- Assisted Living
Developer – Specialize in Senior housing development /
- Recruit Industry Specialists
- Lack of Identity (Marketing)
Senior Programs /
- Work Force
Tourism /
- 24/7 Pharmacy
RV Parks (State) /
- Border Violence
Available Technology
Public Golf Course
Border – low cost services
Education /
- We recognize the importance of education
- Outreach to the business community
- Lack of Awareness
- Support the technology job center
- People with marketing background
- Recruit school cabinet member to EDC
- Poor marketing
Opportunity Category / Economic Development Corporation / External
Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness / Strengths / Weaknesses / Strategies to Overcome Weakness
Education (Cont) /
- Supportive of educators
- Recruit vocational programs or assist with transportation to Las Cruces
- Strengthen the relationship with the schools
- Can react to market needs
- Trades apprenticeship program
- High drop-out percentage
Funding /
- Lack of Vocational Training
Available Retirement Community /
- Low pay
Strong Admins – Schools /
- Language
Available technology – home business /
- Lowered expectation
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4.0Strategic Plan
The following EDC Board-related items were identified from the discussion and analysis set out in tables 2.0 and 3.2 with regard to board organization/composition.
Board Development Items:
Coordination of efforts among all organizations (Bus Dev)