**Links for Fliers can be found at the very end of the
newsletter under the "Community Events" section.**
Save the Date
Friday, March 31st-Open Enrollment Ends
Friday, March 31st- Chalk Art Day and PTA Auction/Raffle
Monday, April 3rd-Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 8:15am -Gym
Wednesday, April 5th- PTA Meeting- 5:30 pm -Staff Lounge
Wednesday, April 12th- CPK Day
Friday, April 14th- Asset Assembly- Kindergarten
Friday, April 14th-Walk A Thon/Family Picnic
Leprechaun Compassion
Our asset of the month for most of March was Compassion. Each month we focus on a character asset. Teachers and recess supervisors lead discussions around that asset and take advantage of real life situations where they can help students see it in action and learn from experience at recess or in the classroom. We have daily announcements on our public address system from students where they explain what the asset means to them, how they’ve shown it, and ideas for how others can demonstrate it at school. Finally, students demonstrate the asset at a performance at our school wide monthly asset assembly.
Sometimes I wonder how much our students really understand or internalize these assets. Well, as you know, last week was St. Patrick’s Day. If you are a parent of a first grader you probably understand how big of a deal it was at school. Students were jacked up on St. Patty’s Day spirit. Students took to the playground to look for leprechauns. It was an all out “search party”. Large groups of students looking everywhere with legitimate leprechaun traps in tow. There was one moment during the height of the hysteria that I realized the answer to my question about whether or not they understand our assets.
I was approached by two first grade girls with very concerned looks on their faces. I wondered what could be the problem…? Was it name calling? Students not taking their ‘outs’? They proceeded to tell me with genuine despair in their voices how they were concerned for the leprechauns. They needed answers. Mr. Martin, can you help? We are worried the leprechauns are going to get scared and run away. Some might even get hurt by all of the students running around looking for them in their hiding places. Will they ever come back to visit? Well, as you can imagine, I did my best to hide my amusement and put on my empathetic game face. I offered some reassurance, asked some questions of my own, and empowered them to share their concerns with classmates. It was honestly one of the funniest, yet most genuine moments I’ve witnessed as principal. All of this to say that compassion is alive and well at Sinsheimer - even for leprechauns!!
Stay in Touch - Sinsheimer Social Media
Instagram: sinsheimerstingers
Facebook: Sinsheimer Elementary School
Twitter: @SI_Principal
Stinger Stars
At Sinsheimer we like to focus on the positive. When students exemplify exceptional effort, ability, and/or attitude they are often given a “caughtya being good” ticket. Each month we hold a drawing from the “caughtya” ticket bins to recognize students for their positive contribution to our school and give them a choice of school prize swag. Going forward we would like to publicly thank these students and place their names on our “Stinger Stars” list. Congratulations:
Tasha Moseley, Mia Romano,Jessyka Morris, Samantha King, Scott Neuschwander, Jezelle Luna, Josue Saavedra, Catherine Lemus,Logyn Todd, Ruby Latta, Yazmin Rodriguez, Serenity Hernandez, Madison King, Ariel Gatti, Austin Horsley, Jeremy Boudreau, Elliott Chappel, Katya Harris,Bryant Graciano
Skateboard Decks and Pizza - Say what?
Starting this past Monday, March 20th, the names of all 403 students started on our NBA Wall of Fame list. NBA stands for Never Been Absent. That is because we are trying to see how many students can not be absent for 4 weeks from March 20th - April 14. Students who have no absences during this month will be entered to win their choice of a super cool “stinger skateboard deck” or free Woodstock’s Pizza. We will give away several of each prize so chances of winning are good! The NBA Wall of Fame list is posted on our gym window and updated each Monday. Show up to school and good things happen!
Mr. Martin
Chalk Art Festival is coming Friday, March 31st.
*Each week we try to feature activities parents can do with students at home to extend their learning.
- Read about a city or a countrythat you would like to visit.
We need your help to cut down on the number of interruptions to instruction caused by the office calling into the classroom during the school day. You can help by:
- Scheduling doctor, dentist and other appointments after the end of the school day.
- Leaving for trips after the end of the school day.
- Having your student check his/her backpack before coming to school to be sure they have everything they need for the day: lunch and/or snack, homework, reading folder, library books, etc…
- Remind your student each morning of the after school plan whether it is going to after school care, walking home, or being picked up by a caregiver or parent.
The Annual Parent Survey E mail was sent onMonday, March 20th.
The e mail will contained a link for you to follow to participate in
this important survey.
Please be sure to complete the survey by Friday, April14th.
If you re unable to find your e mail follow this link to access survey:
2017 Parent Survey
Thank you for your participation!
Attention FirstGrade Parents- Boys Color Vision Screening
Pruebas de color de la vista para ninos
From: School Nurse/ La enfermera escolar
During the month of April, the school nurse will be screening first grade boys for color vision. This is a simple screening routinely done at this age to rule out color vision deficiencies. Please send a note addressed to the school nurse if you do not wish your child to be screened. A letter will be sent home to parents of students who fail the exam.
Durante el mes de abril la enfermera de la escuela estarahaciendoles un examen a los niños del primer grado. Esta es una simple rutina que se leshace a los niños para saber se tienen problemas de la vista de color. Les mandaremos una nota de aviso para avisarles delexamen. A los padres que sus hjos nopacen elexamen se les mandara un aviso.
Spring Break is coming!
April 17th through April 21
Please make plans for your students to be off for this week.
Hope you have a great break!!!
***Please see the flier linkedhereor below under community events for
information about the SLO CIty Spring Break Camp.
Begins Monday, Mar 6th
March 6 ThruMarch 31 is Open Enrollment and Kindergarten Registration.Kindergarten registration begins on March 6thand acceptance of open enrollment applications will be held from March 6ththrough March 31. If you have a child, or know of a child, who plans to attend kindergarten at Sinsheimer, please register your child and/or encourage friends, family and neighbors to register their children. The Kindergarten Readiness Act is a law that sets the age of entrance into kindergarten in California.Children must be five years of age by September 1st for the 2017-18 school year. For questions, please contact the school office. Please be aware that due to the new Immunization law, SB277, effective July 1, 2016, incoming students who are not up to date on their vaccinations will be unable to enroll or attend school.Open enrollment forms (for transfers to other schools) can also be found in the school office during the same time frame. **Kindergartners must enroll at their school of residence.If your Kinder has upper grade siblings enrolled in Sinsheimer, but you do not live in the Sinsheimer area, you must enroll with your school of residence and also complete an Open Enrollment application.
Middle School and High School Enrollment
6th graders going into middle school and 8th graders going into high school, must complete an Open Enrollment Form in March if youwant to transfer to the opposite middle school or high school than yourneighborhood school. This year's Open Enrollment period is March 6 - March 31, 2017.
Pennies for the Pound
All March, Student Council is encouraging you to support our 'Pennies for the Pound' fundraiser by bringing in whatever you can and donating it to your class box. The money will go to our local Animal Services shelter. The class that raises the most money will get a popsicle party and a visit from a few friendly animals!!! Ask Mr. Morgan or a Student Council member for details.
Remember, you can make a difference at your school and in your community.
Kindergarten Leprechauns
RAFFLE UPDATE!We have one week left to reach our goal of 500 raffle tickets sold - we have sold 300 tickets so far. Please come by the office to pick up more raffle tickets. You need not be present to win so selling to family and friends out of the area is an option. The drawing will be held at the Art & Auction Event onFriday March 31stfrom6-7pm. The raffle prize is 4 park hopper tickets to Disneyland valued at $620, each raffle ticket is sold for $20. Congrats to our incentive prize winner for selling 42 raffle tickets($840 worth!)byMarch 21st.
ART& AUCTION EVENT DETAILS: Next week you will receive a flyer with more information about the Chalk Art process during the school day. We hope your kids are looking forward to creating their very own chalk masterpiece on the school blacktop. We would like to make this an annual event at Sinsheimer and are very grateful to Monica Huff for bringing this idea to our school. No tickets are needed to attend the event in the evening. Simply show up with your family and enjoy an hour with your Sinsheimer community.
Thank you to our generous sponsors: French Hospital, RobbinsReed, Oki Momo, Coastal Pediatric Dentistry, MathTV, Hortau, CEP staffing French ER,Robin K Foreman REALTOR,Sure Mortgage,First American Title Co,Central Coast Realty Group and The Sign Place.
Come and check out the auction items during our sneak peak after school onFriday3/31/17. We are excited to see what all of the classrooms have put together for the auction baskets. Some have created art projects like Mr. Nakamura's 5th grade class' water color collage while others have pitched in with items for a basket like Mrs. Wally's 3rd grade class' handmade beeswax candles and fancy matches.
Art & Auction Event Flier
Our next PTA meeting isWednesday, April 5th at 5:30pmin the staff lounge. We promise not to put you on the spot to volunteer if you attend the meeting :)
If interested in a fun evening on Tuesday March 28th at Dream Dinnershosted by a few Sinsheimer moms Email me at() . It is a huge discount on the regular price for Dream Dinners and it will be a fun social night that also benefits our PTA. I apologize for the short notice but you need to sign up by end of the daySaturday, March 25thfor this one time fundraiser/social night.
SundayApril 9th- We hope to see you at Ben Franklin's (no flyer, 20% of all sales that day)
- Play Well Lego Class Beginning 4-25-17- English
- Play Well Lego Class Beginning 4-25-17- Espanol
- SLO Parks and Rec Spring Break Camp - April 17 thru 21
- SLO Colorblast Fun Run - April 8th
- Cal Poly Open House- 4-8-17
- Cal Poly Open House-Espanol 4-8-17
- Egg Hunt- Laguna Lake Golf Course 4-14-17
- Cuesta College Summer Reading Skills Program Registration
- 2017 PTA Auction Donation/Sponsor Request Letter
- SLO Library Re-Opening Events- February and March
- SLOHS Summer Sports Camp
- SLOHS Summer Sports Camp-Espanol
- SLO Adult School Positive Discipline 3-6 thru 4-3
- SLO Adult School Positive Discipline 3-6 thru 4-3/Espanol
- Cal Poly EPIC Summer Camp 2017
- Cal Poly EPIC Summer Camp 2017-Espanol
- Cannabus Public Education Session - 4-4-17
- Legends Baseball Clinic- Sinsheimer Stadium 4-22-17
- WOODS Spring Break Animal Camp - 4-17 thru 4-21
- WOODS Youth Volunteer Program 2017
- Science Alive at SLO LIbrary - Feb and March 2017
- SLO City Parks Rock Around SLO
- SLO City Parks Rock Around SLO- Espanol
- SLO Youth Baseball 2017- Register NOW!
- SLO Youth Baseball 2017- Espanol - Register NOW!
- Meathead Wrestling Club 2016
- YMCA Preschool Info- Los Ranchos School
- YMCA Preschool Info- Los Ranchos School-Espanol
- PAPAS -Free Parenting Groups- CAPSLO
- PAPAS -Free Parenting Groups- CAPSLO-Espanol
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO
- D.M. International Tennis Academy-English
- D.M. International Tennis Academy- Espanol
- Parent Participation
- SLO Museum of Art Classes
- SLO Museum of Art Classes- Espanol