AP/IB Biology II

Choctawhatchee High School

Instructor: Mr. Wells

Course Rationale

This course should develop an understanding of the natural world in which we live, the relationships among the phenomena of that world, and the effects of that world on human living.

Course Description

AP Biology is a yearlong course which is graded on a 5 point scale that is designed to be taken by students after the successful completion of both high school biology and chemistry. It is being taught in conjunction with IB Biology 2. IB Biology is a two-year course in the IB program that is taught with both HL and SL students grouped together. AP & IB Biology students will complete an internationally-designated curriculum based on college-level lectures and labs in biological topics ranging from biochemistry to the cell, heredity, taxonomy, ecology, and anatomy/physiology. Students will prepare a formal lab book to be graded by AP/IB standards and submitted for international review. This lab book will constitute 20% of the final IB grade assigned by international IB at the end of the senior year. The final international IB test is worth 80% of the final IB grade. The Group Four Project will be completed during the senior year with all IB biology and physics students working collaboratively to perform quality lab work. This course is designed to prepare students for the Biology College Board Advanced Placement Exam.


  1. Enter this room quietly and orderly. You need to be in your seat when the bell rings. Attendance is taken using a seating chart.
  2. Late students must report to the Tardy Post. No admittance into the classroom without proper documentation. Tardiness will be handled according to school policy (please see the Student Handbook for the tardy policy).
  3. BE PREPARED!! You should not have to leave my room to go to the bathroom or to go back to your locker for paper, pencil, books, and/or assignments.
  4. Students must use the square whiteboard as a pass. Only 1 student out of the room at a time. Sign in and out on the log every time.
  5. Excessive restroom visits will lead to a phone call home, unless excused by a physician. School policy for office telephone use during class time is only for EMERGENCIES after an administrator’s approval.
  6. Assignments are due at the beginning of the hour. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. (See grading policies regarding labs)
  7. Respect others, their opinions, their property, and their privacy. Listen and follow instructions. Do not talk while I am speaking.
  8. Every student should take notes whenever the opportunity arises. Open note quizzes and Pop quizzes will occur periodically.
  9. If you are confused or do not understand something, please ask me. I am here to help you. “Have the courage to speak and the wisdom to listen.”
  10. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what homework or labs you missed and to get them turned in. I will not keep reminding you! According to the school handbook, students have up to 5 school days to complete make-up work (teacher discretion). Unexcused absences may not make-up work.
  11. When the bell rings, you will be dismissed ONLY when all the equipment is put away and everyone is quiet and in their seats.
  12. Gum, Food, and Drinks are NOT allowed. Screw-top water bottles are allowed on non-lab days.
  13. All lab safety rules are important and are enforced. There will be no horseplay, shenanigans, tomfoolery, or excessive noise during labs. Your health and well-being are of the utmost importance. Dress appropriately for lab days.
  14. Cell phones, iPods, iPads, and other electronic devices must be turned OFF during school and not visible to others. See school and district policy.
  15. Cheating/Plagiarism is NOT acceptable!!! Disciplinary action will be taken as outlined in the Student Handbook (zero and a referral to the office). Copying homework (checking/changing answers) is cheating. Plagiarism on a lab report will result in a zero on an IB lab grade.
  16. Talking during quizzes and test, even when you are finished, is not allowed and will result in an automatic ZERO.

Grading System

  1. The nine weeks grade will be determined by using the following calculations: tests/quizzes weighted as 70% of final grade, labs weighted as 20% of final grade, homework/objectives/DBQ’s/FRQ’s/etc. weighted as 10% of final grade.
  2. Extra Credit is not available.
  3. Points will be deducted from late lab reports (10% a day-including weekends) for up to 5 days. Labs will NOT be accepted after five days late and your parent will be contacted. The lab grade DIRECTLY INFLUENCES your final IB grade. Meet laboratory report deadlines! Grading of labs is specified by International IB standards and will come from a grading rubric each student will have, understand, and apply. Lab reports will be returned within 3 weeks. (AP Students will also be graded off of these standards).
  4. Tests usually range from 70 to 130 points. Tests will be returned and reviewed within 5 school days. Pop quizzes are possible at anytime!
  5. If you are absent on a test or quiz day, you will be expected to make it up on the day you return. Test days are told to you in advance. Missing a review day does not mean that you do not take the test. If you are here on test day, you take the test. Note: The make-up test may differ in test format from the original test.
  6. A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of each semester that will count as 1/7 of the student’s semester average. Nine week exams (comprehensive) will be given at the end of each quarter. Juniors will take the AP exam in lieu of the CHS comprehensive exam at the end of the second semester.

Laboratory expectations will be gone over prior to our first lab activity.

Grading Scale (0.5 rounds up)

A 90-100B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 0-59


Textbooks Provided for you:

Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. Starr and Tagart, 2016.

ISBN-10: 1305251326

Textbooks you must purchase by October 1st:

Biology for the IB Diploma: IB Study Guide. Andrew Allott, 2014

ISBN-10: 0198393512. Amazon.com for $36.

Textbook that is HIGHLY recommended:

Pearson Baccalaureate Higher Level Biology. Damon, McGonegal, Tosto, Ward.

2014. ISBN-10: 1447959000. Amazon.com for $60 – 100 (other sites might be cheaper).

Lab Binder: 3 to 4 inch spiral binder with plastic inserts on the side and front AND thirty dividers for the lab binder. Provided for you.

Notebook: Personal choice

Writing Utensils: Blue or black pen, pencils.

Calculator: TI-30X or other scientific or graphing calculator that includes statistics.


AP/IB Biology II is a college level course with college level tests. Keep up with assigned reading. You are responsible for every lecture, every chapter in the books, and every AP/IB objective assigned. Do your labs ahead of schedule so you don’t get penalized. Remember: The printer/computer always seems to break the night before. Plan ahead!



Month / Topic/IB Core topic number / AP Big Idea / Chapters / Labs
August / Intro & Lab Format
Intro to Biology/Statistics – N/A Water – 2.2 / 4A/B/C / 1,2 / 2
September / Biochemistry – 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, 6.1
Cells- 1.1-1.4
Microscope / 2B, 3D,
4A/B/C / 3,4,5 / 3
October / Cell Membrane- 1.3, 1.4
Cell Transport – 1.3, 1.4
Photosynthesis – 2.9, 8.3
Cell Respiration-2.8, 8.2 / 2A, 3D, 4A / 5,6,7 / 2
November / Mitosis- 1.6, 3.2
Meiosis- 3.1, 3.3, 10.1
Genetics – 3.4, 3.5, 10.2 / 3A/B/C, 4C / 11,12,13,14 / 3
December / DNA- 2.6, 7.1
2.7, 7.2-7.3 / 3A/B/C, 4C / 8,9,10 / 1
January / DNA Technology- 3.5
Evolution- 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 10.3 / 1A/B/C, 2D, 3C, 4C / 15,16,17,18 / 3
February / Evolution-5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 10.3
Origin of Life – 5.5 / 1A/B/C/D, 2D / 16,17,18,19 / 2
March / Classification- 5.3
Ecology- 4, C / 1B, 2D, 3E, 4A/B/C / 20,21,22,23,
49,50 / 3
April / Plants-5.3, 9.1-9.4
Anatomy and Physiology – 6, 11 / 2A/B/C/D/E,
3D/E / 27,28,29,30
39,40,41,42 / 1
May / REVIEW FOR AP EXAM – 5/14 (Monday)
Work on Any Weak
Topic/Missing Labs,
Review for EOC / ? / Objective
Book/AP Study
Guide / ?

The AP Biology Exam covers these 4 Big Ideas:

-Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

-Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

-Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.

-Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

AP Science Practices:

-Practice 1: The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems.

-Practice 2: The student can use mathematics appropriately.

-Practice 3: The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP course.

-Practice 4: The student can plan and implement data collection strategies in relation to a particular scientific question. (Note: Data can be collected from many different sources, e.g., investigations, scientific observations, the findings of others, historic reconstruction and/or archived data.)

-Practice 5: The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.

-Practice 6: The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.

-Practice 7: The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts and representations in and across domains.

International Baccalaureate

Choctawhatchee High School 0774

Biology HL/SL Program

Name of Experiment / Syllabus Topic / Time (Hours)
Statistics – a comparison of two populations using T-test / 1 / 1
Atomic models activity-assembling biochemical molecules / 3 / 1
Determination of Ascrobic Acid levels in fruit juices / 3 / 2
Mastering Microscopy techniques – observing and measuring specimens / 2 / 2
Osmosis and Diffusion – 3 studies using dialysis bags and peas / 2 / 2.5
Using Microviewers to explore five kingdoms / 2,5 / 2
Enzyme studies – catalase inhibition / 3,7 / 1
Waterweed- computer simulation of photosynthesis / 3,8 / 1
Photosynthesis Storyboard – Light Dependent reaction / 3,8 / 1
Constructing/analyzing karyotypes / 4 / 2
Biofly-computer stimulation of Drosophila / 4 / 1
Genetics of Corn- determining genotypes/phenotypes using monohybrid/dihybrid crosses and test crosses / 4,10 / 1
Human pedigree construction/analysis using traits of students / 4 / 2
DNA and RNA models – construction of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, and Amino acids / 3,7 / 2
Modeling Recombinant DNA Technology-using restriction enzymes / 4 / 1
Staining Allium root tips/id of mitosis steps / 2 / 1
Isolation of Chromatin from onions / 3,7 / 1
Chromatography of Plant Pigments- determining Rf and which solvent works best for separation / 3.8,9 / 1
Natural Selection- predator and prey game analysis / D / 2
Evolutionary Agents- use of Hardy Weinberg using beads / D / 3
Creations of Dichotomous Keys- artificial organisms (binary format) / 5 / 1
Creation of and use of cladograms – using phylogeny to create a cladogram / D,5 / 1
Five classification activities- classifying real leaves, plants, and animals / 5 / 4
SUMMER: Taxonomy Project- creating a guide for animal phylums for 5th grade level students / 5 / 4
Reproductive potential in peppers/graph plotting software / 5.3, 9 / 1
Simpson’s Diversity Index – two forest communities / G.3 / 1
Plant and flower anatomy exploration – various plants and flowers dissected and drawn / 5,8,9 / 1
I.A. Independent Design Lab - Plants / 3,5,8,9 / 5
Quadrat – calculation of population densities / 5,G / 1
Dissection/display of owl pellets / 5,G / 2
Creation of an age structure diagram from collected class data / 5,G / 1
Creating a food web for organisms in a foreign country / 5,G / 2
Group 4 – Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources / - / 10
Measuring reaction time – data logging (motion detector) / 6,11 / 1
Mouse party – using a computer simulation / 6 / 1
I.A. Independent Design Lab – Anatomy and Physiology / 6,11 / 2
Dissection of the Pig Heart / 6 / 1
Dissection of the Sheep Kidney / 11 / 1
Dissection of the rat – system by system / 6,11 / 2
Total Time = 72.5 hours of lab


Dear Students & Parents

I’d like to welcome you and your child to AP/IB Biology 2 ! This year, I’m using Remind to help keep you informed about classroom activities and assignments. Remind is a free service that lets me send quick messages via text, push notifications, or email to everyone involved with the class. We’ll be able to stay in touch without revealing our personal contact information. Signing up for my messages on Remind is easy.

Receive messages via text message

Step 1: Text my class code @mralanbw to 81010 or 850-851-0577 Remind Phone.

Step 2: Reply to the message from the Remind team with your first and last name, and you’re in!

Receive messages via push notification

Step 1: Download the Remind app on your Android or iOS device, or go to rmd.me/a to install the app.

Step 2: Once you’ve downloaded the app, create a parent account with your email address.

Step 3: Go to the Classes tab, tap the +, and enter our unique class code @mralanbw. That’s it!

------Thanks for signing up for my class on Remind! Here’s some information that might be helpful:

  • Your personal contact information is not visible to me or the school.
  • I can send announcements to the entire class or direct messages in individual and group conversations (if the student is over the age of 13).
  • I may choose to receive messages on Remind.
  • All messages are recorded and easily accessible in case they need to be referenced in the future.
  • Messages from my class will be sent directly to your phone or email account.

I’m excited to get to know you and your child better this year! If you have any questions about Remind, please feel free to contact me at . I look forward to connecting with you!

Best, Alan B. Wells

Dear Students & Parents,

Attached you will find instructions on how to sign up for Remind, a one-way text messaging and email system. I will be using Remind with my AP and IB Biology class to send reminders about due dates, tests, etc. I am asking each student to sign up to receive reminder via either text messages ORemails, using their first and last name. Parents: I encourage you to sign up to receive these reminders as well.

Another way that I often communicate with students is with my webpage on the Choctawhatchee High School website. Simply go to and find my name, email, and link to my personal web page. This page will be used to post media, such as scientific articles, videos, etc.

Should you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me by email at or by phone at 850-833-3614 ext: 4221.


Alan B. Wells

AP/IB Biology 2 & 3

_____ My Child has signed up for Remind.

_____ I have signed up for Remind.

Students Name______

Parents Name______

Parents Signature______