Lafayette Regional School Newsletter
October 18, 2013
The first graders have been studying gravity this fall. When a student knocked his pencil box off his desk and spilled pens and crayons all over the floor, another student looked over at the floor and then looked at the teacher and said “GRAVITY” with a big smile on his face!
NEWSLETTER REMINDER…We send a hard copy of the newsletter home each week with the youngest child in each family. If you only want the emailed version, please reply to my email!
SHOEBOX REMINDER….A friendly request reminderto Lafayette Service Kids….It's not tooearlyto bring in your items you bought for theOperation Christmas Child Shoeboxes!
HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS….The Halloween parade will take place on Thursday, October 31, 2013 for students K-4. The 5th & 6th graders will stay at school and build scarecrows. The parade will be leaving from the MPR at 12:30 pm. Kindergarten students are welcome to join in the fun by coming to the MPR a little before 12:30pm, a parent must accompany all kindergarten students. The children at the Franconia Children’s Center will also be marching in the parade. We will pick them up after visiting the Lafayette Center. Parents of all grades are welcome to march in the parade or watch from the sidewalks on Main Street. Please remember costumes should be school appropriate, (no guns,swords, etc…).
We will be collecting candy right from today until October 31. As many of you know, and some of you will soon learn, Halloween in the Lafayette community is very special. Children trick-or-treat in the neighborhoods that surround the Dow and the evening finishes with a huge bonfire near the Libby field. Spearheaded by the Lion’s Club, the community collects candy at our school and at Bob’s Citgo and distributes to the houses in these neighborhoods to pass out to the kids. Please bring in a bag of treats so we can all share in this special night together.
Superheroes, witches, ghosts, and goblins are now available to all! There is a rack of gently used costumes in the Conference room at LRS. If you’d like to donate a costume or shop from our selection, please visit the Conference room located near the library. Please join us in clearing out those ghosts from your closets! For more information please contact Toni in the office.
WINTER PROGRAM INFO COMING NEXT WEEK…Start thinking about Winter Program and what you will choose to do for six Fridays in January and February!
THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON….This year’s Thanksgiving Luncheon will be Wednesday, November 20. Keep an eye out for more information to sign up for this great annual tradition at Lafayette. You won’t want to miss it.
WALK TO SCHOOL FRIDAYS…Join Mr. Mellekas at the Community Church in Franconia by 7:10 and walk to school any Friday, weather permitting. (Use your best judgement)
OCTOBER MEETING RE-SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, 10/21 AT 7:45AM AT SCHOOL…We will be voting on two staff requests so it would be great if you can attend this meeting to hear about the exciting things that teachers are looking for for our kids! We will also be updating about the Auction. The meeting will last about an hour, no more, so please try to be there!
BOX TOPS 4 EDUCATION….Our deadline is October 25 so please keep those nicely clipped Please send in your box tops clipped along the dotted lines. Also….attached is a flyer about how you can earn eboxtops for our school when you shop online. All you need to do is start at….checkout the attached flyer for more information.
LPTO Fall Fundraiser - Thanks for all your support!
Bids 4 Kids 2013 – Be there or be square!!!!! Okay Lafayette community – we have received some neat donations from a few parents but we know you all have skills or special somethings that could be donated to our upcoming auction. Please take a minute to think about what your family can contribute. EVERYTHING earns money for our LPTO and all the neat things that happen at our school because of these fundraisers. We hope to raise enough money to bring the circus to town through Wunderle’s Big Top adventure with the summer director of Circus Smirkus in March 2014. Please help make this happen!
The event will be Friday, November 8, 2013 from The Auction time will be from 6:30-9:00 p.m. with the LIVE Auction to be somewhere in the middle, rather than the end of the Auction, which is different than prior years. Ticket prices will be $10.00 which includes entrance to the Auction, a wonderful time & a sampling of the delicious appetizers that Chef Joe's will serve. Adult beverages will be purchased. Please come buy your tickets in the office from Toni. It’s really helpful to sell as many tickets in advance as it helps us plan the food! If you have any questions or you’d like to get involved with any facet of this fun event please talk to Toni in the office or contact Tina Gargano at .
RECYCLE SALE….It’s not to early to start looking around your home for donations to the annual Recycle Sale. We could really use some items for big brothers and Dads. Thanks for keeping an eye out for things you may no longer need but may be a treasure to someone’s brother or Dad!
PUMPKIN CARVING PARTY ….on the DowonFriday, October 25th from 4-6! We will be take all the pumpkins we carve up to the 3rd Annual Gathering of the Jack O' Lanterns on the Ammonoosuc River the nextnight, (Saturday, October 26th)! CHECK OUT THE ATTACHED FLYER FOR SOME COOL PICTURES!!!
HALLOWEEN CUP 2013…Saturday, October 26, 2013….WE NEED YOU!
The Halloween Cup is a 3rd - 6th grade day long soccer tournament onSaturday October 26thon the Dow and Libby Fields in Franconia. This tournament is alarge fundraiser for the Lafayette Recreation Department. Money raised from this tournament has helped to improve our area recreation facilities-local bikes paths, paint the ice rink/tennis courts at the town hall andassistwith new dugouts at the school ball field. For more information about the Halloween Cup, please check out our website -
Please sign up at
If you have any questions or concerns about our Halloween Cup soccer tournament, please feel free to contact me r call/text at(603) 616-9547!
Thank you for your support!
Don’t forget ….Thursday, November 28, Thanksgiving- Wobble n Gobble 5k Road Race, starting at Lafayette School, sponsored by the Lafayette Recreation and Adaptive Sports.
FRANCONIA CHILDRENS CENTER SALE NIGHT FUNDRAISER AT GARNET HILL…Save the date of Saturday, November 9 at 5:30 pm.More information to follow next week.
APARTMENTS FOR RENT…Clean and tidy 2 & 3 bedroom, non smoking apt. units available to rent in the center of Lisbon. Sorry, but no pets. For more info, call 823-5253
Free: Metal frame for full size box spring mattress.Only missing clamps.For more info,
call 823-5253
FSC SKI SWAP…will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2013 in the MPR with drop off the night before. Checkout the attached flyer for more information.
SKI & SNOWBOARD SEASONAL RENTALS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!Rent your seasonal package before October 26th and TAKE $25 OFF your rental package!! Coupon IS ON OUR WEBSITE.
GALE RIVER PRE-SCHOOL CO-OP….there is some fun fundraising happening for the kids at Gale River Pre-School. They are selling pumpkins. The children planted them last spring and raised them (with lots of help from the teachers), and there are some beauties! Pie pumpkins and carving pumpkins. They're in the shed at the preschool (and there are signs pointing the way), along with a payment box.
Saturday, October 26, 2013….Come get in the spooky spirit in the Wicked Woods of the Great North! Join us for festive carriage rides, carnival games, bouncy houses, face painting, music, food and more! Do you get tired of loading your children up and driving around all night to go trick-or-treating? Try our take on this sugary tradition at our annual Trunk-or-Treat! Local families will pile into the main lot at the Bretton Woods Base Lodge in their decorated vehicles and “pop their trunk” so that all of the children can trick-or-treat from car to car in a safe and central location.
If you plan on hosting a trunk at this year’s Trunk-or-Treat, please keep in mind that trick-or-treating begins at 2:00pm and that this is a “Rain or Shine” event. Arrivals should be scheduled between 1:00-2:00pm. To pre-register, please call Megan Hinds at (603) 278-3347.