Maureen T. McHugh

Current AddressPermanent Address

1845 E. Northgate Drive, Box #607 322 E. Gill Avenue

Irving, TX 75062St. Louis, MO 63122

(972) 438-7002 (314) 822-0761



Enthusiastic student seeking an early childhood - 4th grade teaching position beginning Fall 2004 in a public, private or parochial setting. A strong work ethic, energetic personality coupled with great dedication to children will make me a successful educator in a challenging yet creative work environment.



Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

University of Dallas Irving, Texas (2000-2004)Graduation in May 2004 Cumulative GPA 3.0

University of Dallas “Rome Program” (Spring 2002)Studied and lived abroad for a semester

High School Diploma

Cor Jesu Academy St. Louis, Missouri (1996-2000)Graduate with honors in May 2000


Texas Standard Elementary Teacher Certificate EC-4 Anticipated May 2004

Missouri Teaching Certificate Anticipated 2004

Illinois Teaching Certificate Anticipated 2004


Irving School District Irving, Texas (August 2003-November 2003)

3rd grade student teacher Jackie Townsell Elementary School

Inner City Mentoring Program Chicago, Illinois (Summer 2003)

7th and 8th grade Educational Mentor Midtown Educational Foundation

Irving School District Irving, Texas (Spring 2003)

3rd grade Science practicum teacher Gilbert Elementary School

The Shelton School Dallas, Texas (Spring 2003)

2nd and 3rd grade Reading practicum teacher

Irving School District Irving, Texas (Fall 2002)

3rd grade Math practicum teacher Brandenburg Elementary School


University of Dallas - Irving, Texas (Fall 2000-Spring 2004) - Honor roll

Cor Jesu Academy - St. Louis, Missouri (Fall 1999-Spring 2000) - Academic honors

Maureen T. McHugh

Current AddressPermanent Address

1845 E. Northgate Drive, Box #607 322 E. Gill Avenue

Irving, TX 75062St. Louis, MO 63122

(972) 438-7002 (314) 822-0761



University of Dallas - Irving, Texas (Fall 2002) Executive Vice President Residence Hall Association (RHA)

University of Dallas - Irving, Texas (Fall 2002) Dorm President Augustine Hall (RHA)

University of Dallas - Irving, Texas (Fall 2001) Treasurer Catherine Hall (RHA)

University of Dallas - Irving, Texas (Spring 2001) Secretary Catherine Hall (RHA)

Midwest Leadership Program - Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Summers 1998-2001)

Camp Counselor Camp Tuckobotchee

Cor Jesu Academy - St. Louis, Missouri (Fall 1996-1998) Cross Country Junior Varsity Team

(Fall 1999) Cross Country Team Manager

Cor Jesu Academy - St. Louis, Missouri (Spring 1999-2000) Track and Field Team Manager

Employment History

University of Dallas, Irving Texas (September 2000-May 2004)

Receptionist Department of Mathematics

Schnucks Markets, St. Louis, Missouri (June 1998-August 2003)

Cashier/BakeryCustomer Clerk

Author of The Princess and the Dinosaur, an unpublished children’s book (Fall 2002)

Catalogued in the University of Dallas Cherie A. Clodfelter Children’s Library

Writing Children’s Literature and Storytelling

Creating Websites for Classroom Use

Basketball, Baseball and Cross Country

References furnished upon request