Mr. Lopez
Physical Education Department Rules and Regulations
Period 1: 9th grade Physical Education Office: (714) 663-6515
Period 2: 9th grade Physical Education FAX: (714) 663-6037
Period 2: 9th grade Physical Education Email:
Period 4: 9th grade Physical Education Period 6: Football
The primary focus of Pacifica High School’s physical education department is to provide each student with the skill and desire to achieve optimal lifetime wellness. All students will have the opportunity to evaluate their own personal lifetime goals through exposure to a variety of individual and team sports, dance, weight training and fitness. To facilitate social expectations within the classroom, the P.E. department adheres to the guidelines provided within the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Through character building each student is recognized as a valued individual on the Pacifica campus. The outcome and result of participation within the physical education department is to provide the community with a physically active, healthy, well-educated and responsible member of society.
GRADING EVALUATIONS – to be updated at least every two weeks on the Aeries Gradebook
1. Skill Units to include all/or part:
Skill evaluation/improvement, tests, formal GRADING SCALES
observations, homework, projects, timed runs. 90-100% A
2. Participation 80 – 89% B
Includes: effort, attitude, and teamwork. Evaluations 70 – 79% C
In citizenship are made based on the “Six Pillars of Character”. 60 – 69% D
Deductions are made for lack of citizenship & responsibility, 59 – 0% F
effort and teamwork.
1. Proper PE uniforms are available for purchase in the bookstore. Sold as a set they are $16, or separate for
$9.00 each. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are available for purchase in the bookstore for cold weather.
2. Cutting/or defacing any part of the uniform is not allowed.
3. Midriffs may not show.
4. NO street clothes are allowed over or under the P.E. uniform. This will result in a non-suit.
5. Wearing jeans to class will result in an automatic non-suit.
6. Appropriate shoes are fully enclosed; lace up tennis shoes/sneakers. For safety reasons, the following are not allowed: flip flops, sandals, boots, slippers/UGGs, platform and backless sneakers. Students will not be allowed to participate without proper shoes and the student will receive a full non-suit for irresponsibility. Socks should be worn for sanitary reasons.
7. PE shirts must be worn under your sweatshirt.
8. In compliance with school rules, hoods may not be worn on the head.
9. PHS logo hats and sunglasses may be worn for outdoor sports.
10. The length of PE shorts must meet PHS dress-code standards
Unexcused non-suits greatly affect grades in PE. Students need to be dressed out daily in proper PE attire to participate in class. Loss of participation and sport evaluation points due to non-dress CANNOT be made up. Deductions equivalent to 5% of the total grade will be given for each non-suit in PE class. Unexcused non-suits with a substitute teacher will result in DOUBLE the points off (10% of their final grade/infraction). Loaners are available to all students with two loans allowed per quarter (Student ID card required) with no penalty incurred but must be requested within the first 3 minutes of changing. The students who are not dressed properly (this includes improper shoes) are not allowed to participate with their class and must walk in a designated area. Continuing/repetitive non-suits (4) and/or non-participation may result in referrals to Administration for discipline.
All students will have access to the locker room. Each student will be assigned a small locker for daily and overnight storage. A long locker is provided during the class period only (girls only). Long lockers must be emptied before going to your next class or we will remove your items. Students may not share lockers and should keep their lock combinations private. There is no dressing allowed in the bathroom stalls. Lockers are the property of the school and may be searched at the discretion of the teachers and administration. Students who do not lock their locker, or who are found to be sharing with another students may be assigned a detention. The Pacifica PE Department will NOT be responsible for items left unlocked/unattended in the locker room.
PE is a participation class! Grading is based on the student’s active participation on a daily basis. Excessive absences will impact skill evaluation. Students with excused or permissive absences have the opportunity to make up a portion of their daily points by completing written makeup work. (2% 6pts) Truancies cannot be made up and result in participation point deductions. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to clear all absences. 45 or more absences in a semester results in an incomplete/medical and the class will need to be repeated.
Tardies will be addressed according to school rules. All students must be in the locker room by the time the passing bell rings. Lateness to the locker room could result in detention and a possible non-suit in PE class. *Unexcused tardies to roll call will result in deductions to your daily grade. (1% 3pts)
Students are given 5 minutes to change and be in roll call. At the 10 minute bell, students are excused to change back into their street clothes. ALL students must REMAIN in the PE area (“Behind the line”) until the passing bell rings and any student caught outside the PE area without a pass (considered truant) will be disciplined according to the school policy.
The focus of extension time at Pacifica is to provide students with additional classroom opportunities to succeed. In PE, this additional class time will be used for making up participation, tests, evaluations etc. missed due to absences. Students in PE with extension time will remain dressed in their PE clothes until the last 10 minutes, when they will be excused to change into their street clothes.
On excessively hot days, classes will occasionally have the opportunity to go swimming. Each student is responsible for his or her own swimsuit/trunks/board shorts and towel. NO PE Clothes will be permitted in the pool and all students must obey the rules of the teacher in charge on the pool deck. ALL wet clothes must be removed from the locker room immediately after the PE period. It is MANDATORY that each student bring a plastic bag to remove the wet items.
Parent notes are accepted for injuries or minor illnesses limiting the student’s activity to a maximum of 3 days.
After the 3rd day, a qualifying doctor’s note is required. Per the school nurse, doctor’s notes MUST meet the following criteria:
1. Signed and dated by attending doctor
2. Preferable that the dates of restricted activity not be open-ended.
3. Note has to include modified activity; ie. walking, upper body, lower body, etc.
4. Qualifying doctors are MD, D.O. or P.A. only
5. Notes from a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist will be treated as a Parent note
Students who are unable to participate due to illness or injury will do modified activities or complete a one-page assignment during the period. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up an article (from the PE office) and complete their report by the end of the period each day. If not completed or picked up from the PE office, points will be deducted from their grade for their irresponsibility/lack of citizenship. Plagiarism will not be tolerated! PE is a participation class. Students unable to physically participate in their current sport activity will not receive classroom skill points for the duration of the doctor’s note.
Per department policy a doctor’s note is REQUIRED after the 2nd parent note received on a run day. LADIES: we do not accept notes for ‘monthly’ issues unless you have a doctor’s note on file with the nurse.
**ASTHMATICS must have paperwork on file with the school nurse!!!!***
MISCELLANEOUS – no food drinks or gum allowed in the gym or locker rooms!
The following set of rules is to protect students, school property, equipment and myself:
NO CANDY, FOOD, OR DRINKS during activity time.
Only exception is on run days where water/sports drinks are allowed.
NO iPODS, CELL PHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES allowed! This includes time spent on the line waiting for the passing bell or in the locker room. These devices will be confiscated and violations will be handled according to the guidelines listed in the Pacifica Parent/Student Handbook.
Please contact me via email or call me in the PE Office during my Period 5 Conference time if you have private concerns for your son or daughter. The current daily bell schedule will be listed at the school website: