Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path

Before Read / Look at the title and illustrations on pages 664-665. What kind of information do you think you will learn in this selection? Write 2 questions you have that might be answered from reading this selection. Be sure to use as many vocabulary words in your journal writing as you can.
Pages / Partner A / Partner B
666-667 / ___Read to your partner / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner 3 facts about Jim that the author states.
668-669 / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner why Jim’s father wants his sons to go to boarding school. Describe how Jim feels about the school. How is this different from his brother? / ___Read to your partner.
670 / ___Read to your partner. / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partnerwhat happens to Charlie?
671 / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner what Jim’s father’s opinion is about education and how does he support his opinion? What happens at this point in Jim’s life? / ___Read to your partner.
End of Day 1 / Write in your journal what has happened so far. Tell about the information you have learned to questions you had and create another question to learn about.
Before Read
Day 2 / Review with your partner what you wrote at the end of day 1. Predict what you may learn today.
672-673 / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner what Jim does after he hears his father has been shot.Does Jim return to school? Why or why not? / ___Read to your partner.
674 / ___Read to your partner. / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner one fact and one opinion from the 8th paragraph on this page.
675 / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner why the Athletic Boys snickered. What do you think will happen next? / ___Read to your partner.
676 / ___Read to your partner. / ___Listen to your partnerread. DescribePop Warner’s reaction to Jim’s high jump from the previous page.
677 / ___Listen to your partnerread. Tell your partner how Jim’s family helped him run so well in the “tackling practice”. / ___Read to your partner.
After Read / Write a summary in your own words. Be sure to use as many vocabulary words as you can, but be sure to only include the most important events. Read the timeline on pages 678-679.