Percent Change Match!

Directions: Solve each percent change problem below and match it with one of the amounts (a-z). Answers may be on the other side! Each answer will only be used once. Good luck! J

1.  At 6:00 in the morning it was 45 degrees, but the temperature rose to 92 degrees by 3:00 in the afternoon. What was the percent change in temperature over the 9 hour time frame? / a)  22% decrease
2.  A candle store owner decided to add more products to her shelves. She originally had 74 scents, but now has 85. What is the percent change? / b)  150% increase
3.  Jalen did not like his original score of a 74% on his math test. He retook the test and scored a 75%. What was the percent change? / c)  177% increase
4.  Mrs. Gorman bought 3 baby trees to plant in her yard. The starting height of each tree was 36 inches. After 2 years, the trees were 90 inches tall. What was the percent change? / d)  6% increase
5.  Pet Smart has a tank of goldfish. On Monday there were 94 fish in the tank. They sold 60 fish by Thursday. What was the percent change of fish? / e)  92% increase
6.  Mrs. Palgut was playing darts and scored 12 points on her first game. On the second game she scored one less than twice her original score. What was the percent change of her scores? / f)  3% decrease
7.  Coach Milligan’s basketball team scored 83 points in the first playoff game. On their next game, they scored 7 points less than their first game. What is the percent change? / g)  395% increase
8.  Miss Phillips was playing Mario Brothers on the Wii. In the first level she collected 24 coins. In the second level she collected another 96 coins. What was the percent change of coins? / h)  57% decrease
9.  In 1980, Ratio City had 20 stoplights but in 2009 they had a total of 99 stoplights. What is the percent change? / i)  267% increase
10.  Trinity is starting to save her babysitting money. The first week she made $16.00. By week 4 she had saved a total of $72.00. If she did not spend any of it, what was the percent change? / j)  1% increase
11.  Ian spent 117 minutes completing his homework on Tuesday. On Wednesday he spent 26 minutes less than that. What was the percent change in the length of time? / k)  142% increase
12.  At the start of the quarter Lauryn had 188 sheets of paper in her Social Studies notebook for Mr. Egnot’s class. By the end of the quarter she only had 42 sheets left. What was the percent change? / l)  23% increase
13.  On the show The Biggest Loser, Mr. Real E. Big started out the show weighing 362 pounds. By the last show, he lost 206 pounds. What was his percent change in weight? / m)  350% increase
14.  In Science Olympiad, Zach’s rocket went 139 inches in the air. After remaking it to improve its flying ability, it went 385 inches in the air. What was the percent change in the rocket’s height? / n)  10% decrease
15.  J.D. started a savings account and deposited $328. After 6 months, he earned $5 in interest and did not deposit any more money nor did he take any out. What is the percent change of his staring amount and his current amount? / o)  104% increase
16.  During this cold winter in Charlotte the gas bills have remained above $200. Last month, Mrs. Brown paid $259 and this month she paid $274! What is the percent change of the gas bills? / p)  4% decrease
17.  Chef Ramsey challenged his contestants to create a healthier version of a pasta salad that has 284 calories per serving. Elijah’s new recipe only had 206 calories. What was the percent change in calories? / q)  8% decrease
18.  Araceli made an initial deposit of $246 to start a bank account. She spent $19 on a new purse and then spent $16 when she had dinner with her friends. The next week she received $10 for her birthday and put that back into her account. What was the percent change from the principle balance to her current balance? / r)  26% decrease
19.  Jahrae preset the oven to 350 degrees to make cookies. As it was warming up it reached 309 degrees before she realized she didn’t have any eggs. She turned the oven off and after 3 minutes the oven temperature was already down to 299 degrees. What was the percent change in temperature? / s)  64% decrease
20.  Miss Thornburg’s boat was floating 326 feet from shore. The waves kept slowly moving her boat toward the beach. If her boat moved 85 feet closer to the beach, what is the percent change in the distances? / t)  86% increase
21.  Mr. Fatzinger’s class had a total of 4048 minutes of community service documented first semester. During the second semester, knowing that all 25 hours are DUE on APRIL 25th, they stepped it up and documented another 7548 minutes! What is the percent change of the minutes documented each quarter? / u)  300% increase
22.  When Miss Peterson bought her new car it had 2,150 miles on it. After 4 months the odometer read 7,895 miles. What is the percent change of miles on the car? / v)  16% increase
23.  Mrs. Frilot was flying in a plane at a cruising altitude of 4,359 feet. The plane increased its altitude to 7,540 feet, but then dropped to 5,377 feet and continued to cruise for awhile. What is the percent change in the first cruising altitude and the last cruising altitude? / w)  2% increase
24.  Mrs. Barone went on a camping trip with her family. The camp is at 5,876 feet above sea level. They got adventurous and went on a hike to the top of Lunch Rocks, which is at 6,820 feet above sea level. What is the percent change in altitude? / x)  27% decrease
25.  Mrs. Delaney’s daughter was home sick in bed with a fever of 103.5 degrees. She took her to the doctor, got some medicine, and now her temperature is 99.3. Find the percent change in temperature. / y)  15% increase
26.  On Monday, Mr. Tornfelt monitored 12 students in lunch detention. By Friday, he was monitoring 29 students. What is the percent change in the number of students from Monday to Friday? / z)  78% decrease