Refereed papers and book chapters in press
Soliveres and Eldridge Functional Ecology 2013
Eldridge D.J., Soliveres S., Bowker M.A. and Val J. (2013). Grazing dampens the positive effects of shrub encroachment on ecosystem functions in a semi-arid woodland. Journal of Applied Ecology50, 1028-1038.
Travers, S.K. and Eldridge, D.J. (2013). Increased rainfall frequency triggers an increase in litter fall rates of reproductive structures in an arid eucalypt woodland. Austral Ecology (in press).
Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Maestre, F.T, Gallardo, A., Matthew A. Bowker, Matthew D. Wallenstein,José L. Quero, Victoria Ochoa, Beatriz Gozalo,Miguel García-Gómez, Santiago Soliveres, Pablo García-Palacios, Miguel Berdugo, Enrique Valencia, Cristina Escolar, Tulio Arredondo, Claudia Barraza-Zepeda, Donaldo Bran, José Antonio Carreira, Mohamed Chaieb, Abel A. Conceição, MchichDerak, David J. Eldridge, AdriánEscudero, Carlos I. Espinosa, Juan Gaitán, M. Gabriel Gatica, Susana Gómez-González, Elizabeth Guzman, Julio R. Gutiérrez, Adriana Florentino, Estela Hepper, Rosa M. Hernández, Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald, Mohammad Jankju, Jushan Liu, Rebecca L. Mau, Maria Miriti, Jorge Monerris, Kamal Naseri, ZouhaierNoumi, Vicente Polo, AníbalPrina, Eduardo Pucheta, Elizabeth Ramírez, David A. Ramírez-Collantes, Roberto Romão, Matthew Tighe, Duilio Torres, Cristian Torres-Díaz, Eugene D. Ungar, James Val, WanyoikeWamiti, Deli Wang and Eli Zaady (2013). Aridity decouples soil C, N and P biogeochemical cycles in drylands worldwide. Nature (in press)
Bowker, M.A., Eldridge, D.J., Val, J. and Soliveres, S. (2013). Hydrology in a patterned landscape is co-engineered by soil-disturbing animals and biological crusts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61, 14-21.
Daryanto, S., Eldridge, D.J. and Throop, H.L. (2013). Managing semi-arid woodlands for carbon storage: Grazing and shrub effects on above- and below-ground carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 169, 1-11.
Daryanto, S., Eldridge, D.J. and Wang, L. (2013b). Ploughing and grazing alter the spatial patterning of surface soils in a shrub-encroached woodland. Geoderma. 200-201, 67-76.
Daryanto, S., Eldridge, D.J. and Wang, L. (2013a). Spatial patterns of infiltration vary with disturbance in a shrub-encroached woodland. Geomorphology 194, 57-64.
Whitford, W.G. and Eldridge, D.J. (2013). Termites and ants, In: Butler, D. and Hupp, C. (eds.) A Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 1: The Foundations of Geomorphology. Elsevier, Kiddlington, UK.
Eldridge, D.J., Maestre, F.T., Moro, S., and Bowker, M.A. (2012) A global database of woody encroachment effects on ecosystem structure and functioning. Ecology 93, 2499.
Ruiz-Colmenero, M., Bienes, R., Eldridge, D.J. and Marqués, M.J. (2013). Vegetation cover reduces erosion and enhances soil organic carbon in a vineyard in the central Spain. Catena 104, 153-160.
Serpe, M.D., Roberts, E., Eldridge, D.J. and Rosentreter, R. (2013).Bromustectorumlitter alters photosynthetic characteristics of biological soil crusts from a semiarid shrubland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 60, 220-230.
Borchard, P.A., Eldridge, D.J. and Wright, I.A. (2012).Sarcoptes mange (Sarcoptesscabiei) increases diurnal activity of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatusursinus) in an agricultural riparian environment. Mammalian Biology 77, 244-248.
Daryanto, S., Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (2012).Soil nutrients under shrub hummocks and debris mounds two decades after ploughing.Plant and Soil 351, 405-419.
Dean, C., Roxburgh, S.H., Harper, R.J., Eldridge, D.J., Watson, I.W. and Wardell-Johnson, G.W. (2012) Accounting for space and time in soil carbon dynamics in timbered rangelands. Ecological Engineering 38, 51-64.
Eldridge, D.J., Huang, N., Bentley, J., Hayward, M.W. (2012). Soil disturbance by invertebrates in a semi-arid eucalypt woodland: effects of grazing exclusion, faunal reintroductions, landscape and patch characteristics. Journal of the Linnean Society of NSW 134, 11-18.
Eldridge, D.J., Koen, T.B., Huang, N, Killgore, A. and Whitford, W.G. (2112). Animal foraging as a mechanism for sediment movement and soil nutrient development: evidence from the semi-arid Australian woodlands and the Chihuahuan Desert. Geomorphology 157/158, 131-141.
Howard, K., Eldridge, D.J. and Soliveres, S. (2012). Positive effects of shrubs on plant species diversity do not change along a gradient in grazing pressure in an arid shrubland. Basic and Applied Ecology 13, 159-168.
Maestre, F.T., Quero, H.L., Gotelli, N.J., …Eldridge, D.J. et al.(2012). Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylandsScience 335, 214-218.
Smith, J., Eldridge, D.J. and Throop, H.L. (2012). Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland. Plant and Soil 360, 405-419.
Soliveres, S., Eldridge, D.J., Hemmings, F., and Maestre, F.T. (2012). Nurse plant effects on plant species richness in drylands: The role of grazing, rainfall and species specificity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 14, 402-414.
Travers, S.K. and Eldridge, D.J. (2012). Landscape modulators and resource accumulation in a post-fire eucalypt woodland.Forest Ecology and Management 285, 11-19.
Travers, S.K., Eldridge, D.J., Koen, S.B. and Soliveres, S. (2012). Animal foraging pit soil affects the growth of a native grass. Plant and Soil 352, 341-351.
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J., Koen, T.B. and Moseby, K.E. (2011) Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives? Biological Invasions 13, 3027-3038.
Borchard, P. and Eldridge, D.J. (2011).The geomorphic signature of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatusursinus) and cattle (Bostaurus) in an agricultural riparian ecosystem. Geomorphology130, 365-373.
Borchard, P.B. and Eldridge, D.J. (2011). Vegetation changes associated with cattle (Bostaurus) and wombat (Vombatusursinus) activity in a riparian forest. Applied Vegetation Science 15,62-70.
Eldridge, D.J. (2011). The resource coupling role of animal foraging pits in semi-arid woodlands. Ecohydrology 4, 623-630.
Eldridge, D.J., Bowker, M.A., Maestre, F.M., Roger, E., Reynolds, J.F. and Whitford, W.G. (2011).Impacts of shrub encroachment on ecosystem structure and functioning: towards a global synthesis. Ecology Letters14, 709-722.
Kwok, A.B.C., Eldridge, D.J. and Oliver, I.A. (2011). Do landscape health indices reflect arthropod biodiversity status in the eucalypt woodlands of eastern Australia? Austral Ecology 36, 800-813.
Lichner, L., Eldridge, D.J., Schacht, K., Zhukova, N., Holmo, L, Si R, M. and Pecho, J. (2011). Grass cover influences hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in a sandy soil. Pedosphere21,19-29.
Martin, W.K., Eldridge, D.J. and Murray, P.A. (2011).Bird assemblages in remnant and revegetated habitats in an extensively cleared landscape, WaggaWagga, New South Wales.Pacific Conservation Biology 17, 110-120.
Moles, A.T., Flores-Moreno, H., Bonser, S.P., Warton, D.I., Helm, A., Warman, L., Eldridge, D.J. et al. (2011) Invasions: the trail behind, the path ahead, and a test of a disturbing idea. Journal of Ecology 100, 116-127.
Soliveres, S., Eldridge, D.J., Maestre, F.T., Bowker, M.A., Tighe, M. and Escudero, A. (2011). Microhabitat amelioration and reduced competition among understorey plants as drivers of facilitation across environmental gradients: Towards a unifying framework. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 13, 247-258.
Williams, W.J. and Eldridge, D.J. (2011). Deposition of sand over a cyanobacterial soil crust increases nitrogen bioavailability in a semi-arid woodland. Applied Soil Ecology 49, 26-31.
Borchard, P., Wright, I.A. and Eldridge, D.J. (2010).Wombats and domestic livestock as potential vectors of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in an agricultural riparian area.Australian Journal of Zoology 58: 150-153.
Daryanto, S. and Eldridge, D.J. (2010). Plant and soil surface responses to a combination of shrub removal and grazing in a shrub-encroached woodland. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 2639-2648.
*Eldridge, D.J., Bowker, M.A, Maestre, F.T., Alonso, P., Mau, R.L., Papadopoulos, J. and Escudero, A. (2010). Interactive effects of three ecosystem engineers on infiltration in a semi-arid Mediterranean grassland. Ecosystems 13: 495-510.
*Eldridge, D.J., Val, J. and James, A.I. (2011). Abiotic effects predominate under prolonged livestock–induced disturbance. Austral Ecology 36, 367-377.
*Eldridge, D.J., Greene, R.S.B. and Dean, C. (2011). Climate change in the rangelands: implications for soil health and management. In: Singh, B., Cowie, A.L. and Yin Chan, K. (eds.) Chapter 13. Soil Health and Climate Change. Soil Biology Series, Springer, London. Pp. 237-255.
Eldridge, D.J. and Lunt, I.D. (2010). Resilience of soil seed banks to site degradation in intermittently flooded riverine woodlands. Journal of Vegetation Science 21, 157-166
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J. and Moseby K.E. (2010).Foraging pits, litter, and plant germination in an arid shrubland.Journal of Arid Environments 74, 516-520.
Eldridge, D.J. (2009). Badger (Taxideataxus) mounds affect soil hydrological properties in a degraded shrub-steppe. American Midland Naturalist 161, 350-358.
Eldridge, D.J. and Whitford, W.G. (2009). Badger (Taxideataxus) disturbances increase soil heterogeneity in a degraded shrub-steppe ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 66-73.
Eldridge, D.J., Whitford, W.G. and Duval, B.D. (2009). Animal disturbances promote shrub maintenance in a desertified grassland. Journal of Ecology 97, 1302-1310.
Eldridge, D.J. and Whitford, W.G. (2009). Soil disturbance by native animals along grazing gradients in an arid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments 73, 1144-1148.
Eldridge, D.J., and James, A.I. (2009). Soil-disturbance by native animals plays a critical role in maintaining healthy Australian landscapes. Ecological Management and Restoration 10, S27-S34.
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J., and Hill, B.M. (2009). Foraging animals create fertile patches in an Australian desert shrubland. Ecography32, 723-732.
O'Bryan, K., Prober, S., Lunt, I. and Eldridge, D.J. (2009).Frequent fire promotes diversity and cover of biological soil crusts in a derived temperate grassland. Oecologia 159, 827-838.
Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (2008). Formation of nutrient-poor soil patches in a semi-arid woodland by the European rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus L.). Austral Ecology 33, 88-98.
Eldridge, D.J. and Kwok, A.B.C. (2008). Soil disturbance by animals at varying spatial scales in a semi-arid Australian woodland. The Rangeland Journal 30, 327-337.
James, A.I., Eldridge, D.J., Koen, T.K. and Whitford, W.G. (2008). Landscape position moderates how ant nests affect hydrology and soil chemistry across a Chihuahuan Desert watershed. Landscape Ecology 23, 961–975.
Zaady, E., Eldridge, D.J. and Shachak, M. (2008). Biogenic soil crusts enhance runoff production in the northern Negev Desert. In: Hare, P. (ed.), Transfer of Technology. Biblio Books Publisher. Chapter 14a, pp. 273-282.
Williams, W.J., Eldridge, D.J. and Alchin, B.M. (2008). Grazing and drought reduce cyanobacterial soil crusts in an Australian Acacia woodland. Journal of Arid Environments 72, 1064-1075.
Deines, L., Rosentreter, R., Eldridge, D.J. and Serpe, M.D. (2007).Germination and seedling establishment of two annual grasses on lichen-dominated biological soil crusts.Plant and Soil 295, 23-35.
Eldridge, D.J., Koen, T.B. and Harrison, L. (2007).Plant composition of three woodland communities of variable condition in the western Riverina, New South Wales, Australia.Cunninghamia10, 189-198.
James, A.I. and Eldridge, D.J. (2007). Reintroduction of fossorial native mammals potential impacts on ecosystem processes in an Australian desert landscape. Biological Conservation 138, 351–359.
Lunt, I.D., Eldridge, D.J., Morgan, J.W. and Will, G.B. (2007). A framework to predict the effects of livestock grazing and grazing exclusion on conservation values in natural ecosystems in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 55, 401-415.
Eldridge, D.J, and Mensinga, A. (2007).Foraging pits of the Short-Beaked Echidna (Tachyglossusaculeatus) as small-scale patches in a semi-arid Australian box woodland.Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39, 1055-1065.
Semple, W.S., Koen, T.B., Eldridge, D.J., Düttmer, K.M. and Parker, B. (2006). Variation in soil properties on two partially revegetated saline scalds. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46, 1279-1289.
Thompson, W.S., Eldridge, D.J. and Bonser, S.B. (2006).Structure of biological soil crust communities in Callitrisglaucophylla woodlands of New South Wales, Australia.Journal of Vegetation Science 17, 271-280.
Eldridge, D.J., Costantinides, C. and Vine, A. (2006). Short-term vegetation and soil responses to mechanical destruction of rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus L.) warrens in an Australian box woodland. Restoration Ecology 14, 50-59.
Thompson, W.A. and Eldridge, D.J. (2005b). Plant cover and composition in relation to density of Callitrisglaucophylla (white cypress pine) along a rainfall gradient in eastern Australia.Australian Journal of Botany 53, 545-554.
Thompson, W.A. and Eldridge, D.J. (2005a) White cypress pine (Callitrisglaucophylla): a review of its roles in landscape and ecological processes in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 53, 555-570.
Eldridge, D.J., Freudenberger, D. and Koen, T.B. (2005). Diversity and abundance of biological soil crust taxa in relation to fine- and coarse-scale disturbances in a grassy eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia. Plant and Soil 281, 255-268.
*Eldridge, D.J. and Wong, V.N.L. (2005). Clumped and isolated trees influence soil nutrient levels in an Australian temperate box woodland. Plant and Soil 270, 331-342.
Eldridge, D.J. and Freudenberger, D. (2005). Ecosystem wicks: woodland trees enhance water infiltration in a fragmented agricultural landscape in eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 30, 336-347.
Eldridge, D.J. (2004). Mounds of the American badger (Taxideataxus): significant geomorphic features of North American shrub-steppe ecosystems. Journal of Mammalogy85, 1060-1067.
Eldridge, D.J., Harrison, L., Parker, L. and Milligan, A. (2003). Condition and biodiversity of vegetation remnants: MIA. Natural Resource Management June 2003, 63-66.
Hilty, J., Eldridge, D.J., Rosentreter, R., Wicklow-Howard, M. and Pellant, M. (2004). Recovery of biological soil crusts following wildfire on the western Snake River Plain, U.S.A. Journal of Range Management 57, 89-96
Hilty, J., Eldridge, D.J., Rosentreter, R. and Wicklow-Howard, M. (2003). Burning and seeding influence soil surface morphology in an Artemisiashrubland in southern Idaho. Arid Land Research and Management 17, 1-11.
Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (2003).Detecting environmental change in eastern Australia: rangeland health in the semi-arid woodlands.Science of the Total Environment310, 211-219.
Eldridge, D.J. and Leys, J.F. (2003).Exploring some relationship between biological soil crusts, soil aggregation and wind erosion.Journal of Arid Environments53, 457-466.
Eldridge, D.J. and Wilson, B.R. (2003). Storage of carbon in soil and vegetation in paired roadside sites in the box woodlands of eastern Australia. Australian Forestry65, 268-272.
Eldridge, D.J. (2003). Biological soil crusts: nature’s natural soil healers. In: Brown, C.L., Hall, F. and Mill, J. (eds). Plant Conservation: Approaches and Techniques from an Australian Perspective. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra.
Eldridge, D.J., Zaady, E. and Shachak, M. (2002).The impact of disturbance on runoff and sediment production and its implications for the management of desert ecosystems.Landscape Ecology17, 587-597.
Rosentreter, R. and Eldridge, D.J. (2002). Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: grasslands, deserts and steppe. In: P.L. Nimis, C. Scheidegger and P.A. Wolseley (eds.) Monitoring with Lichens – Monitoring Lichens. pp. 223-237. Kluwer, Netherlands.
Eldridge, D.J. and Squires, V.R. (2002).Estimating pastoral productivity of semi-arid rangeland in northern Shaanxi Province China using an Environmental Resource Assessment System.Land Degradation and Management 16, 37-45.
Eldridge, D.J. and Simpson, R. (2002).Rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus L.) impacts on vegetation and soils, and implications for management of wooded rangelands.Basic and Applied Ecology 3, 19-29.
Eldridge, D.J. and Rath, D. (2002). Hip holes: kangaroo resting sites enhance the physical and chemical environment of woodland soils. Austral Ecology27, 527-536.
Eldridge, D.J. (2002). Assessing catchment health. In: K. Kent, G. Earl., B. Mullins, I. Lunt and R. Webster (eds.) Native Vegetation Guide for the Riverina: Notes for Land Managers on its Management and Restoration. pp. 20-24. Charles Sturt University, Albury.
Warren, S.D. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts and livestock in arid regions: are they compatible? In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 401-416. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Rosentreter, R., Eldridge, D.J. and Kaltenecker, J.H. (2001).Monitoring and management of biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 457-470. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Eldridge, D.J., Lepage, M., Bryannah, M.A. and Ouedraogo, P. (2001).Soil Biota. In: Valentin, C., Tongway, D.J., d’Herb, J.M. and Sergieri, J. (eds.) Banded Vegetation Patterning in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments: Ecological Processes and Consequences for Management. Ecological Studies 149, pp. 105-131. Springer-Verlag, Amsterdam.
Belnap, J. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001).Disturbance and recovery of biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 363-384. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Belnap, J., Hilty, J., Rosentreter, R., Williams, J., Leonard, S. and Eldridge, D.J. (2001).Biological Soil Crusts: Ecology and Management. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Technical Publication No. 1730-2
Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts and water relations in of Australian deserts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 315-326. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Eldridge, D.J. (2001). Biological soil crusts of Australia. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange (eds.) Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Management and Function. Ecological Studies 150, pp. 119-132. Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Stafford, M.J. and Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Vegetation, soils and management of ‘Zara’: a sandhill remnant on the Riverine Plain. Cunninghamia6, 717-746.
Eldridge, D.J., Zaady, E., Shachak, M. (2000). Infiltration through three contrasting biological soil crusts in patterned landscapes in the Negev, Israel. Catena 40, 323-336.
Eldridge, D.J. and Myers, C.A. (2000). The impact of warrens of the European rabbit (OryctolaguscuniculusL.) on soil and ecological processes in a semi-arid Australian woodland. Journal of Arid Environments 47, 325-337.
Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Ecology and management of biological soil crusts: recent developments and future challenges. Bryologist 103, 742-747.
Murphy, B.W., Eldridge, D.J., McKane, D.J. and Gray, J.M. (2000).Soils landscapes of New South Wales. In: Soils - their properties and management (eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. pp. 150-165.
Murphy, B.W., Eldridge, D.J., Chapman, G.A. and McKane, D.J. (2000).Soils of New South Wales. In: Soils - their properties and management (eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. pp. 133-149.
Eldridge, D.J. (2000). Soils and rangeland management. In: Soils - their properties and management (eds. Charman, P.E.V. and Murphy, B.W.). Oxford University Press, South Melbourne. pp. 318-327.
Eldridge, D.J., Semple, W.S. and Koen, T.B. (2000). Dynamics of cryptogamic soil crusts in a derived grassland in south-eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 25, 235-240.
Leys, J.F. and Eldridge, D.J. (1999). Influence of cryptogamic crust disturbance to wind erosion on sand and loam rangeland soils. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 23, 963-974.
Eldridge, D.J. and Semple, W.S. (1999). Growth rates of Xanthoparmeliareptansin a mesic grassland in eastern Australia. Australian Lichenology 45, 36-37.
Eldridge, D.J. and Rosentreter, R.R. (1999). Morphological groups: a framework for monitoring microphytic crusts in arid landscapes. Journal of Arid Environments41, 11-25.
Eldridge, D.J. and Leys, J.F. (1999). Dispersal of the vagant lichen Chondropsissemiviridisin south-western NSW. Australian Journal of Botany 47, 157-164.
Eldridge, D.J. and Ferris, J.M. (1999). Recovery of populations of the soil lichen Psoracrenataafter disturbance in arid South Australia. Rangeland Journal21, 194-198
Eldridge, D.J. and Myers, C.A. (1998). Some evidence that the ants Aphaenogasterbarbigula(Myrmicinae) enhance soil nutrients around their nest entrances in semi-arid eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research 36, 1009-1017.
Eldridge, D.J. and Koen, T.B. (1998).Cover and floristics of microphytic soil crusts in relation to indices of landscape health.PlantEcology 137, 101-114
Eldridge, D.J. (1998). Trampling of microphytic crusts on calcareous soils and its impact on erosion under rainimpacted flow.Catena33, 221-239
Eldridge, D.J. (1998). Dynamics of moss- and lichen-dominated soil crusts in a patterned Callitrisglaucophylla woodland in eastern Australia. Acta-Oecologica20, 159-170.
Eldridge, D.J. (1998) Soil crust lichens and mosses on calcrete-dominant soils at Maralinga.Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens18, 9-24
Eldridge, D.J., Tozer, M.E. and Slangen, S. (1997) Soil hydrology is independent of microphytic crust cover: further evidence from the semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 11, 113-126
Eldridge, D.J. and Tozer, M.E. (1997). A Practical Guide to Soil Lichens and Bryophytes of Australia’s Dry Country. Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney.
Eldridge, D.J. and Tozer, M.E. (1997) Environmental factors relating to the distribution of terricolous bryophytes and lichens in semi-arid eastern Australia.Bryologist100, 28-39.
Eldridge, D.J. and Rosentreter, R.R. (1997). Soil crust Aspicilia: how many species are there? Australasian Lichenology41, 18-19.
Eldridge, D.J. and Robson, A.D. (1997).Bladeploughing and exclosure influence soil properties in a semi-arid Australian woodland. Journal of Range Management50, 191-198.
Eldridge, D.J. and Kinnell, P.I.A. (1997) Assessment of erosion rates from microphytedominated monoliths under rainimpacted flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research35, 475-489.
Eldridge, D.J. (1997). Caretakers of the Desert.Nature Australia.Spring 1997.
Eldridge, D.J. (1996). Dispersal of microphytes by water erosion in an Australian semi-arid woodland. Lichenologist28, 97-100.
Eldridge, D.J. & Tozer, M.E. (1996) Distribution and floristics of bryophytes in soil crusts in semi-arid and arid eastern Australia.Australian Journal of Botany 44, 223-247.
Eldridge, D.J. (1996) Distribution and floristics of terricolous lichens in soil crusts in arid and semi-arid New South Wales, Australia.Australian Journal of Botany 44, 581-599.
Eldridge, D.J. and Pickard, J. (1994).The effect of ants on sandy soils in semi-arid eastern Australia. II. Nest turnover and consequences for bioturbation. Australian Journal of Soil Research32, 323-333.