Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto
Student Activity 1: Story Map of Tamale Recipe
After reading Too Many Tamales, students will use the tamale recipe to complete a story map. The students will use this information in Activity 2. The students will restate the facts they found [2.5], recount the experience in a logical sequence order [1.7], interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs [2.7], and follow two-step written instructions [2.8].
Tamale Recipe
Comments: An easy to read recipe
Story Map for Recipe
URL: recmap.html
Comments: If no printer is available for the students, print this prior to the activity.
Student Activity 2: Compare and Contrast Tamale Recipes
After completing the story map of a tamale recipe in Activity 1, students will compare and contrast the steps in the tamale recipe to the steps taken by Maria's family to make tamales. Students will use a Venn diagram to demonstrate their knowledge of this information. The students will restate the facts [2.5] they found, interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs [2.7] and recount the experience in a logical sequence order [1.7].
Tamale Recipe
Comments: An easy to read recipe
Venn Diagram
Comments: If no printer is available for the students, print this prior to the activity.
Student Activity 3: Telling the Truth
In Too Many Tamales, Maria tells her mom the truth about the ring. In this activity, the students will read stories about being honest and accepting responsibility for personal actions. After reading the stories, students will illustrate their favorite story about honesty and state why this is an illustration of this virtue. The students will restate facts and details in text to clarify and organize ideas [2.5] .
George Washington and the Cherry Tree
URL: .org/adventures/Storytime/honesty2.htm
Comments: Reading level is ages 6-10. This may want to be done with a partner.
The Silver on the Hearth
Comments: Reading level is ages 6-10. This may want to be done with a partner.
Student Activity 4 Recipe Hunt
Students will now search for a recipe of their choice. Allow the students time to browse sites and choose their favorite recipe. After selecting their recipe, the students will use the story map to help record their new recipe. The students will restate the facts they found [2.5], recount experiences in a logical sequence [1.7], interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs [2.7] and follow two-step written instructions [2.8].
Recipe Collection
Comments: Reading level is ages 6-10. Most recipes have 4-7 steps and ingredients.
Kids cooking, Kids recipes ...
Comments: Recipes written by kids ages 6-11.
Easy Recipes for Kids
Comments: Recipes have many ingredients and instructions are in a paragraph format. Reading level age 8-12.
Student Activity 5 Student Stories
This activity is the culmination of all the previous activities. Students use their new recipe and their sense of honesty to write their own story. The stories should encompass the making of this recipe and an honest act. Students will write a brief narrative based on their experience that move through a logical sequence of events and describe the setting, characters, objects, and events in detail [2.1], group together related ideas, and maintain a consistent focus [1.1], recount experiences in a logical sequence [1.7].
Student Stories
URL: .org/adventures/Storytime/readStories.htm
Comments: Stories written by students ages 7-15 of all abilities. Partner reading recommended.
Publishing Student Work
Comments: Provides a variety of ways to publish students work including other internet sites. This site is for teacher reference only.
Publishing Student Work on Book of Virtues Site
Comments: Kid friendly. Publishes student work with the stories they have previously read at the site of Adventures from the Book of Virtues.