PartnerNet User Guide
November 2003
1.Introduction to PartnerNet
Starting the PartnerNet Application
2.PartnerNet User Types
3.PartnerNet Administration Section
4.PartnerNet Reporting Section
Creating and Scheduling Reports
View, Print, and Download Reports
5.PartnerNet Marketing Section
Marketing Activities Center
Insertion Orders
View Insertion Orders
Create an Insertion Order
Search for an Insertion Order
Marketing Plans
1.Introduction to PartnerNet
Before PartnerNet, CDW Partners receive purchasing reports from CDW on a weekly or monthly basis. A pre-programmed “robot” on the AS/400 ran the scheduled report, moved the report to the fax server, and faxed the respective report(s) to each partner. Partners would also view marketing activities through a paper binder delivered to them, view their annual marketing plans via an Excel spreadsheet, and manually fill out insertion orders and fax them to CDW. Even though this technology works, the likelihood of error is greatly increased. There is always the possibility of the fax machine being busy, running out of paper or ink, or lost report pages.
The CDW Partner can now view, print, and download purchasing reports, view and create insertion orders, view annual marketing plans, and view marketing activities from the PartnerNet site. Partners will access the system via Once the partner logs in, he or she will have access to the whole site. This includes the ability to access a variety of reports that enables the Partner to assess inventory, sales, receipts, and price protection claims. The partner will select a report to run, enter the dates, and query the report for generation. The report will run from the AS/400 and be returned to the partner in PDF format via the web browser. Under the Marketing section, the Partner will also be able to view and create insertion orders. Any insertion orders created will initially have a status of pending approval until approved by CDW. The Partners annual marketing plans will also be available to view and print online so that the Partner can reference what they signed up for throughout the year. The Marketing Activities Center is a place where Partners can go and view all the activities that CDW is offering.
The goals of PartnerNet are to electronically deliver various types of information to CDW partners, eliminate manual transmission of information between several CDW departments and partners, and encourage “two-way” communication between CDW and its partners.
Starting the PartnerNet Application
CDW Partners will access the PartnerNet application from the Internet at From the PartnerNet Welcome page, a CDW Partner can log on to PartnerNet. A CDW Partner that does not have access to PartnerNet can request an account. The request will be sent to specific CDW personnel that will determine if a user account can be created. The opening screen has general information about the PartnerNet Application and how to contact CDW. See Figure 1.
Figure 1: PartnerNet Home Page
Once the Partner Admin or PartnerNet user has their user name and password, they click “Log On” from the welcome page. Once “Log On” is clicked, they will be directed to the “login information” page where they will type their user name and password. The user must also agree to the “Legal Agreement” the first time they log on. They will not have to accept it again (unless it is updated) after they have logged on once. Clicking the “Submit” button will log them on to the PartnerNet application. Once a user successfully logs on, the PartnerNet home page will display, as well as the Partner’s Logo and the PartnerNet Logo. From anywhere on the PartnerNet application, to get back to the PartnerNet home page, the user just clicks on the “<partnernet>” logo.
The PartnerNet Application has three sections, Administration, Reporting, and Marketing. The Administration section is for management of the PartnerNet application. Partner Admins have access to the Administration section, but PartnerNet Users will not. All users have access to the Reporting and Marketing sections. The Reporting feature is for scheduling, viewing and downloading the available reports. The Marketing feature is for viewing marketing activities through the MarketingActivitiesCenter, viewing, searching, and creating insertion orders, and viewing annual marketing plans.
2.PartnerNet User Types
There are two types of PartnerNet users:
- PartnerNet User
- Partner Admin
A PartnerNet User is an employee of a CDW Partner that can access the whole PartnerNet site with the exception of the Adminstration section. A PartnerNet User can maintain and update their personal information. There can be an unlimited amount of PartnerNet Users for one CDW Partner. A Partner Admin is an employee of a CDW Partner. This person will have all the rights of a PartnerNet User. In addition, the Partner Admin will be able to create and maintain PartnerNet Users and Groups, as well as assign and restrict user and group rights. A Partner Admin is the contact in the partner’s organization that will create and maintain PartnerNet Users and Groups in their organization. CDW Management appoints who the Partner Admin is for each partner organization. A PartnerNet User is anyone the Partner Admin deems appropriate for accessing the PartnerNet application. It is important to know that the Partner Admin and the CDW Admin have the same rights as the PartnerNet User.
3.PartnerNet Administration Section
When a Partner Admin selects the administration section, they are sent to the Partner Overview page. From this page, a Partner Admin maintains PartnerNet users, groups and reports. The Partner Overview page gives the Admin the option to change the Partner Information, lists five users and five groups. See Figure 2.
Figure 2: PartnerNet Administration Overview Page
To show all the users or groups, click the List All buttons. From the Partner Overview page, click the Create New User from the Action menu. When Create New User is clicked, the Create User Account page loads. Type in the information and click Continue and a new user is created. This loads the User Details page. This completes creating a PartnerNet user. For a user to access the reporting and marketing sections, they must be assigned to a group. A group contains users that share the same rights and access on the PartnerNet application. There are system groups that cannot be changed like the PartnerNet Administrator Group that make a user a Partner Admin. To create a group, from the action menu click on Create New Group in the Partner Overview page. This loads the Create Group page. Type the group name and group description and click Continue. To add users to a group, click the Group tab, click the group name, click the Group Users tab and check the users to add to the group. To add reports to the group, select the group, click Group Report Rights, click the report to add, place a check in Run, Schedule and View. An administrator can restrict a group to any combination of the three. To add the marketing section to the group, select Applications then select PartnerNet Marketing Application, then Application Group Rights, and then select which group name from the list of available groups to add. If a user is inactive for 30 minutes, the application will log the off. A message telling them they have been inactive for 30 minutes and have been logged off will show in the PartnerNet application.
4.PartnerNet Reporting Section
The Report Overview Page contains “Submitted Reports”, “Reports Available to Run” and “Current Report Schedules”. Available Reports is a list of the reports the PartnerNet user can generate as determined by the Partner Admin and CDW Admin. Submitted Reports lists the reports that are in process or completed. These reports can be viewed, printed and downloaded. Scheduled Reports are reports that run each week, month or both. See Figure 3.
Figure 3: PartnerNet Reporting Overview Page
Creating and Scheduling Reports
From the Report Overview Page under Reports Available to Run, click on the report you need. The Report Details page allows you to run, schedule and view a sample report. For a sample of the report, click the Preview Report Icon. This displays a sample of the report and is not live data. To run a report, click the Run Report Icon. The Run Report page at the top displays the partner’s information. Below the partner’s information is the notification section. Notifications send an e-mail message to the recipient when a report has completed processing. This eliminates the user logging on to check if a report is ready for viewing, printing or downloading. Place a check mark next to the recipients if notification is desired and click the Submit button. Once the Submit button is clicked, the report name displays in the Waiting Reports section. The Report Output Page shows the status of the request. After the report has been processed, the report is listed in the Ready Reports section and notifications are sent. A report can be scheduled weekly, monthly or both. Weekly reports are run on Mondays and monthly reports are run on the first day of each month.
To schedule a report to run, click the report to be scheduled from the list of available reports on the Report Main page. Enter the report details on the Schedule Report page. When finished, click the Submit button and the report is scheduled to run. The newly scheduled report is listed on the Report Main page under Scheduled Reports. Click the scheduled report to change settings for the report. To schedule the same report to be run both weekly and monthly, create two schedules to run the report: one schedule will be weekly, and one schedule will be monthly.
View, Print, and Download Reports
Once a report is complete, the user can view, print, or download the report from the PartnerNet application. From the Report Overview Page, click the report listed in Submitted Reports. If the report is not listed, click the List All button to see a full listing of the completed reports. Click on the desired report, this will display the Report Output Page. Report status and information is shown on the page with buttons for downloading, viewing, and printing the report. To view or print the report, click the View/Print report button. The user is required to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the report. After the button is clicked, the report is loaded in Acrobat Reader, and the user can view and print the report. To download the report, click the Download Report button. Clicking the button will prompt the user to either save it or open it from its current location.
5.PartnerNet Marketing Section
The marketing application of PartnerNet provides access to marketing activities and marketing plans online and automates the process of insertion orders. Partners can now view all of the marketing activities that CDW offers throughout the year online. The marketing activities will be updated and new activities will be added throughout the year. Partners can create and view an insertion order through PartnerNet. Partners can also view their annual marketing plans, which will reflect any changes made throughout the year. Clicking on the marketing application displays the Marketing Home Page. See Figure 4.
Figure 4: PartnerNet Marketing Home Page
Select a link on the right hand side to either: Visit our MarketingActivitiesCenter, Create/View Insertion Orders, or View My Marketing Plans.
The MarketingActivitiesCenter is a comprehensive online guide to the latest CDW and CDW-G marketing activities and management tools. You can find the most updated marketing activity information on PartnerNet, all you need is Internet access. Corporate activities can be viewed by category and Government activities can be viewed by segment and then by category. Partners can sign up for marketing activities from the MarketingActivitiesCenter by clicking on a link that will direct them to create an insertion order.
Figure 5: PartnerNetMarketingActivitiesCenter Welcome Page
Figure 6: PartnerNetMarketingActivitiesCenter Categories Page
Insertion Orders
View Insertion Orders
Clicking on Insertion Orders from the Marketing Administration Home Page displays the Insertion Orders Overview page. See Figure 7. Clicking on the link to a specific IO# will display the details of that Insertion Order. See Figure 8. At the far right of the Overview page is the option for the partner to create an insertion order request. Clicking on this will step them through creating an insertion order.
Figure 7: PartnerNet Insertion Orders Overview Page
Figure 8: PartnerNet Insertion Order Details Page
Create an Insertion Order
The partner creates an insertion order by clicking on the Create Insertion Order link on the Insertion Orders Overview page. This loads the five-step process of creating an order insertion.
Figure 9: PartnerNet Create Insertion Order - Step 1
Figure 10: PartnerNet Create Insertion Order - Step 2
Figure 11: PartnerNet Create Insertion Order – Step 3
Figure 12: PartnerNet Create Insertion Order – Step 4
Figure 13: PartnerNet Create Insertion Order – Step 5
Search for an Insertion Order
Clicking on search displays the Search For An Insertion Order page (Figure 14). The partner can find an insertion order quickly by typing in the insertion order number and clicking Go. If the insertion order number is not known, they can use the advance search categories. The partner can find an insertion order quickly by typing in the insertion order number and clicking Go. If the insertion order number is not known, they can use the advance search categories.
Figure 14: PartnerNet Insertion Order Search Page
Marketing Plans
PartnerNet’s goal is to electronically deliver various types of information to CDW partners, eliminate manual transmission of information between several CDW departments and partners, and encourage “two way” communication between CDW and its partners.
PartnerNet provides many benefits for CDW and its partners. These benefits include:
- Saving time.
- Cost reductions.
- Improved security.
- Greater communication.
- Better partner relations.
Reports can be requested to be run at any time or can be on a schedule to run each week or month. Admins control the users rights to each report. Groups are used to assign the same rights to many users at one time.
Any PartnerNet questions should be sent to .
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