Dr. Moayad Khataibeh


(Last Updated: September, 2013)

FULL NAME Moayad Hussain Ahmad Khataibeh.

Posisions / 1.  Head / Pharmacollegy Department, Collage of Pharmacy, Salman Ben Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia. 2009-2011
2.  Head/ Department of Medical Technology, College of Allied Medical Sciences, Applied Science University, Amman 11931 Jordan.
3. Acting Dean for several times ( Short Periods ) 2005 – 2008. Applied Science University, Amman 11931 Jordan .
Mobile Phone:00966562600969
E-mail: :
PERSONAL DATA / Born: May 8, 1970; Place: Irbid, Jordan; Nationality: Jordanian
M. Sc.
Ph. D. / Biochemistry,St. Xaveir’s College, Gujrat University,INDIA , 1992.( First Division).
Biochemistry ,Aligarh Muslim University, INDIA, 1994.
( High Second Division).
Biochemistry , Aligarh Muslim University, INDIA , 1998
TITLES OF THESES / Ph.D. / Biochemical Profiles in Stress and Cancer, which explains role of stress in cancer ehancement and progression
JOB HISTORY / January,1999-
Augast, 2000
(22/5/2006- 14/9/2008
2009- prsent / Biochemical forensic Expert : Phorensic lab.Inernal Minstry Affair , Amman- Jordan
Assistant Professor(B), Dept of Medical Technology., Applied Science University, Amman-Jordan.
Assistant Professor(A), Dept of Medical Technology., Applied Science University, Amman-Jordan.
Assistant Professor Pharmacollegy Department, Collage of Pharmacy, Salman Ben Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia
TEACHING EXPERIENE / Undergraduate Courses: Biochemistry, Biology-I and related Labs.), Clinical Biochemistry, Toxicology, Lab. Safety , Instrumantation and Terminology for Faculties of Allied Medical Sciences (Medical Technology , Nutrition Departments) and Collages of Medical , Pharmacy and Nursing.
RESEARCH INTERESTS / Indogenic Drugs in relation to Biochemical changes in Stress , Cancer besides Diabeties and Ulcer.


· University Grand Commission- Jonior Research Award ( 1994-1997).

· University Grand Commission- Senior Research Award ( 1997-1998).


·  SPSS.

·  Teaching Skills .

·  Total Quality Management.

·  Academic Counseling

·  Key Performance Indicators and Benchmarking

·  Academic Advising

·  Teaching and Assessment Strategies

·  Intended Learning Outcomes


· Founder member of antismoking committee A.S.U., Amman –Jordan.

·  Member of National Anti smoking Commity, Amman –Jordan.

·  Member of Scientific Research Team, Faculty of Scientific Research, Applied Sciences University, 2001-2002.

·  Exam. Controller ,(2005 – 2008). College Level.


* 26th Arab Pharmatest Conference, 11-12 April 2008, Amman- Jordan.

* 57th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference / 5 –10 August 2007, Melbourne – Austraia.

* The second conference in medical and biological sciences / 24-26 April 2001 - Al –Zarka private university, Jordan.

* 14th Asia Pacific Cancer conference and 4th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong-1997.

* The 2nd International Conference on Breast Cancer, Jinan, China-1996.

* 12th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Singapore-1995.

* The 17th Annual Convention of the Indian Association for Cancer Research and National Symposium on Breast Cancer, Calcutta, India-1998.

* The International Conference on Molecular Association, India- 1996.

* The 16th Annual Meeting of Society of Biological Chemists of India, Inda-1995.


* GC/MS ( Varian ).

* GCs with different Detectors.


* UV/Vis. Spectrophotometry.

* Enzme Immunoassay.

* Denstometry.


1. Moayad Khataibeh (2013). Cinnamon modulates biochemical alterations in rats loaded with acute restraint stress. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, Available online February 7, 2013

2. Amal Abdel Haleem AA Mohamed Eissa, Gamal Abd El-Hakeem GA Soliman, and Moayad Hussein MH Khataibeh (2012). Design, synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of structurally simple anthranilic acid congeners devoid of ulcerogenic side effects.Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 60(10):1290-300, PMID 22863798

3. Maisa M. Al-Qudah , Jafar M. El-Qudah , Hassan Al-Omran , Moayad H. Khataibeh , Rania M. AlGroomand Maher Obeidat(2012).Biochemical Alterations Due to Overcrowding Stress Induction in Healthy Albino Rats. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11(17):3059-3063, DOI: 10.3923/java.3059-3063

4. Jafar M. El-Qudah, Basem F. Dababneh, Ala'a A. Al-Bakheit, Maisa M. Al-Qudah, Abdullah Al-Rawashdeh, Moayad Khataibeh, Khalid Abu-Alruz and Khalil I. Ereifej (2008).Nutrient Contents per Serving of Twelve Varieties of Cooked Rice Marketed in Jordan. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 3 (3): 617-622. Science Publications.

5. Omar Al-widyan, Moayad Khataibeh and Khaled Abu-Aruz (2008). The Use of Xylanases from Different Microbial Origin in Bread Baking and Their Effects on Bread Qualities. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(4): 672-676.

6.  Moayad Khataibeh , Khalid Abu-Alruz, Omar Al-Widyan, Mahmoud Abu-Samak and Jafar Al-Qudah,(2007). Combined Supplementation of Soy and Garlic modulate Biochemical Parameters of 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene (DMBA) Induced Mammary Cancer in Female Albino Rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (14): 2308-2313.

7. Moayad Khataibeh and Haytham Daratkah, (2007). Antiandrogenic activity of Artemisia herba-alba in male albino rats with emphasis on biochemical analysis. Asain Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 19, No.4:2595-2602.

8. Mahmoud Abu-Samak, Rula Khuzaie, Moayad Khataibeh and Fahmi Mahmoud,(2007). Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone Modulates Blood Viscosity in Short-Term induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Biological Sciences, .Journal of Biological Sciences .7 (4): 701-705.

9. Moayad Khataibeh, Mahmoud Abu-Samak and Naheed Banu, (2006). Boichemical Investigations of the Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum) on DMBA-induces Cancer in female Albino Rats. Asian Journal of Biochemistry. Vol. 1(3): 251-156.

10. Mahmood Abu-Samak, Fahmi Mahmoud, Moayad Khataibeh, Suhail Hamdan and Aurelia Crevoi,(2006). Effects of Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone on plasma levels of Testosterone and Estradiol Hormones in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(7):1350-1353.

11. Mahmoud Abu-Samak, Moayad Khataibeh and Aurelia Crevoi,(2006). Effect of Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone on Serum Levels of Thyroid Hormones in short-term Alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(8):1591-1594.

12. Moayad Khataibeh and Naheed Banu. Biochemical Alterations in Stress and Cancer, (1996).Chemical and Environment Research, 5(1-4):169-173.


1.  The Effect of Salvia on Immobilization Stress through Biochemical Investigation in Albino Rats .

2.  Stress Management by Garlic : biochemical investigation in Albino Rats.

Academic and Research activities:-

* Editorial Board and Reviewer of International Jornal of Cancer Research.

* External Reviewer of the following journals:-

·  Research Journal of Medicinal Plants.

·  International Journal of Pharmacology.

·  Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

الاسم الكامل : مؤيد حسين احمد خطايبه التخصص العام:الكيمياء الحيويه

§  العنوان الدائم : الاردن – اربد - ازمال. الهاتف:00966562600969

§  العنوان الحالي :الاردن – عمان – شفا بدران – خلف عمارة البريد.

§  معلومات شخصية:

-  مكان وتاريخ الولادة : اربد 08-05-1970.

-  الجنسية:.اردني

-  الحالة الاجتماعية:متزوج . عدد الأطفال (5)