Gosport Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group

Meeting Held on

January 17th 2017



Those Present:

Lyndsay McLees

Pam Marsden

Fee Hamilton

Mike Brown

Maddy Appleyard

Suzanne Ayles


Sarah Maskell- Bott

John Maskell-Bott

Elaine Collinson

Jean Watson

1. Minutes from the last PPG meeting were discussed.

Emis Access

Maddy has checked intermittently and the appointment system appears to be working fine.

BP machine in waiting room

Having costed this our GPs have decided that it would an unnecessary expense.

Triage Signs

Our refurbishment is well underway and the signs, along with the dementia clock, will be put up soon.


Suzanne will check that we need to do a survey this year as it is not clear but if we do

Maddy has used Pam’s initial idea for a survey on patient access and put together a few questions, relating to all electronic access plus using NHS choices. We plan to make a leaflet to outline all the services and their uses for the PPG to give out. The survey will be conducted in the waiting room. TBC


Pam noted that when responding to an MJOG text, ie to cancel an appointment, patients must text a different number and therefore it isn’t as simple as perhaps it should be. Maddy will contact MJOG to see if this can be changed so the reply can go straight back to theoriginal number.

3. Facebook

Updated regularly with helpful information. PPG members who have access have been impressed so far. The PPG are happy to continue sending us info for us to add to the feed.

4. CQC

Our results are now available on the CQC website and we achieved Good in all areas. The PPG asked if they could be advertised on the website, facebook and in the newsletter. Suzanne to get some info for Becca and Maddy to post.


This has started slowly and we receive approximately 1 or 2 daily. They can be an admin request, which are usually easily dealt with, or a medical or prescription problem. The latter are shown to a GP or our pharmacist and will invariably result in a phone call from our pharmacist or an invite for a routine/triage appointment with a GP. Lyndsay says she has tried to use it but has found it cumbersome and a bit repetitive. She will have another attempt and give us some more in-depth feedback.

6. Surgery Signposters

We have 2 volunteers who are in the practice from 2.30pm – 5pm on Monday and Tuesday. This has got off to a slow start and is not being used regularly, so we will advertise again. Volunteers have a 40 minute appointment with a patient, to get to the bottom of what the patient needs, they will then use their knowledge of resources and leaflets to direct the patient to the best place. The PPG were concerned that if a patient disclosed mental health issues, what would then happen to that information. Suzanne believes that the volunteers have had intense training but will confirm with Alison Brimson, next week, that this is the case. It was felt that this service would be better placed at the local library and not in the practice, as there could potentially be problems with information not being passed on properly. Suzanne will clarify with Alison and feedback next time.

7. Practice News

a) We have re branded our emergency pm clinic as afternoon triage, 3pm til 4.30pm. This was done to stop pts using the emergency clinic to get a booked appointment.

b) Our pharmacist Vidya does reauthorisations, will call patients with queries and has slots for up to 14 appointments each week. She works Mon-Fri 8 til 12.

c) Fiona Oldfield is our new nurse prescriber who helps in one of our morning triage clinics and takes the lead in the pm triage clinics. She also does most chronic disease reviews.

8. Touchscreen

We are planning to upgrade the self-check in touchscreen and have been thinking of repositioning it so it is more visible as you come through the door. Opinion is split between where it should be placed, most PPG members are happy and half of our receptionists are happy with where it is so we have asked our receptionists to discuss and decide, before we order it.

9. Locality Feedback

Lyndsay told us about the Sustainability and Transformation plan being devised by Hampshire and the IOW. The plan is to look at all services required to keep elderly people at home or to be able to send them out of hospital with a care package. Suzanne has the draft plan if anyone would like to see it.

Lyndsay and Pam were surprised to hear that practice managers don’t receive the meeting minutes and Pam will query this, at next week’s meeting.


Pam said that she will have her flu jab in her local pharmacy from now on but wanted to know how this might impact the practice. Suzanne explained that the practice had to order and pay for the injections early every year and can only be reimbursed for 10-20% left over. We are finding it more and more difficult to compete with the pharmacies due to their ability for adhoc administration, but do acknowledge that this can be very convenient for patients. GP practices will be offering a 4 strain jab next year, pharmacies wont have access to this as far as we are aware.

Next PPG meeting is on Wednesday 5th April 2017, 9.30am. Venue TBC