Dear Parent;

Welcome to Mount Vernon Christian Academy. Nothing is more precious than God’s gift of children. It is our mission to provide the greatest possible education for your family. We look forward to working with you to give your child an education rooted in Christian values and a Biblical base.

We believe that each child has their own unique qualities and gift. Our standard of education allows us to meet the child where they are and encourage their individual abilities. Your child deserves a staff, an education, and an environment that will cultivate those individual abilities to better prepare them for the future.

We consider it the highest honor that you would allow us the opportunity to play a part in your child’s education. Proverbs 22:6 states, “train us a child in the way he should go.” Your child will be led down a path grounded in Biblical truths and strong academics.


Ray and Christy Wood, Administrators; Sheena Lamb, Principal; and staff of MCA


A private school is an extension of the home in training you in the highest moral character, self-discipline, individual responsibility and good citizenship. Attending a private school is a privilege, not a right. It is our greatest honor to be a part of your child’s education.

Our Mission

The mission of Mt. Vernon Christian Academy is to teach your child how to live a God honoring life while equipping them with the tools necessary for success.

Our Vision

Our vision is to offer an education that is affordable, encourages parental involvement, stresses individualism, teaches critical thinking skills and produces academic excellences.

Statement of Faith

  1. We believe the Scriptures of the old and new testament are verbally inspired by God and they are the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
  2. We believe in One God
  3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by God, born of Mary and was God in flesh.
  4. We believe man was created in the image of God.
  5. We believe that Jesus died for our sins according to Scripture as a sacrifice for our sin.
  6. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of Jesus Christ, in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life to us and in us.
  7. We believe in Jesus Name baptism based on Scripture.
  8. We believe in receiving the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues,
  9. We believe that one day Jesus Christ will return to take away a chosen people, called by His name and those who remain will be punished for eternity,
  10. We believe that the killing of unborn babies, by way of abortion, is not a free choice. Only God should be granted the power to give or take life.
  11. We believe that alternative lifestyles, including homosexuality, bisexuality and sexual promiscuity, is an abomination unto God.

Christian Americanism

Christian Americanism places emphasis on the greatness of our American heritage and leadership. We unashamedly teach the Biblical truths of self-discipline, respect for authority, obedience to law and love for God and country

Our Goals

Spiritually – “Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.” Colossians 3:16

  • To lead each child to personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Savior.
  • To enrich the child’s devotional life.
  • To develop a well-balanced and Christ-like personality.
  • To awaken a realization that God has a purpose and a plan for each life.
  • To develop from Scripture the ability to find help independently.
  • To give knowledge, love and understanding of the Bible.
  • To instill a sense of responsibility for the lost that will lead to intelligent witnessing.

Mentally – “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5

  • To develop a mind-directed life, not a feeling-directed life.
  • To develop positive reactions to life.
  • To discover and develop individual aptitude.
  • To cultivate analytical thinking and the ability to prioritize.
  • To impart a command of common knowledge and skills.

Emotionally – “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6:10

  • To build a Christ-controlled personality.
  • To establish an emotional balance.
  • To enable the child to adjust easily to situations in which he is found.
  • To develop aesthetic interest and abilities.

Socially – “No man liveth unto himself.” Romans 14:7

  • To instill a loyalty to Jesus Christ in all things at all times.
  • To develop an understanding of the student’s place and obligations in the family.
  • To help the child share his Christian responsibility as a citizen for the welfare of others.
  • To awaken and foster missionary responsibility towards all men.


We maintain Quality Status with ACE. We offer an accredited dual-enrollment program. All diplomas are accredited through three accreditation agencies: Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS); National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA); Accreditation International (Ai)

Non-Discriminatory Notice

Mount Vernon Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights and privileges, programs, activities generally made available to students. All students are admitted conditionally with a six-week trial period.

MCAreserves the right to make some exclusions. Parental and student interviews and previous school records considered in order to determine acceptance. Admission may be refused to students who are not in good standing, academically or otherwise, with the intuition they are presently or previously enrolled. We reserve the right to request a letter of reference from the child’s Pastor to ensure a Christian base. Each potential student will be diagnostically tested prior to admission. All information collected from pervious schools, interviews, and testing will be used to determine admission status.

MCA is not equippedto facilitate children with learning disabilities. We believe each child should be encouraged to work at the level they are capable of learning. However, if additional support is needed by your child it is your responsibility to see that the need is met outside of MCA.

Standard of Conduct

Students are required to act in an orderly and respectfully manner. They should maintain Christian standards of courtesy, kindness, language and honesty. Students of MCA are to refrain from engaging in or talking about engaging in cheating, swearing, smoking, gambling, drug use, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity and alternative lifestyles. Students who take part in these activities are subject to immediate dismissal from MCA.

Admission Procedure

Parents and students will schedule a meeting with the Administrators and Principal of Mount Vernon Christian Academy. Parents and student will receive a handbook, which they must read thoroughly and sign a form stating they have read, understood and will adhere to. Parents and students will be required to attend the New Student Orientation, offered each year to review and highlight important procedures. The student will then be diagnostically tested and placed in a grade level based on his performance level. The information collected from the interviews, handbook reviews, orientation, and testing will be considered prior to a decision of acceptance. If admitted, each student will be placed on a probation period of no less than six weeks.

Financial Responsibility

Mt. Vernon Christian Academy is a private, non-profit organization. No state or federal funds are received by the school. Income from tuition is what must keep and cover the cost of operation for the school. Interested individual are invited to contribute to the operation of the school by providing donations.

Financial Policy

Regular tuition payments must be paid. Tuition covers the cost of your child’s PACEs, report cards, and overhead necessary for day to day operations, including but not limited to electricity, internet, and other services. Payments are due by the 5th day of each month, August – May. A fee may be added for any payment made after the 5th. After the 5th day, all new PACEs will be held. If the payment is 30 or more days delinquent, your child will not be allowed to attend school until full payment is received. These will be counted as unexcused absences. Excessive late payments will result in dismissal. No records will be released until the fees are paid in full. These actions are necessary to ensure MCA is able to meet their financial obligations.

By admitting your child, you are taking full responsibility for your child’s academic needs, this includes ensuring that your financial obligations are met. If you do not meet your obligations, your child’s academics will suffer.


No deductions will be made for absences, withdrawal, vacation days or holidays. The full tuition is required regardless of how many days the child attends school for that month.

All checks payable to Mt. Vernon Pentecostal Church. We do not accept credit cards.

QuickBook accounts are available upon request. You may contact the school for any questions concerning your bill.

Parental Responsibility

Parents are expected to support he school. Parents should take an active stand for their child’s education. They should encourage their children to live Godly lives and set good examples. They should help their children strive to achieve daily and yearly academic goals. We expect parental involvement form each parent. Failure to maintain involvement could result in dismissal from MCA.

By admitting your child in to a private school, you are taking on a large responsibility for your child’s education. By placing them in a Christian school, you are also taking on great spiritual responsibility for your child. It is your duty to support your child both academically and spiritually.

Code of Honor

  • I will pray regularly for the supervisors and administration of MCA.
  • I will cooperate fully in the educational functions of MCA, doing my best to make Christian education effective in the lives of my child.
  • I will pay all of my financial obligations to the school on or before the date due. If I am ever unable to pay on time, I will notify the school in advance, giving reasonable explanation for the delay and stating when the payment may be expected.
  • I will assume volunteer duties and responsibilities when opportunities arise.
  • I will attend meetings with the staff to discuss academics of my child.
  • If I become dissatisfied with MCA for any reason, I will try to resolve the matter with persons involved rather than seeking to hold negative attitude against MCA. I will not criticize the school or staff before my children or on social media.
  • I will seek the advance of MCA both spiritually and academically.
  • I recognize it is my privilege and responsibility to diligently observe the above as God enables me.


We believe the Bible should be the basis of all we teach. For this reason we have selected a curriculum that allows us to teach Biblical truths while ensuring the highest level of academics. We believe biblical teachings should not be limited to church only. It should be the central idea of our lives.

For this reason we have selectedAccelerateChristian Education as our base for academics. The following was taken from the ACE website as the reason for choosing ACE above all other Christian curriculums on the market today:

“What makes A.C.E. different from other curriculum providers is its individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based approach. PACEs allow students to absorb subject material at their own pace rather than being forced to learn at a pace set by a teacher in a classroom environment. Instead of being labeled by a chronological grade, each student may advance according to individual learning abilities.

The A.C.E. program also enables schools and homeschools to administer PACEs to multiple students on different grade levels with minimal staffing. Kindergarten and first-level students are taught with a phonics-based program that requires direct instruction from a supervisor or parent. From the second level on, the student is guided by the self-instructional PACEs. School supervisors and homeschool parents give limited assistance to help students discover learning through the material.”

Core Curriculum

**The following information may also be found on the ACE website **

Core curriculum provides students with academics, skill building, reading practice, character and wisdom training, and knowledge of God and His Word.

Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs (Packet of Accelerated Christian Education) per level. Typical students work daily on one PACE in each subject and may be performing at varying levels. The diagnostic test results help to identify academic weaknesses and prescribe a path to help students catch up. Most complete at least 70 PACEs per year, while maintaining academic balance by completing about the same number of PACEs in each assigned subject.

Students who are more skilled may progress at a faster rate or may accelerate in the areas of their academic strengths. Slower students are encouraged to do their best but are able to work at their levels of proficiency and proceed as they are capable.

Core Subjects

Math (Levels K–12)

English (Levels K–12)

Social Studies (Levels K–12)

Science (Levels K–12)

Word Building (Levels K–9)


Readmaster Plus is an educational software suite that enhances students’ educational experiences while challenging their learning. ReadMaster Plus offers four distinct computer software programs: ReadMaster, TypeMaster, MathBuilder and WordBuilder.

Electives and Additional Instruction Programs

In order to enhance the core curriculum, A.C.E. offers a number of other programs and courses beneficial to academic growth and development. Each of these courses adds interest and enhancement to the core curriculum and to other learning activities. These include: Literature, Drama, Art, Music, and much more.

Graduation Requirement

A program of study will be selected and agreed upon by the parent, staff and student prior to the student beginning 9th grade. We offer four programs of study: Honors, College Preparatory, General and Vocational. Dual-Enrollment through Lighthouse Christian Academy is encouraged but not mandatory. Fees for Dual-Enrollment are in addition to tuition fees.



College Preparatory



Mathematics / Algebra I
Algebra II
Trigonometry Pre-Calculus/Mathematics
(4 Credits) / Algebra I
Algebra II
Trigonometry Pre-Calculus/Mathematics
(4Credits) / Algebra I
Business Math or Courses Below PACE 109
(3 Credits)
English / English I
English II
English III
English IV
English Composition II
(5 Credits) / English I
English II
English III
English IV
(4 Credits) / English I
English II
English III
English IV
(4 Credits)
Social Studies / World Geography
World History
American History
U.S. Civics and Economics
(4 Credits) / World Geography
World History
American History
U.S. Civics and Economics
(4 Credits) / World Geography
World History
American History
U.S. Civics and Economics
(4 Credits)
Labs Required) / Biology
Physical Science
(4 Credits) / Biology
Physical Science
Chemistry OR Physics
(4 Credits) / Biology
Physical Science
Chemistry OR Physics (OPTIONAL)
(2 Credits)
Bible / New Testament Survey (Required)
Old Testament Survey (Required)
Choose One of the Following:
Life of Christ
New Testament Church History
(3 Credits / New Testament Survey (Required)
Choose One of the Following:
Old Testament Survey
Life of Christ
New Testament Church History
(2 Credits) / New Testament Survey (Required)
Choose One of the Following:
Old Testament Survey
Life of Christ
New Testament Church History
(2 Credits)
Electives / Etymology (1)
Computer Science (1)
Speech (.5)
Music (.5)
Foreign Language (2)
Health (.5)
Personal Finance (.5)
Physical Education – Max 2 Credit / Etymology (1)
Computer Science (1)
Speech (.5)
Music (.5)
Foreign Language (2)
Health (.5)
Personal Finance (.5)
Electives (1.5)
Physical Education – Maxf 2 Credit / Etymology (1)
Computer Science (1)
Speech (.5)
Music (.5)
Health (.5)
Personal Finance (.5)
Electives (3)
Physical Education – Max 2 Credit
TOTAL / 28 Minimum Required Credits / 26.5 Minimum Required Credit / 24 Minimum Required Credits


Minimum of 22 credits and must complete at least through PACE 1096 in every subject


Mt. Vernon Christian Academy, for all intents and purposes, belongs to God. Therefore, respect for all property is vital. Property includes school buildings, social hall, sanctuary and storage facilities. All items in these buildings are for the use of furthering the kingdom of God. The willful damage of any property or items used for the property will result in dismissal. Any student found guilty of defacing property will be required to pay for damages.

Assigned Material

Once assigned to the student all necessary assigned material should be well taken care of. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are not lost or damaged. A replacement PACE will cost a minimum of $5. All other books, including math supplement books, literature books and elective supplies cost up to $50 per item. Lost or damaged books will be charged to the student responsible for the books.

Student Offices

Student desks are referred to as “Offices”. Offices must be kept clean and clear at all times. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain all supplies. If any items are damaged, including PACE holders and flags, the student will be required to furnish new items. Chairs are meant to sit in. Push chairs in completely before leaving the office area. Two flags, one American and one Christian, will be assigned to each student. Do not deface these flags. Treat them with the upmost respect.

Score Table and Score Keys

The score table is for scoring purposes only. Aside from storage boxes, the score table is the only place a score key are to be. Red pens are only allowed to be used while at the scoring table. Absolutely no red pens are to be in a student’s office.

Score Keys are expensive and must last for several years. If a score key is damaged or destroyed by a student, it will be their responsibility to replace the score key at full value. Score keys are not to be in any student’s office. This includes copies, handwritten, copied or digital. A student will be in violation of cheating if a score key, in whole or part, is found anywhere other than the scoring station.