

§ 電機工程學系 §


1.Yi-Jen Mon and Chih-Min Lin, “Hierarchical fuzzy sliding-mode control,”IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 656-661, 2002.

2.Chih-Min Lin and Chun-Fei Hsu, “Decoupled fuzzy sliding-mode control of a nonlinear aeroelastic structure,” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 662-667, 2002.

3.Chun-Fei Hsu and Chih-Min Lin, “Neural-network-based adaptive control for wing rock motion,” IEEE International Conferenceon Neural Networks, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 601-606, 2002.

4.Yi-Jen Mon and Chih-Min Lin, “A fuzzy-PDC-based nonlinear regulator design,” 2ndInternational Conference on Intelligent Technologies, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 69-74, 2001.

5.Chih-Min Lin and Yi-Jen Mon, “A modified fuzzy-gaussian-neural-network controller for mobile robot system,”4th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo, Japan.

6.Chih-Min Lin and Chun-Fei Hsu, “Hybrid control for antilock braking systems,”4th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo, Japan.

7.Chih-Min Lin, Heng-Tai Duo, Te-Yu Chen and Chun-Fei Hsu, “Adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control for linear ultrasonic motor,” 2002 Automatic Control Conference, R.O.C., pp.146-151, 2002.

8.Chih-Min Lin, Chun-Fei Hsu and Ting Chiao, “Decoupled fuzzy sliding-mode control of an aeroelastic system,” 2002 Automatic Control Conference, R.O.C., 140-145, 2002.

9.Chih-Min Lin and Chen-Ling Ying, “Power system stabilizers design using EDR method,” 2002 Automatic Control Conference, R.O.C., pp.934-939, 2002.


10.Jong C. Wang, Chih-Jung Wu, “An Introduction of Taiwanese Satellite Telecommunication Industry Development”, The 8th Cross-Strait Wireless Technlogy Conference, Chengdu, China, September 2 to 4, 2001.

11.Jong C. Wang, Chih-Jung Wu, “Home Automation Technology Under Internet”, Second International Laser, Lightware and Microwave Conference, Shanghai, China, November 6-9, 2001.

12.Shuo-Jen Lee, Jian-Jang Lai, Tiu-Ying Liao Jong C. Wang, “3D Masking Mold Polishing by ECMP Technology”, Asia-Pacific Forum on Precision Surface Finishing Technology, Singapore, November 21-23, 2001.


13.李仲溪, 曾柏尹, 鄭偉廷”Acoustic Echo Cancellation with Frequency Power Normalized Multidelay Adaptive Filters”, 2001年民生電子研討會, Oct. 17-19, 2001.


14.黃英哲,董勝源,黃繼震,陳盛基, 線性馬達控制之DSP控制器實作, 2002 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 476-481, March 15-16, 2002, Tainan, Taiwan。


15.R. J. Wai, R. Y. Duan, and L. J. Chang, “Grey feedback linearization speed control for induction servo motor drive,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), pp. 580-585, Nov. 2001.

16.R. J. Wai, R. Y. Duan, K. Y. Hsieh, and J. D. Lee, “Robust control for LLCC resonant linear piezoelectric ceramic motor drive,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), pp. 586-590, Nov. 2001.

17.R. J. Wai, R. Y. Duan, W. K. Liu, and S. P. Yu, “Nonlinear decoupled control for linear induction motor servo drive,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), pp. 635-639, Nov. 2001.

18.R. J. Wai, C. M. Lin, and C. F. Hsu, “Adaptive fuzzy position controller for induction servomotor drive using sliding-mode technique,” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), pp. 570-573, Dec. 2001.

19.R. J. Wai, W. K. Liu, and S. P. Yu, “Adaptive optimal control for linear induction motor servo drive,” R.O.C. Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 1326-1330, Dec. 2001.

20.R. J. Wai, J. M. Chang, and H. H. Chang, “Robust wavelet-neural-network sliding-mode control for induction servo motor drive,” R.O.C. Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 1336-1340, Dec. 2001.

21.R. J. Wai, and K. Y. Hsieh, “Adaptive control for n-link robot manipulator,” Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 782-787, March 2002.

22.R. J. Wai, and C. J. Chang, “Neural network tracking control for robot manipulator,” Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 788-793, March 2002.

23.R. J. Wai, “Robust control for motor-toggle servomechanism using fuzzy neural network,” American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 436-441, May 2002. (NSC 90-2213-E-155-014)

24.R. J. Wai, and K. Y. Hsieh, “Tracking control design for robot manipulator via fuzzy neural network,” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), pp.1422-1427, May 2002.


25.Ching-Hung Lee and Ching-Cheng Teng, “Adaptive PD Controller Design for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems,” 2001 Ninth National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Nov. 23-24, Taoyuan, 2001.

26.Ching-Hung Lee and Ching-Cheng Teng, “A Novel Robust PID Controllers esign by Fuzzy Neural Network,” 2002 ACC, American Control Conference, May 8-10, pp. 1561-1566, Alaska, USA, 2002.

27.Ching-Hung Lee, Ching-Cheng Teng, Min-An Kuo, and Ming-Hui Chiu, “Genetic-based Fuzzy-Neural-Network System and Its Application in Fuzzy Rules Reduction,” 2002 R.O.C. Automatic Control Conference, Tainan, March 13-14, 2002.

28.Ching-Cheng Teng, Jung-Ta Liang, Ching-Hung Lee, “Low-order Controller Design based on H∞Performance,” 2002 R.O.C. Automatic Control Conference, Tainan, March 13-14, 2002.


29.Y.S.Chen, and B. T. Chen, A solution of correspondence problem for measuring 3D surface, IEEE Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Orlando, Florida, USA, (May 13-17, 2002), Vol. IV, pp. 3553-3556, 2002.

30.Y.S. Chen, and S.S. Chiu, “An approach to extracting the human body framework from a color image,” SPIE Proc. of Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, P.R. China, (October 22-24, 2001), Vol. 4550, pp. 221-227, 2001.

31.Y.S. Chen, and H.P. Kuo, “Extraction and estimation of facial expression by means of Wavelet decomposition and active shape template,” SPIE Proc. of Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, P.R. China, (October 22-24, 2001), Vol. 4550, pp. 374-379, 2001.

32.Y.S. Chen, and I.S. Choa, “Design of a linear motion estimator based on the properties of human motion perception,” SPIE Proc. of Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, P.R. China, (October 22-24, 2001), Vol. 4553, pp. 354-358, 2001.

33.H.Y. Huang, Y.S. Chen, and W.H. Hsu, “Human-based image interpretation using color and texture and spatial relationships features,” Proc. of 14th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Ping-Tung, Taiwan, ROC, (August 19-21, 2001), 2001.

34.C.J. Chang, W.F. Hu, J.W. Hsieh, and Y.S. Chen, “Tracking multiple moving objects using level set method,” Proc. of 14th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, Ping-Tung, Taiwan, ROC, (August 19-21, 2001), 2001.


35.吳紹懋、劉榮宜、張家豪、陳超群,“新一代無線通訊之帶通三角積分調變器” 第八屆海峽兩岸無線電技術研討會,2002年九月.


36.J. W. Hsieh, L. W. Huang, and Y. S. Huang, Multiple-person tracking system for content analysis, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia 2001, pp.897-902, 2001.

37.Chin-Chen Chang, Shu-Kai Yang, JunWei Hsieh, Ding-Zhou Duan, and Ming-Fen Lin, A fuzzy inference system for simplifying surfaces with color, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia, pp.1078-1083, 2001.

38.Jiann-Jone Che, Zheng-Yi Liu, Yea-Shuan Huang, and JunWei Hsieh, Similarity retrieval in image database by boosted common shape features among query images, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia, pp.285-292, 2001.

39.Y. S. Huang, Y. H. Tsai and JunWei Hsieh, Roust Face Recognition with Light Compensation, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conf. on Multimedia, pp.237-244, 2001.

40.J. W. Hsieh and Y. S. Huang, Multiple-person tracking system using support vector machine, accepted by 14th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2001.

41.Chia-Jung Chang, Wen-Fong Hu, JunWei Hsieh, and Yun-Sheng Chen, Tracking Multiple Moving Objects Using Level Set Method, 14th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2001.

42.Jiann-Jone Che, Zheng-Yi Liu, Yea-Shuan Huang, and JunWei Hsieh,Morphological Shape Description and Boosting Similarity Retrieval in Image Databases, accepted by 14th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2001.


43.Wei-Ru Lai, “Impact of Inter-Update Time Distributions on Wireless Data Access,”2001 National Computer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. E349-E352, 2001.


44.Chung Ping Liu, Kuei Jen Lee, Jau JiuJu, His Fu Shih, and Tzu Ping Yang, “Analytical study of seven-beam phase grating for DVD pickup heads”, International Symp. on Optical Memory 2001 (ISOM’01), pp128-129, Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 16-19, 2001

45.Chung Ping Liu, Kuei Jen Lee, Jau JiuJu, His Fu Shih, and Tzu Ping Yang, “Seven-beam phase gratings used in holographic laser modules for DVD pickup heads”, 2001International Laser, Lightwave, and Microwave Conference Proceedings (ILLMC2001), pp166-169, Shanghai, China, Nov. 6-9, 2001.

46.Chen Chang, Chung Ping Liu, and Ming Wen Chang, “A study of a new solid object orientating technique of random-dot stereogram”, 14th CV GIP 2001 (第十四屆電腦視覺圖學與影像處理會議), Code 65, Aug. 2001.

47.S. W. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, J. H. Wang, Chung Ping Liu, and Ming Wen Chang, “A New edge enhancement method with interpolation by using an image filter mask”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 01 (OPT’01) Proceeding, Vol. II, pp1125-1127, Dec. 13 -14, 2001.

48.J. H. Wang, S. W. Chen, Y. C. Chiu, Chung Ping Liu, and Ming Wen Chang, “A Newton interpolation method for single CCD digital still cameras”, Optics and Photonics Taiwan 01 (OPT’01) Proceeding, Vol. II, pp1141 -1143, Dec. 13 -14, 2001.

49.Chung Ping Liu, “Analytical study on the performance of sandwich-type DVD spindle motor”, 國科會電力學門八十九年度研究計畫成果發表會, C1-03, pp1-4, Nov. 3, 2001.

50.Tsuey Hwa Gan and Chung Ping Liu, “Failure analysis of electronic components”, 2001第六屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會,G/GB6, pp1-6, Nov. 30, 2001.

51.Chen Chang, Chung Ping Liu, and Ming Wen Chang, “The Technique of positioning on random-dot stereogram objects with the palette”, 2002 Computer Graphics Workshop, G03, pp1-6, Jun. 26, 2002.

52.陳威成、劉宗平, “爪極式永磁型步進馬達之性能分析研究, 第十五屆磁學與磁性技述術研討會, Jul. 23-24, 2002.


53.C. Chen, and J. Fang, "Possible 3D out-of-plane target recognition with an optimized template function," SPIE volume 4554, Object detection, classification, and tracking technologies, pp. 9-15, Nov. 2001.

54.C. Wu, C. Chen, and J. Fang,"Color Pattern Recognition with Non-Zero Order Joint Transform Correlators," Optics and Photonics Taiwan '01, pp. 748-750, Dec. 2001.

55.J. Fang, C. Chen, and S. Wang,"Optical Pattern Recognition Using A Real-Valued Quantization Reference Function In The Joint Transform Correlator," Optics and Photonics Taiwan '01, pp. 765-767, Dec. 2001.

56.C. W. Chen, C. Chen, and J. Fang, "Localization of Vehicle License Plates Using Electro-Optical System," Optics and Photonics Taiwan '01, pp. 768-770, Dec. 2001.

57.C. Wu, C. Chen, and J. Fang, "Color Pattern Recognition by The Joint Transform Correlator ro Remove All Unwanted Correlation Terms," Optics in Computing '02, pp. 45-47, Apr. 2002.

58.Y. Chung, C. Chen, and J. Fang, "Optimal Database Selection for the Non Zero Order Joint Transform Correlator," Optics in Computing '02, pp. 359-361, Apr. 2002.

59.J. Fang, C. Chen, and C. Chang, "Color Pattern Recognition in Terms of A Non-zero Order Joint Transform Correlator with A Phase Shifting Technique," Optics in Computing '02, pp. 362-364, Apr. 2002.


60.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Shien-Cheng Chiou and Che-Yuan Hsu "Implementation of A High Bandwidth Fiber Ring Laser for Subcarrier Microwave Communications" Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference(AMPC2001)Dec-3-6,Taipei,Vol.Ι,pp.342-345,2001

61.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Shien-Cheng Chiou and Ta-Chun Lin "Microwave Frequency Response Measurement of A Novel Fiber Laser" Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference(AMPC2001)Dec-3-6,Taipei,Vol.Ι,pp.346-349,2001

62.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Hsin-Chun Hung and Peng-Chun Peng "Design of A 1×4MMI-MZI Electro-Optic Switch Using SOI Technology" Electronics Devices and Materials Symposia/Taiwan'01,Kaohsiung, Taiwan ,Dec.13-14,pp.455-458,2001

63.Shyh-Lin Tsao,Hsin-Chun Huang, Ming-Chun Chen, Jauh-Jung Yang and Heng-Chun Huang”Analysis of SU-8 Polymeric Optical Waveguide Grating” Electronics Devices and Materials Symposia/Taiwan'01,Kaohsiung, Taiwan ,Dec.13-14,pp.679-682,2001

64.Shyh-Lin Tsao,Peng-Chun Peng and Chun-Yi Lu”Design and Simulation of A 2×16 Silicon-on-Insulator Multimode Interference Optical Power Splitter”Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp.1031-1033,2001

65.Shyh-Lin Tsao and Zhen-Yu Jiang”Design of A New Fiber-Optic FilterBased on IIR Filter Module” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp.1051-1053,2001

66.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Ta-Chun Lin and Chung-Cheng Lee”Study of An Internal Modulated Fiber Laser” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp.1118-1121 2001

67.Shyh-Lin Tsao,Huang-Cuang Lin and Shu-Tsung Kuo “Application Fiber Ring Structures with Optical Semiconductor Amplifier in A Fiber-Opticc CATV Network” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp.608-610 ,2001

68.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Che-Yuan Hsu and Huang-Ping Chen”Design of a fiber optical differentiator for optical computing”Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp.1149-1151,2001

69.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Huang-Chen Guo Yi-Jr Jou and Yi-Jr Chen”A 1×2 1.3μm/1.55μm MMI SOI WDM Swutch Device” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp920-922,2001

70.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Huang-Chen Guo,Yi-Jr Jou and Yi-Jr Jou”Design of A Coupler Switch with SOI Waveguides” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp923-925,2001

71.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Hsin-Chun Huang,Ming-Chun Chen, Jauh-Jung Yang and Heng-chun Huang”Integrated Optical SU-8 Polymeric With Array Waveguide Grating” Optics and Photonics Taiwan’01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp942-944,2001

72.Shyh-Lin Tsao,Yu-Long Shen,Huie-Ju Tsai and Yu-Chia Hsu”Implementation of a Two-Way Optical Polarization Measurement Analyzer” Optics and Photonics Taiwan'01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp1034-1037.2001

73.Shyh-Lin Tsao, Ta-Chun and Shien-Chiou "Analysis of a CDWA/CATV optical fiber communication system using fiber laser" Optics and Photonics Taiwan'01 Kaohsiung,Dec.14-15.Voll.Ι.,pp1067-1070.2001

§通訊工程學系 §


74.Hsing-Yi Chen “Simulations and Measurements as well as Regulations of SAR Induced in Human Head,” 2001 海峽兩岸無線電技術研討會論文集, pp. 360-364, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Sep. 2001.

75.Peng Hu, Haoxing Wang, and Hsing-Yi Chen “MANSS: A Simulation System for Mobile Ad-hoc Network” 2001 海峽兩岸無線電技術研討會論文集, pp. 1-7, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Sep. 2001.

76.Hsing-Yi Chen and Bin-Han Chang “Quasi-Static Fields Distributed Inside A Parallel-Plate Simulator by The Time-Domain Moment Method and The Biot-Savart Law,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, pp. 127-131, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

77.Hsing-Yi Chen and Bin-Han Chang “Analysis of TEM Fields Inside A Parallel-Plate NEMP Simulator by The Time-Domain Moment Method and The Biot-Savart Law,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, pp. 91-96, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

78.Hsing-Yi Chen and Bin-Han Chang “Electric Field Distributions Inside A Wire-Array NEMP Simulator by The Time-Domain Moment Method ,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, pp. 132-137, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

79.Hsing-Yi Chen and Bin-Han Chang “Magnetic Field Distributions Inside A Wire-Array NEMP Simulator by The Biot-Savart Low,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, accepted, pp. 116-120, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

80.Hsing-Yi Chen and Wei-Yi Chiou “SAR Induced in Human Head Exposed to Cellular Phone at 900 and 1800 MHz for Worst Case,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, pp. 334-336, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

81.Hsing-Yi Chen and Kuen-Yi Shen “Study on Clothes Materials for Reducing RF Energy Absorption in Human Body,” Proceeding of 2001 EMC Conference, pp. 330-333, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2001.

82.Yih-Min Chen, Hsing-Yi Chen, Yuan-Tzu Ting, Shih-Ching Wang, and Wei-Yi Chiu, Dec. APMC 2001 “Calibration of Antenna Factor in Nonstandard Environments,” Proceeding of 2001 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 1318-1321, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 3-6, 2001.

83.Hsing-Yi Chen and Wei-Yi Chiu,” Material Studies on Cellular Phones for Reducing SAR in A Human Head Model,” Proceeding of The 2002 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Vol. 1, 448-451, San Antonlo, Texas, June 16-21, 2002.


84.Jeng-Rern Yang , “無線區域網路技術發展趨勢及其發射機之非線性問題” , Cross Strait Wireless Technology Conference , 成都 , 2001.

85.Jeng-Rern Yang , Pei-Sen Wei , “1.8GHz 陣列天線相移器之研製” Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference,2001.

86.Jeng-Rern Yang, Wen-Pin Euo , “ The Study and Implementation of 5.7GHz Power Amplifier by Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Technology” Cross Strait Wireless Technology Conference , Taipei , 2001.

87.陳興義,楊正任,基地台智慧型天線之射頻模組研製,2001 International Symposium on Communications, 2001/11/13-16

88.楊正任,無線區域網路之技術發展趨勢,2002 PCB製造與管理技術研討會,2002/06/22


89.H-T Chou and Y-Y Lin, “在船艦環境下天線電波傳播之有效分析”, presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

90.H-T Chou and M-J Jeng, “各種常用傳播模型應用於細胞規劃的分析與比較”, presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

91.H-T Chou, Y-T Hsiao and C-J Ju, “Characteristic Studied on the EMP Shielding Effectiveness by Continuous Layers of Conductive Materials”, presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

92.H-T Chou, Y-T Hsiao and C-J Ju, .”Characteristic Studied on the EMP Shielding Effectiveness by Discrete and Periodic Structures of Closed-Loop Bars”, presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

93.H-T Chou and D. Wu, “降低手機天線近場電磁幅射之防護研究”,presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

94.M-C Liang, C-C Huang, Y-S Sheng and H-T Chou, “A Formula to Determine the Radiation Modes Associated with Capacitor Loaded Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna”, presented in 2001 EMC Taiwan Conference, Taipei, Oct. 2001

95.H-T Chou and H-K Ho, “Fast Analysis of Large Rectangular Array Problems via a Hybrid Discrete Fourier Transform -Moment Method Scheme”, presented in APMC, Taipei, Dec. 2001

96.H-T Chou and B-L Su, “Numerical Studies on the Applications of Resistive Plates in the Performance Enhancement of the Base Station Antennas”, presented in APMC, Taipei, Dec. 2001

97.V. Erturk and H-T Chou, “Fast Acceleration Algorithm based on DFT Expansion for the Iterative MoM Analysis of Electromagnetic Radiation/Scattering from two-dimensional Large Phased Arrays” , presented in IEEE AP-S symposium and URSI meeting, June 2002

98.H-T Chou and D Wu, “Radiation of a Handset Monopole Antenna in the Presence of a Finite Shielding Sheet for the Purpose of SAR Reduction,”presented in IEEE AP-S symposium and URSI meeting, June 2002

99.H-T Chou and H-K Ho, “Performance Examination of the Hybrid Discrete Fourier Transform -Moment Method Scheme in the Fast Analysis of Large Rectangular Dipole Arrays Printed on a Thin Grounded Dielectric Substrate”, presented in IEEE AP-S symposium and URSI meeting, June 2002

100.H-T Chou, M-J Jeng, H. Rao and S. Hsu, “Optimization of Propagation Models based on Locally Measured Data for Mobile Communications and their Performance Comparisons with Existing Models”presented in IEEE AP-S symposium and URSI meeting, June 2002

101.P. Janpudgee, P. Nepa, P.H. Pathak and H-T Chou, “A Fast Hybrid DFT-MoM for the Analysis of Large Finite Periodic Antenna Arrays on Grounded Substrates,” to be presented in IEEE AP-S symposium and URSI meeting, June 2002

102.H Rao, H-T Chou and Y-C Chang, “Experimental Field Studies of Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems,” Presented in ICT-2002 (International conference on Telecommunications), June, 2002.


103.Jeich Mar,F.Y.Chang and M.Y.Lan,Nov.,2001, "The effect of the slowly fading on the accuracy of the DOA estimation for the multibeam antenna array with equal beamwidth", ISCOM 2001, Session 20.5, Nov., 2001.

104.J. p. Huang, Jeich Mar, “The effect of the call handoff processing time on the traffic performance of the integrated dual band cellular radio networks”, 2001兩岸無線通訊研討會, Session 2A (902010),Nov., 2001.

105.C. Y. Kao, Jeich Mar, “Performance simulations of a mobile radio network using contention-based WIMA protocol under lognormal fading environment”, International Conference on Information, Communication, and Signal Processing (ICICS 2001), Session 3A1 (90003), Oct. 2001.