PRELIMINARY Course Syllabus (See Carmen for updates)
Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
BUS M&L 755: Promotional Strategy
Instructor: Melissa Fisher Classroom: TBD
Office: Fisher 250 Office Hours: TBD – and by appointment
Telephone: n/a URL:
Required Text
Belch, George E. and Belch, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communications Perspective. Custom designed for M&L 755 (ISBN: 0-07-749540-3). Available at
the OSU Bookstore. Publisher: Irwin McGraw-Hill
Supplementary Course Material
All other course materials such as class slides and instructions will either be made available on CARMEN or given out in the class.
Course Objectives
Advertising and promotion focus on strategic marketing communications. Techniques range from traditional broadcast and print advertising to non-traditional marketing tactics like buzz and social media. All elements of the communications program should be coordinated to achieve maximum effect; this is referred to as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).
As a result of this class, you will be better prepared to:
1. Understand the considerations that go into creating a successful marketing communications plan
2. Understand and use many of the terms and business models commonly employed today
3. Formulate well-defined strategies, develop a creative brief and IMC plan, and create a media plan
Class Format
We will use lectures, exercises, and discussions. A class session may include a lecture on the course topic, a case discussion and/or in-class exercise, and some universal learnings and takeaways.
Students are responsible for readings assigned as detailed in the syllabus. Reading prior to class will be essential to productive discussion and to your learning. Refer to discussion questions and online notes prior to class. NOT all testable material will be covered in class or in online notes; similarly, not all testable material will be found in books or online slides. The combination of book material and in-class discussions/lectures will develop your thinking.
Lectures will focus on main topics from the book and a typical class session will involve lecture, case study/example discussions, and group activities.
If you have other commitments that make attendance difficult or impossible, you should consider taking this course during a different quarter. You chose to take this class and, if you choose to miss class, that is also your choice.
I do not accept excuses except for valid documented medical emergencies, period.
Therefore, please do not miss tests or graded activities; you will not like the alternative.
Class attendance and active, quality participation in discussions are critical to your learning. Therefore, please attend all classes and offer reasoned, thoughtful input that incorporates materials from the text and our lectures/discussions versus your personal opinions and random thoughts off the top of your head. Though those thoughts are valuable to you, business strategy must be based on critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis of facts. You will have the opportunity to develop these skills and demonstrate them in our class discussions; therefore, you must attend class.
It has not been proven, but I have noticed a high correlation between final grades and attendance/participation.
Your grades will be evaluated as follows:
1. EXAM I and EXAM II 60%, (30% each EXAM)
2. Quizzes, two 20%, (10% each Quiz)
3. Group Project* (details on all of this to follow)
Oral and written presentation 20%
(Issues with team members should be resolved within the team. If this proves impossible, please let me know. Non-cooperation may result in a points penalty.)
*Note: there may also be one/several written assignments – these will likely be calculated into project grade
Please plan to attend ALL presentations. Someone listened to you; you owe them the same courtesy.
TOTAL 100%
Re-grading requests will be accepted in writing within 1 week of receipt of the grade.
Grades may or may not be rounded at the end of the quarter.
NOTE: Not all testable material will be covered in class; some will be from the required reading. Similarly, not all testable material is found in readings or online slides.
The grading scale that will be utilized for the final grade is as follows (note: you must reach the minimum of each range to get that grade – ex. an 86.5 would be a B without rounding):
Grade GPA Grade GPA
A = 94-100 % 4.0 C+ = 77-79.XX % 2.3
A- = 90-93.XX % 3.7 C = 73-76.XX % 2.0
B+ = 87-89.XX % 3.3 C- = 70-72.XX % 1.7
B = 83-86.XX % 3.0 D+ = 67-69.XX % 1.3
B- = 80-82.XX % 2.7 D = 63-66.XX % 1.0
E = below 63
Grades may or may not be rounded at the end of the quarter.
1. Tests/quizzes:
There will be two tests and two quizzes during the quarter. The dates are given in the syllabus. Questions will come from the lectures, discussions, speakers (if any), and textbook. You are permitted to use ONE DOUBLE-SIDE, 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper with notes, definitions, etc. in tests.
During tests, questions will be discouraged, unless a typo or some other mistake in the test makes a clarification necessary. During tests, only pen, pencil, eraser, calculator, and your one-page notes are allowed to be left on the table. All other materials and cell phones must be put away and cell phones silenced.
2. Group Project: Your team will create and present an IMC marketing plan (more details will follow). Project info. will be posted online on Carmen.
Project Presentation – written and oral presentation
You will be judged on both the content of the information, analysis, and proposals and on the effectiveness of the communication, both oral and written. Effective communication is key to marketing, so grammar, spelling, personal appearance, and proper speaking will be important.
Team Evaluation – each team member will use a survey to evaluate the input and participation of other team members. Though minor disputes should be worked out among group members, consistent failure to perform should be brought to the instructor’s attention.
o NOTE: Please attend ALL presentations.
Important Notes
· All relevant dates and assigned reading due dates are included in the Course Outline. Please make note of these dates and plan your quarter accordingly. If you are unable to attend a class, please notify me by email unless it is an emergency. You are strongly encouraged to attend all classes and, especially, all exams and graded activities. Absences will be dealt with at the discretion of the instructor and may result in a 0 or points penalty or other sanction.
· You are encouraged to ask questions by email and/or set up an appointment. Questions will be answered by return email, during a one-on-one meeting, or during the next class session. At any time, you are encouraged to set up an appointment for one-on-one assistance.
· Please let me know if you have a disability and need accommodations to make the learning environment more effective. Also, let me know if you are a client of Student Disability Services and need accommodations.
· You are responsible for everything that takes place in class, including changes to assignments or schedules, whether you are present or not. If you must miss class, please arrange with a classmate to share notes.
· Please come to class on time. Late arrivals may cause a deduction of points from your final grade. Turn off your cell phones and pagers before you come to class. Do not take calls in class. Do not use your PDA while class is being conducted. Taking notes on a laptop is acceptable; doing other work, playing games, or searching the internet during class is not. These actions cause the class to become distracted and diminish the learning environment.
· Any changes to the syllabus will be posted online and/or discussed in class. You are responsible for following the most recent syllabus. In addition, info. regarding the group project will be online and additional group exercises may be noted in the online slides.
Have fun! This course lets you formulate marketing strategy without risking your own money or your job!
Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, The Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute “Academic Misconduct.”
The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct.
If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University.
If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me.
Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include:
· The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages (
· Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity (
· Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity (
BUS M&L 755 Course Outline* Autumn 2011 (check Carmen for updates, notes, discussion questions)
1 / Syllabus review and overview of class/IMC
Elevator pitch introductions / 1-4 (skim)
2 / Communications Process
Source, Message, and Channel Factors / 5, 6 / BIO SHEET DUE
3 / Establishing Objectives and Budgeting / 7
4 / Creative Strategy: Planning and Development / 8
5 / Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation / 9
6 / Media Planning and Strategy / 10
7 / Evaluation of Broadcast Media / 11
8 / Evaluation of Print Media
QUIZ 1 / 12 / ATTEND!
9 / Support Media / 13 / Not on Test 1
On Test 2
10 / Test 1 (inc. cases) / 1-4, 5-12 / TEST 1
11 / Public Relations
The Internet and Interactive Media / 15, 17
14 / Measuring the Effectiveness of the Promotional Program / 18 / Creative Brief Due
15 / Intl. Advertising and Promotion / 19
16 / Regulation of Advertising and Promotion
Ethics - TBD / 20
21 - TBD / PR Releases due
1 Govt or Comm. AND 1 recruiting
17 / Work Session for Groups
Media Plan due
18 / Test 2 (inc. cases and speaker) – TBD / 13, 15, 17- 20 / TEST 2
21 / Oral Presentations - TBD
Groups present / WRITTEN PAPERS DUE
22 / Oral Project Presentations FINALS WEEK - TBD
Groups present
*Note: Subject to change. Please check the information on CARMEN for updates to syllabus, lecture slides, announcements, or files.
Due: second day of class
Name: ______
(phone). ( ) - .
Why did you pick this major?
Courses taken:
Others that you enjoyed or disliked and why:
What are your comments on courses?
Work experience:
What are your career goals?
One interesting fact about yourself:
Please attach your photo in the upper right and corner of this sheet.
Fisher BUS M&L 755: Marketing Management, Page 1 Winter 2012 PRELIMINARY