Augusta County Schools
School Health Advisory Board
The May 13, 2008 meeting of the Augusta County Schools Health Advisory Board was held at the Verona government center at 4 pm.
The following members and guests were in attendance: Doran Stegura, Chris Appl-Walsh, Susan Schuldt, Pat Caulkins, Mary Albert, Ron Abernathy, Travis and Tabitha Wayts, Eric Bond, Virginia Newman, Deb Austin, Cathy Cook, Marc Shields
The meeting was called to order by chair, Doran Stegura. Introductions were made.
Minutes from the March 18, 2008 meeting were approved with the addition of Pat Caulkins’ report on the wellness grant noting that it is “done in conjunction with the Augusta Hospital Community Foundation.”
New Issues/ Topics for Discussion
Medication policy for Elementary Students:
Sue Schuldt provided copies of the medication policy as it is currently written.
Travis and Tabitha Wayts, parents of an elementary student expressed their concern about the need for a doctor’s note for elementary clinic aides to dispense over the counter medication. This has caused financial and employment difficulties for their family and possibly other families in the county. They felt that a parent’s note giving permission should be sufficient for dispensing of OTC medication at school. They pointed out that in middle school a doctor’s note is not required.
Committee members pointed out that there had been issues with OTC dispensing in the past. The wellness policy reflected the recommendation of physicians, and other health organizations to make it consistent and safe. It was not meant to be a burden for families. Most physicians are familiar with the school policies and will write orders when OTC medications are to be dispensed at school. If a parent wants to provide medication for their child at school they may come and do so or authorize a non-school employee to do that for them.
Due to liability concerns for school personnel dispensing OTC drugs and very few complaints about this policy that had come to Sue’s attention the committee did not put forth a recommendation for a policy change.
Updates on Existing Programs
- Nutritional Analysis
Mary Albert reported that the nutrition analysis will continue. In June there will be a community advisory meeting to look at menus. The goal is to eliminate transfat, and increase green vegetables and whole grains. Her office will be moving to the Waynesboro Schools facilities. Discussion about many issues with the school food program continued. The AugustaHospital grant is still working at establishing nutritional advisories for local schools to address some of the issues that were brought up in the discussion.
- School Health
Sue Schuldt reported that cholesterol screenings for more than 500 staff members had been done.
There was a weight loss program for staff in several schools.
Second graders have all gone through the Squeaky clean Hygiene program
Nutritional Kits were collected from the schools and Clinic Aids have been trained to use them.
Amy Huffer will be doing a Churchville regional health program.
The food allergy policy has gone into effect.
6 schools will be piloting a non-alcohol based hand washing program. Absentee rates will be compared.
AEDs were purchased for middle schools.
- Website
In order to put the Wellness Policy on the Web Site we need to locate it. Other Website information was reviewed.
- Other
Discussion of meeting time.
Safety issues.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine Appl-Walsh
Guidance Counselor/ acting secretary