Team 9 Science 2010 - 2011
Instructor: Mr. Testa Room 137
Contact Information: Phone: 267-893-2737
Text: Holt Science and Technology
*a class set of books will be available in the room; you may have a copy assigned to you to keep at home
On-line Text: You can access your textbook on-line by:
1) going to
2) log in using 1 of the 2 name and password combinations
username: jdoe373 or username: bbear1
password: ch8h password: 85t5
Course of Study Geology, Evolution & Paleontology, Oceanography & Climate, Botany, Ecology & Environment
Grades will be computed by dividing points earned through class assignments
(journals, homework, projects, Quia quizzes, tests, etc.) by the points possible.
You are responsible for making up all assignments missed as a result of an
excused absence, as well as obtaining notes. In most cases, this work is due on the first day that you return to school. Check the class Wiki for assignments, handouts, etc.
If you miss class on the day an assignment is due (late to school, leave early for an appointment, sporting event, etc.), it is your responsibility to submit the assignment on that day.
Assignments missed as a result of an unexcused absence will count as a zero towards your grade.
Late Work
All homework must be completed and submitted on time (at the beginning of each class or when specified). Late homework will not be accepted. All other late assignments will result in a 10% point deduction for each day late.
Quia assignments are given for most sections of the text. These “quizzes” consist of 15 questions and must be completed in 20 minutes or less. YOU MAY RETAKE THESE QUIZZES AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, and your final attempt will be the grade that is recorded. These assignments are graded for accuracy and are worth 5 points each.
*Advanced Science - article quizzes may only be taken 1 time
Students are required to complete a short journal entry at the beginning of each class. Daily journal topics will be posted on the board for students to answer in 2-3 complete sentences upon entering the room. You may use your text, notes, etc. to answer these questions. Journal entries should be numbered, dated, and legible. Journals not completed in the following format will
not receive full credit.
1) 9/1/10 The first day of school was exciting. It’s great to see friends that I haven’t seen all summer.
I’m looking forward to a fun year in ninth grade.
2) 9/2/10 My family went to the beach for a week this summer. I spent most of the time reading on
the beach and swimming in the ocean. It rained one day, so we rented videos and hung
out at the house.
3) 9/3/10 Absent
Be Prepared & Stay Focused
Students must come to class prepared each day. A prepared student arrives to class each day with the following materials: pens/pencils, paper, journal, and assignments that are due. While in class, listen to all instructions and remain on task during activities. All students begin each marking period with a 15/15 point grade in this area.
Students are expected to treat all people, furniture and equipment in the classroom with respect. Any person/group responsible for breaking lab equipment will pay for replacements. Please return your chairs and throw out any trash before you leave the classroom.
Extra Help
You are encouraged to seek extra help when needed. Resource period is an excellent time to ask questions, or you can arrange a time before or after school.
Parent Signature______Date______
Student Signature______Date______