Frank D. Thayer, Department of Journalism and Mass Communications
New Mexico State University
P.O. Box 3136 UPB, Las Cruces, NM 88003
(575)646-5048 web address
2012–Professor Emeritus
2008–2012Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications
2002–2008Head, Journalism & Mass Communications,
1987–2002Assistant Professor of Journalism and mass Communications,
1985-1987College Instructor, Dept. of Journalism and Mass
Communications, NMSU.
1984-1985Graduate Assistant, Department of Communication Studies.
1980-1984Scholarship Officer and Public Relations Officer,
Silver Consolidated School System, Silver City, NM.
1978-1980Self-employed freelance writer/photographer and
proprietor of The Enchanted Light Photo and Art
Gallery, Mogollon, NM
1966-1977Tenured Teaching Master, Department of Journalism,
Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology,
Scarborough (Toronto), Ontario Canada.
1966-1970Department Head, Department of Journalism,
Centennial College.
1965-1966Advertising Copy Chief, Radio Station CHIQ (now
CHAN), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
1964-65Active duty with U.S. Army for New Mexico National Guard.
1963-1964News Editor, Las Cruces Citizen, Las Cruces, NM.
1962-1963Reporter/Photographer, Las Cruces Citizen, Las Cruces, NM.
1987-presentPublic Opinion and Propaganda, Intermediate Print Reporting,
Computer-assisted Reporting, Print Newswriting, News Editing,
Photojournalism II, Interpersonal Communication, Introduction
to Advertising, Advertising Copywriting
1985-1987Introduction to Media Writing, Public Speaking,
Introduction to Photography, Reporting.
1984-1985Voice and Diction.
1980-1984Individual high school classroom appearances
to discuss scholarships, college applications,
career decisions. Speeches to community organizations
1966-1977Photojournalism, Advanced Newswriting,
Introductionto Mass Media, Reporting, Layout and
Typography, News Editing, Magazine Writing,
Technical Report Writing, Introduction to
Public Relations, Supervision of 40,000
circulation community newspaper.
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Thayer, F. Ramsey, Scott and Suzanne, The Aztec UFO Incident, Career Press & NewPage Publications 2015
Thayer, F. w/Waldner, M. & Rogers, C. Magic in the Desert (under the name Dan Perry) The Dan Perry Endowmen 2015
Thayer, F. Cobston Trilogy: The Ontario Horror, Sun Cross Publications 2015
Thayer, F. & Ramseys, S., Warren F. The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon,
Whitehall Pubishing, Naples, Fla. 2012.
Thayer, F.. Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Writing News for the Print Media. Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL. July, 2000.
Thayer, F.. Writing News for the Print Media. Stipes Publishing, Champaign IL. January, 1999.
Thayer, F. & Sitz, R. “Tenure and the Faculty Evaluation Process”. Accepted by Southwestern Mass Communication Journal .
Thayer, F. & Sitz, R. 1998. “Gender and the Mass Communications Faculty Evaluation Process”. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal. 14:1 18-27.
Thayer, F., “Symbols and Propaganda.” The Encyclopedia of Propaganda, Salem Press, Inc.,
Pasadena, CA, Spring 1997.
Thayer, F., “Grade value perceptions in journalism education: A four group study”, Southwestern
Mass Communications Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1996, pp. 29–42. .
Sitz, R.& Thayer, F., “A survey of faculty evaluation practices in journalism and mass communication”, Journal of Advertising Education, 1:23-30 Summer 1996.
Thayer, F. "High School Journalism Participation: A New Mexico Profile", Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, Spring 1993.
Thayer, F. & Pasternack, S. "Testing Viewer Perception of the Credibility of Soviet
Television News Sources: Attitudes Toward Direct vs. Translator Presentation" International Communication Bulletin, Vol. 27, Fall, 1992.
Thayer, F. "Using Semantic Differential to Evaluate Course Effectiveness in Journalism", Journalism Educator 45:2:20-24 Summer 1990.
Thayer, F. “Measuring Recognition and Attraction in Corporate, Advertising Trademarks", Journalism Quarterly, 65:2:439-441, Summer 1988.
Thayer, F. “Remedial course for writing skills proven effective", Journalism Educator, 43:2:71-72, Summer 1988.
Thayer, F. "Attitude Formation: The Role of the Instructional Leader", Educational Resources Information Center (Eric) Reports EDRS, Arlington, VA. 1990 ED 311 539.
Thayer, F. "The Campaign-centered PACE Curriculum in Advertising", Journalism Educator, 45:78-81 No. 1 Spring 1990.
Thayer, F. & Sitz, R. Tenure and the Faculty Evaluation Process. Southwest Symposium of the Southwest Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. El Paso, TX Nov. 7, 1998.
Thayer, F. “The Principles and Tactics of Propaganda: Inevitability and Effectiveness of Managing Public Attitudes”. Western Social Sciences Association 39th Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 9 April 1998.
Thayer, F. & others. "Writing Across the Curriculum: an Approach to the Classics", Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association, November 8, 1988, Holiday inn de Las Cruces.
Thayer, F. "The Campaign-centered PACE System of Teaching Advertising", presented at the Southwest Symposium for Journalism and Mass Communication, 8-9 October 1989.
Thayer, F. & Pasternack, S. "Testing Viewer Perception of the Credibility of Soviet Television News Sources: Attitudes Toward Direct vs. Translator Presentation", presented at the Western Social Sciences Assn. annual meeting in Portland, Oregon April 26, 1990.
Thayer, F. "High School Journalism Participation: A New Mexico Profile", presented at the National Scholastic Press Association convention, Albuquerque, NM, 13 April 1991.
Thayer, F. "High School Journalism Participation: A New Mexico Profile", presented at the 74th annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Boston, 8 August 1991.
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Thayer, F. "The Single Descriptor Method of teaching Newslead Writing", Rocky Mountain Educational Research Assn. regional convention, El Paso, Texas Sept. 30, 1991.
Thayer, F. & Olson, J. "Strategies affecting the differential news awareness of college journalism students", presented at the Western Social Sciences Association annual meeting, 24 April 1992.
Thayer, F. & Sitz, R. “Gender and the Mass Communications Faculty Evaluation Process”, Western Social Sciences Association 39th Annual Conference, 24 April 1997, Albuquerque, NM.
Thayer, F. & Sitz, R. “Gender and the Mass Communications Faculty Evaluation Process”, Symposium of the Southwest Council for Education In Journalism and Mass Communications, 8 November 1997.
Sitz, R. & Thayer, F. “Perceived objectivity of student evaluation of faculty”, Western Marketing Educators Association Conference, Monterey, Ca. April 1996.
Thayer, F. & Pasternack, S. "A Policy Survey of American Newspapers", Southwestern Symposium in Journalism and Mass Communication, October, 1992.
Faculty Senate 2000-2001
College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum & Educational Policies Committee 1993–1999
Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum & Educational Policies Committee 1995–2002.
Chair, Department of Journalism and Mass Communications Promotion and Tenure Committee 1998-2002
Department of Journalism and Mass Communications Promotion and Tenure Committee 1994–1998
Member, College of Arts and Sciences College Council 1998-2002
Faculty Advisor, Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi, New Mexico State University chapter, 1995–2002
Coordinator, departmental computer laboratories, 1995–2002
Director and Liaison, New Mexico Scholastic Press Association 1991—Hosting the annual NSMPA writing contest at NMSU in April 1992.
Editorial Board, Southwest High School Creative Writing Awards, 1992–1993
Program Director, Southwest High School Creative Writing Awards 1989-1991. Published an annual 40 page awards book displaying judged creative writing from high school students in seven southwestern states. In 1990, processed 1300 pieces of writing from over 50 high schools.
Grant awarded: $2,500 from New Mexico Arts Division 1989.
Grant awarded: $2,400 from New Mexico Arts Division 1991.
Referee, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, MacDougall Student Paper Competition of AEJMC Newspaper Division, April 1989, April 1990, April 1991.
Publication referee, Journalism & Mass Communications Educator, 1994, 1995, 1997
Publication referee, Southwestern Mass Communications Journal, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
Member, Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. (SPJ/SDX)
Member, Association of Educators of Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC)
Member, Southwest Association for Canadian Studies (SWACS) 1989-1996
Member, American Copy Editors Society 1993-1999
Member, Phi Kappa Phi honor society
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Head, Journalism and Mass Communications Department 2002–2008. Guided departmental accreditation with AEJMC 2004, performed all administrative duties of the department during this period.
Acting Head, Journalism and Mass Communications Department. Fulfilled all administrative duties in the department from July to December 2000.
In August 1966 initiated the formation of a department of Journalism at Centennial College in Scarborough, Ontario, overseeing budget, hiring of staff and establishing curriculum for the department which included four teaching faculty and one clerical assistant. The department was concerned with teaching professional skills for print media, public relations and advertising, and radio/TV writing. The department enrollment averaged 200 majors each year. Served on faculty senate 1967-1975 and also community college faculty Assn. for the province. Vice-president, Centennial College Faculty Association 1967-68.
From 1980-1984, as Scholarship officer and Public Relations Officer for Silver Consolidated School system, was responsible for providing financial aid counseling, college admissions assistance and career assistance for students and their parents as well as promoting the school system through coverage of school activities and submission of news releases and photos to media outlets as well as making speeches to community organizations and appearing on local radio. Administered a budget and had one clerical assistant.
Thayer, Frank, Writing News for the Print Media, 2000
Thayer, Frank & Jamison, Cy, Writing for the Media, Methuen,
Toronto, 1976.
Thayer, F. et al., The Media Primer, Methuen, Toronto, 1969.
(Journalism textbook 150pp.).
Thayer, F. "Media: The Cult of Vicarious Experience", A Media Mosaic: Canadian Communications through a Critical Eye, ed. by Walt MacDayter, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Toronto 1969.
1990/91 $2,800 grant from New Mexico Arts Division for publication of Southwest High School Creative Writing Awards Book.
1988/89 $2,400 grant from New Mexico Arts Division for publication of Southwest High School Creative Writing Awards Book.
1969 $2,500 grant-in-aid from The Canadian Press to establish CP wire service in Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Department of Journalism.
Thayer, F. “Secrets of Ordensburg Vogelsand: The First Lehrgang”, The Military Advisor, 13:1 Summer 2002 pp 28–36 (with photographs)
research notes and photographs relating to specialized insignia for Norwegian, Italian and French volunteers in the Waffen-SS, Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 4, R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1987, ISBN No. 0-912138-36-x pages 362, 366, 370.
"Pipeline of the Ancients", Fate Magazine, article w/photos November 1984.
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"Gadsden Ghosts enliven Museum", New Mexico Magazine, July 1987.
7 pages research & photographs in Angolia, LTC(Ret) John R.,
Cloth Insignia of the SS, R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1983, ISBN 0-912138-28-9.
3 pages research and photographs in Angolia, LTC(Ret) John R., For Fuhrer and Fatherland: The Political and Civil Awards of the Third Reich, R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1978, ISBN No. 0-912138-16-5.
"The History and Evolution of the Andalusian Horse", The Andalusian Horse Registry, Glenn O. Smith, Mimbres Valley NM 1979.
Thayer, F. foreword to American edition, Gestapo Chief, Vol. III by Gregory Douglas, R.J. Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA, 1998.
Thayer, F., foreword to American edition , Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller Vol. II, by
Gregory Douglas, R.J. Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA. , 1997.
Thayer, F., foreword to American edition , Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller Vol. II, by
Gregory Douglas, R.J. Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA. , 1996
Thayer, F. "Hunting Behavior of Crotalus atrox (western diamondback rattlesnake)", Herpetological Review, 19:2:35, June 1988.
Thayer, F. "Fort Selden State Monument, All in a Day" (with photographs),
New Mexico Magazine, February 1988, p. 18-19.
research notes and photographs relating to specialized insignia for Norwegian, Italian and French volunteers in the Waffen-SS, Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vol. 4, R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1987, ISBN No. 0-912138-36-x pages 362, 366, 370.
Thayer, F. "Lincoln Holds the Key to Trip Back in Time", The Denver Post, March 26, 1989. Article and photographs.
11 pages research & photographs in Angolia, LTC(Ret) John R.,
Cloth Insignia of the SS, 2nd Ed., R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1989, ISBN 0-912138-28-9.
3 pages research and photographs in Angolia, LTC(Ret) John R., For Fuhrer and Fatherland: The Political and Civil Awards of the Third Reich, 2nd Ed., R. James Bender Publishing, San Jose, CA 1989, ISBN No. 0-912138-16-5.
Contribution to "The Lower Case", Columbia Review of Journalism, September 1989.
Thayer, F. "Dona Ana, Grandmother Community of the Mesilla Valley", New Mexico Magazine, 68:7:62-68, July 1990. Article and photographs.
Thayer, F. "The Evolution, Construction and Variations of the SS Sleeve Eagle", The Military Advisor, 1:3:4-8, Summer 1990. Article and photographs.
13"x20" color landscape photograph selected for 1991 calendar by SARA Systems Inc. of Las Cruces. Published December 1990.
Thayer, F. "Bloody Treasure of the Weissensee", Lost Treasures, Vol. 16 nr. 9, pages 8-10, August 1991. Article & illustrations.
Thayer, F. "A View from the South", The High Desert Veteran, Vol. 2 nr. 1, 1994 pages 12-13.
Thayer, F. "The Adolf Hitler Cufftitle", The Military Advisor, Vol. 2, nr. 4. Winter 1991/92.
Thayer, F. “Waffen-SS Unit Collar Insignia”. The Military Advisor. Vol. 5, Nr. 2, pages 4–13. Spring 1994.
Thayer, F. “SS Foreign Volunteer Collar Insignia”. The Military Advisor. Vol. 4, Nr. 2, Pages 26–35. Spring 1993.
Thayer, F., “A comparison of maker marks on Third Reich medals, badges, buckles, and uniform effects”, The Military Advisor, 7:28-32, Winter 1995/1996.
Thayer, F. “Enameled Badges of the N.S. Frauenschaft.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 5 Nr. 1, pages 8–15. Winter 1993/94.
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Thayer, F. “Reichsministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 4, Nr. 1, pages 4–11. Summer 1993.
Thayer, F. & Pennisi, M. “The Insignia and Organization of the Italian Volunteers of the Waffen-SS.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 7, Nr. 4, pages 12–25. Fall 1996.
Thayer, F. “The SS-RZM Authorization System.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 6, Nr. 1, pages 14–23. Winter 1994/95.
Thayer, F. “A Comparison of Maker Marks on Third Reich Medals, Badges, Buckles & Uniform Effects.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 7, Nr. 1, pages 28–32. Winter 1995/96.
Thayer, F. “SS Belt Buckles.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 6, Nr. 3, pages 15–21. Summer 1995.
Thayer, F. “Cloth Insignia for SS Headgear.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 6, Nr. 2, pages 4–11. Spring 1995.
Thayer, F. “Der SS Totenkopfring.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 5, Nr. 3, pages 30–35. Summer 1994.
Thayer, F. “An Overview of the SS Cufftitle.” The Military Advisor. Vol. 4, Nr. 1, pages 24–33. Winter 1992/93.
“Nourishment for the Dead” The Harrow on-line literary journal 2008
”Enslaved by Venus” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2004
“The Brain that Wouldn’t Die” (film review), Writer’s Cram on line journal 2003
“Behind the Flying Saucers” (book review) Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2003
“In the Treasure Room of Verdez” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2003
“Shells of the Dead” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2001
“The Domain of Supernatural Horror and its Secret Agenda” Writer’s Cramp online journal 2000
“Astrology: The Mysterious Art of Correspondences” Writer’s Cramp online journal 2002
“Mythos of the Swastika” (essay) Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2001
:Nourishment for the Dead”, Writer’s Cramp on line journal 1999
“The Grand Order of Marbas” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2000
“The Shadow of Geronimo’s Mountain” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 2000
“Yellow Flowers” Writer’s Cramp on line journal 1999
"Survival", Rogue Magazine, April 1966.
"Voodoo Girl", Topper Magazine, November 1965.
"Eternal Recurrence", Topper Magazine, April 1965.
"The Ultimate Survival Weapon", Texas A&M Review, Spring 1959.
"Lady of the Song", Topper Magazine, February 1965.
"The Family Tree", Travelers by Night, ed. by August Derleth,
Arkham House, 1967.
"And What Have You Got?", Puerto del Sol, NMSU Spring 1962.
"The Conquerors", Puerto del Sol, NMSU Spring 1961.
"The Edomite Kings", The Arkham House Collector, Sauk City, Wisconsin, Number Six, Spring 1970.
"Huertgen Forest", Puerto del Sol, NMSU, Spring 1962.
"Ghosts in the Gadsden Museum ", Las Cruces Sun-News, 1987.
1980-1984, Approximately 200 newspaper articles and published photographs in local print media including Silver City Daily Press, Silver City Enterprise, Albuquerque Journal, El Paso Times.
1962-1964, Approximately 1,000 newspaper articles, editorials, news, sports and feature photographs published in the Las Cruces Citizen from June 1962-March 1964.
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(See also newspaper, magazine articles and book contributions)
Documentary/industrial photographic record of Challenge Ventures Mining, Inc., Mogollon, 1978-1981.
Photographic historian, Archives, Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology, Scarborough (Toronto) Canada 1966-1977.
"Bread on the Waters" International Exhibit Tierfoto, Europe Spring 1967.
1st Place Photo "Myra", Japan Camera Center, Toronto 1966.
"Old Tyrone, NM", Winner, El Paso Times Photography contest,1965.
“Frank Thayer” CD album 2006
"Long Grey Highway"/"Evening Shadows", 45 rpm, Outlaw Records,
"The Troubled Streets"/"Lonely Before Dawn", 45 rpm, Outlaw Records1962.
"Frank Thayer--Back in New Mexico", 45 extended play album, Outlaw Records 1978.
"Frank Thayer", long play album, Outlaw Records 1979.
"Old Tomcat"/"Everybody Gets the Blues", 45 rpm, Outlaw Records 1979.
"Baby Let's Play House"/"Milkcow Blues Boogie", 45 rpm, Outlaw Records 1980.
2nd place, Editorial writing, New Mexico Press Association Awards 1963.
2nd Place, Feature article writing, New Mexico Press Association Awards 1963.
3rd place, Page layout, New Mexico Press Association Awards 1963.
Managing Editor The Roundup NMSU student newspaper, 1960-62.
Copy Editor NMSU yearbook Swastika 1962.
Founding editor, NMSU literary magazine Puerto del Sol, 1961-62.
Lettered in football, basketball and track, Cobre High School 1955-57.
President, Latin Club, Cobre High School 1956-57.
New Mexico Boys' State 1956.
Member Civil Air Patrol, Ground Observer Corps (Civil Defense),
Boy Scouts of America. 1953-1957, rank of Star.
1993Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, NMSU
1986M.A. in Speech Communication, NMSU
1962B.A. in Journalism, NMSU
1957-1960Undergraduate student, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX. Aero Engineering/physics
1954-1957Cobre High School, Bayard, NM