Lesson 2 Video 1 – Goal Setting Page 1 of 3
Student: / Instructor: / Assignment: / Start Time:Time
stamp / Transcript / Microskills
01.10 / Okay! So, Jeff, I’ll give a little summary of where we were the last time we talked. Uh, and we had come to the place where we had kind of recognized we had kind of four um components to the problem. And in each of those we had a sense of how it is now and how you’d like it to be different.
So, there was the emotional reaction piece, which was, um, the… the pull between feeling guilty and also – I have really a mental block, you know, I just practiced that! What was the other …? – Indignant! I have a different word in my mind that doesn’t fit and it just keeps popping into my head, anyway – so the the guilt and the indignation and then wanting to just feel happy about your role. So we have that piece.
Then there’s piece of the the uh, investing in clinical supervision and being really present in clinical supervision um as opposed to um the more imposing your own view to contain clinical supervision or being engaged in the direct client practice yourself.
The third one was administrative demands, so finding a way to reduce from the feeling overwhelmed by the administrative demand, to kind of managing – minimizing the administrative demand.
Then the last one that kind of came up just in the last segment of the last tape was the whole issue around being a landlord, and it seemed there that the issue was moving away from being reactive to demands that just come up as a landlord to being proactive and potentially preventative in that of you know having those demands met then emerge in the first place. / Recapping
02.46 / Fair enough summary? / Confirming understanding
02.48 / Okay, so… where I’d like to go with this particular segment of demonstration for the students is um inviting you to chose one of those four areas and then begin to shift into some setting of goals and some sub-goals for how we might move towards change in one of those areas. / Transparency
03.13 / Okay.
03.13 / Okay, yes, because I think that uh, I think that shifting, shifting how things are happening would have the, the consequence or the outcome of um shifting your sense of satisfaction with it…
And moving you out of that dilemma, the emotional dilemma that you’re feeling. / Paraphrasing
04.06 / Okay, so why don’t we look at that particular issue? And explore, um, get more clear on where you’d like to be with that? And, um, in terms of a goal and then maybe some sub-goals that would move you in that direction. / Transparency
04.22 / So, if you could, if you could say okay – let’s do your Solution Focused piece – “I wake up tomorrow and I am the supervisor that I would like to be”. Describe for me what that would look like. / Probe
04.47 / Imagine! (laughing)
05.47 / So I want to just make a side observation, since you didn’t stay on track either. The first part of this is an observation in the here-and-now = immediacy
Um... but there is a dramatic difference in your facial expression as you talk about this… versus our beginning of the conversation kind of an hour ago when you were talking the guilt and the you know those other feelings where you were just kind of pulling back in your chair and kind of not wanting to even admit those feelings.
So… talk about that a little bit. / Paraphrasing nonverbals
07.42 / And that’s where the emotional – the positive emotional energy lies. / Paraphrasing
08.12 / And it’s interesting that you made the tie between that and what’s meaningful for you to you in the Athabasca job.
Because you’re moving towards the Athabasca job and yet you’ve been pulling away from this piece and I’m, I’m wondering, mmm guessing, that maybe it’s because, um, this piece of the business has kind of gotten lost underneath the demands of everything else, and so you’re not getting the same um emotional satisfaction and sense of identity and purpose that you have gotten in the past out of this piece. / Recapping
Note: Only the counsellor verbalizations are provided on this transcript.
08.47 / So how do you think you might move in the direction of creating space in your practice, creating space in your life, maybe creating emotional space or actual just time space to do these things that you know bring you satisfaction? That part of what you call your calling. / Question09.50 / But it added another piece in to the overall picture of feeling overwhelmed. The adding in of another piece is making meaning out of his experience not expressing a new feeling / Paraphrasing
10.26 / Okay. So some of it might be, some of it might in letting go… um… seeing other things shift. Um… / Paraphrasing
10.36 / I’m also wondering though, if because you are spending some time in supervision already. But you’ve been … but my sense from our first part of our conversation was that you’re not, you’re not feeling like you’re being your best self in those particular times than you could have. So I am wondering if there’s a potential there to begin to build a bit of a shift already. Without having to ... without having to necessarily create more space, which is, you know, a really big picture challenge. / Recapping
11.46 / Yes! That is a good goal, right? / Paraphrasing + Confirming understanding
11.48 / And I, I’d call it a sub-goal of the overall goal which is making a shift in your affect and in your sense of, um overall engagement in the supervision process, right.
So a, so a specific sub-goal would be to look at each of those people, and say “okay, how can I… how can I begin to shift –again I think it’s a shift from reactive to proactive like we talked about with the landlord thing, right. - to being proactive in this and planful so that what I get from this encounter with them is more in line with the values that I am talking about.” / Paraphrasing
12.21 / Okay.
12.30 / Yes, yes, yes, which was what I’m, which was partly why I reframed it a little bit here because I think, you know, my concern in this is that it is really easy to think of new things you can add on that would meet your needs, but it’s going to just increase the overall time for you.
Yeah. So if we look within the contained … um scope of what you already have, where you can make the shifts. / Transparency
12.52 / Any other ideas about, in this particular theme of other area within … within what already happens that could create a shift that could make it more meaningful for you? / Clarifying
13:00 / …. / Silence
13.45 / Mmmhmm. And how would, how would scheduling the supervision meetings regularly impact the current dynamic? / Question
14.51 / Mmhm. And, and I’m thinking back to some of our earlier conversation and the emotional reaction piece and in some ways it shifts, it, it um, it shifts the responsibility back onto the other person to use that time effectively for their own development.
Because um in the moment their demands are unpredictable, less predictable, and so then it’s easier to be reactive.
Whereas by creating the space for them it, in a sense, makes yourself available, makes... in, in a proactive way, and it also requires of them to be proactive. / Paraphrasing
15.27 / So I am wondering if that gets you also a little bit out of that um that reactive piece … where... you want … well and also where you want them to take responsibility.
Right. Which links to some of our, some of the themes that were coming up in the first part of this, was the frustration over “I set this all up and you don’t follow through.” Right. / Recapping
17.20 / Yeah, and in terms of the emotional triggers for you, my suspicion is that what that does for you is it it sends the message and reinforces the um “I have some expertise to offer and people are valuing that expertise” where the coming to you with a blank slate and saying “tell me what to do” would tend to push more on the emotional reaction of “I’m not responsible to tell you what to do and I don’t want to be telling you what to do, I want you to um take initiative and”, you know, so… you can see how that would would trigger your different emotional response in you as well. / Paraphrasing
17.55 / So by being more clear about your expectations, um, that might also shift the emotional reaction. / Paraphrasing
18.38 / Right. Right.
18.41 / Yeah. It doesn’t define… it doesn’t define how the two of you as supervisor and supervisee are going to reach those goals.
You know and the kinds of the relationships that you’re going to have and the kinds of expectations. Yeah. / Paraphrasing
18.50 / Okay so we have three things, we have um spending a little bit of time and getting clear within yourself about your… your hopes, aspirations, goals, plans for each of the people that you’re working with.
Um, rather than adding new time in, being a bit more proactive about scheduling times, so that they can anticipate um when they’re going to have space and maybe be a bit more proactive in also using that space with you. (excuse me)
Then the third one is making the expectations more clear, so that they’re actually coming and um, in a sense making use of your expertise in a way that um, that reinforces, that reinforces your emotional reaction – positive emotional reaction in you. / Summary
19.42 / Absolutely! Absolutely! Yep!
19.57 / Yeah, so it requires them to take more risk, but it has a higher benefit for them. And it requires less work on your part, hopefully. And it has the benefit of um actually positioning you in a way that um you can provide um the kind of wisdom that your experience brings to them, right. Without the frustration of feeling like your kind of doing it for them. / Paraphrasing
20.24 / Yes. Yes. Yeah, good reframe, because yes you’re right, I don’t think it would be less work but I think it would be... yes. No. but it would be more, um, it would be more challenging for you, potentially, and more interesting for you and more in line with your values. / Paraphrasing
20.41 / Okay. So in terms of this first goal, we seem to have three kind of sub-goals that um seem like they’re a good fit for you. / Summary
20.50 / Um is there a particular, is there a particular priority that you would put them in? Or is this something you’re just going to kind of go out and attack all three or what seems realistic? / Clarifying
22.02 / Mmhmm. Great! So you have three… you have three really good steps and some kind of um timeline plan for how you might move forward perhaps, so I will look forward to hearing how that goes. / Paraphrasing