Meeting of Norbury and Roston Parish Council held on 28th March 2017 in the Mary Clowes Hall at 7.00pm

Present: Mrs Anne Lewis (Chairman), Miss Anne Weaver, Mr Karl Davis, Mrs Julie Sadler (Clerk), Borough Councillor T Morley and County Councillor S Bull

  1. Apologies – Janet Carrington
  2. Minutes of Last Meeting 17th January 2017

These were approved unanimously, and signed and dated by Cllr Lewis and the Clerk.

  1. Declaration of interests

There were no interests raised

  1. Matters Arising
  2. Williams Charity update–Thomas Williams Foundation Charity

The clerk informed the meeting that the Parish Council had received a letter from Timothy Clowes explaining that Williams Charity is a charity where papers are held by the correspondent and Trustee Mr T W Clowes. The money is from Charity Commissioner funds and is about £700 a year. There are three trustees, two appointed by the Parish Council Mr T W Clowes and Mr Richard Ward, one appointed by County Council Mr S Liverman. It is to help with the purchase of books.

  1. Bills Charity update – The Clerk read out a letter received from Mr T Clowes confirming that the following were the recipients of Bills Charity: Mrs Burton, Mrs Lear, Mrs Mason, Mrs Y Prince, Mrs Lewis, Joy Chadfield, Mrs Mosley and Mrs Weaver. The Trustees for Bills Charity are Mrs Janet Carrington and Mr Karl Davies.
  2. Broadband– The clerk informed the meeting that she had received information from Danny Grabham stating that he had it confirmed from Digital Derbyshire again that there this is no plan at the moment for the majority of Roston and Norbury to get high speed broadband via the BT infrastructure. However, he also confirmed that he had met with W3Z, the Derbyshire based business specialising in getting high speed broadband into hard to reach areas. W3Z have a mast on the Weaver Hills, which Norbury & Roston could use via a mast in the Village to get the high-speed service.

Dannywent around the village with the Chairman of the business and said that there is a suitable site, and potentially the landowner is willing to home the mast.It may not be the answer for everyone, for many, perhaps most, it will provide the necessary speed, which 95% of the country already have.However, to achieve this we need people to express their interest in this service on the company’s website to provide the momentum to get it up and running as soon as possible. It was agreed that this was a good idea and it was proposed that the clerk would produce a poster explaining this and forward it to Cllr Davis who would print it out and place them strategically around the village in hope that people would go onto the website and express their interest in this service. Clerk also to forward a copy to Nick Pennell for the village website.

Of course, the mast would require planning permission which would have to be sought in the usual way.

  1. Telephone Box–The clerk informed the meeting that she was still waiting to hear from BT apparantley, they had a backlog. Clerk to chase if not heard by 10th April 2017. Cllr Morley and Cllr Bull advised the meeting that if funding was required for the telephone box or any other community initiative then remember community funding and Local project funding opportunities.
  2. FACT donation update – the clerk informed the meeting that she had contacted FACT and they informed her that they no longer called in Norbury & Roston as they were never asked to by the parishioners. It was agreed to withhold the funding for the time being and advertise FACT in the next flyer.
  3. Bank Signatures – Cllr Weaver has now been added to list of signatures for signing the cheques for the Parish Council. The signatures are Cllr Anne Lewis, Cllr Janet Carrington and Cllr Anne Weaver.
  1. New Parish Councillor

It was unanimouslyagreed to co-opt Simon Luscombe onto the Parish Council. Clerk to send an email to Cllr Luscombe with declaration of interest form for him to complete. The Parish Council are now at full complement of Councillors.

  1. Village Green

It was agreed that clerk would contact the DDDC regarding planting a bush at the edge of the Village Green to prevent it being driven on by passing vehicles. A juniper bush was suggested.

  1. Verges in the Village

The verges on Shields Lane have been damaged due to some very large vehicles being used for muck spreading. Clerk to contact clerk at Marston Montgomery regarding this issue. Also clerk to email Cllr S Bull who will look into this.

The Parish Council would like to send a letter of thanks to Carl Jeffrey for digging out the banks on Lid Lane.

  1. Bank Accounts –
  2. Treasurers Account - £3004.49
  3. Business instant Account - £705.83
  4. Finance - Authorisation of Payments

The following payments were unanimously agreed:

  1. Clerks Pay – October 2016 – 31.03.17 - £461.09
  2. DALC Annual Subscription - £97.62
  3. C F Prince - £100.00
  1. DALC – Circular 02/17,03/17 and 04/17– noted
  2. Planning - 17/00120/FUL–All councillors agreed to look at the planning application on line and inform the clerk of any comments within the next couple of days.
  3. Year End – Internal Audit - It was agreed that Janice Jackson would carry out the internal audit for the Parish Council for 2016/17.
  4. Any Other Business – There was no further business at this time.
  5. Date of Next Meeting – 22nd May 2017