Monday 21st December 2015

At 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Back Lane, Hethersett

Present: Miss. J. Sutton (Chairman),Mrs. V. Hawes (Vice-Chairman), Mr. J. Bartram, Dr. A. Edwards,Mr .S. Hull, Ms. E. Mulvaney, Mr. J. Nightingale, Mrs. M. Savory, Mr. S. Slack, Mr. P. Steward, Mrs. A. Quinlan

In attendance:Mr. D. Bills, District Councillor,Mr. L. Dale, District Councillor, Mr. I. Weetman (Clerk), PCSO D Sore (part).

Members of public: 3

1. Apologies

Mr. C. Morriss, Mr. T. Radley

The Chairman welcomed Olivia Gardner from the High School who was taking an interest in the proceedings of the Parish Council as Youth Champion.

The Chairman also thanked Ms Mulvaney for acting as an interface with the High School.

The Chairman invited PCSO D Sore to give his report.

For the period from and incl 16/11 to 20/12. Total of 4 reported crimes as follows:

Crim. Dam. (12/12) Queens Head – Window broken (paid for by offender).

Theft (13/12) of alcohol from shop – offender arrested and charged.

Drugs (16/11) Outside Church on B1172 - Cannabis possession (offender cautioned).

Arson (9/12) Ketts Close – Outbuilding set fire to.

PCSO Sore added that the timescale for the payment due to the Parish Council under the Restorative Justice system would expire on 7th January. Should no payment be received by that date then further action would be considered.

The Clerk mentioned the recent letter received from Inspector Provart, who wished to attend a Council meeting to discuss potential changes to the approach to policing. The Clerk suggested that the Inspector could be accommodated at the next Parish Council meeting in January.

There being no further questions for PCSO Sore the Chairman thanked him for his report and he left the meeting at this point.

2. Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 19.39pm to 19.51pm.

A resident reported problems with the car park grating in Great Melton Road.

He also queried whether the changes at the bus stop outside of the Methodist Church reflected real-time or scheduled time displays. He added that the litter bin at the bus stop had not been replaced following the recent works.

In addition he queried an apparent discrepancy between the Parish Councils stance on the de-illumination of the B1172 as reported in ‘Good News’ and as stated in Parish Council minutes.

Both the Chairman and Mr Slack clarified the Parish Councils position.

He further queried the decision of the Parish Council to install a Memorial Seat in Great Melton Road without consulting local residents and added that there was a concern that resultant anti-social behaviour would increase.

The Chairman said that the seat had been agreed in response to requests from residents and the Pensioners Association and would replace a seat previously located in that area. She added that any incidents of anti-social behaviour would be tackled in conjunction with the Police.


3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 16th November 2015

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of the 16thNovember 2015 were approved on the proposal of Mr Bartram seconded by Mrs Hawes. Mr Hull abstained.

4. Declarations of Interest

Dr Edwards declared an interest in Agenda item 6 (ii).

5. Progress reports and responses relating to the following previously raised issues: -

a) Parking in the Village

The Chairman introduced the item and reported on a meeting with the Police to discuss inconsiderate parking in the village. The Police agreed to focus on the main areas of concern in the village as and when resources allow. The Chairman said that it was not clear what revised role the District Council has in parking enforcement matters and asked the two District Councillors present if they could facilitate officer contact with the Parish Council to discuss the matter.

6. Accounts: -

i) To consider the recommendations made at the Finance and General Purposes Working Group meeting on 8th December.

The Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Working Group, Mr Nightingale, introduced the item and responded to questions.

  1. Accounts to End November 2015

Recommend that the Parish Council Accounts to end November 2015 (details attached) be approved.

Ms Mulvaney queried the allocation for General Car Park Fund.

The Clerk explained that it was a fund for maintenance work for car parks which were the responsibility of the Parish Council.

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mr Slack, seconded by Mrs Hawes. All agreed.

2. Working Groups

Recommend that the word ‘Working’ be removed from the existing list of Working Groups and Committees. Further recommend that discussions be held with HEAT to clarify its current and future relationship with the Parish Council.

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mrs Hawes, seconded by Ms Mulvaney. All agreed.

3. Payment to Memorial Playing Field Committee

Recommend that the Parish Council pays an instalment of £2247.77 towards running costs of the Memorial Playing Field. (details attached).

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mr Nightingale, seconded by Mr Bartram. All agreed.

4. Grounds Maintenance 2016

Recommend that the Parish Council notes the 5% increase in this charge.

The increase was noted

5. Parish Partnership – Bus Shelters

Recommend that the Parish Council notes the revised estimated cost of 3 bus shelters to include provision for bases, and the additional potential cost to the Council.

The revised estimated costs were noted.

6. New Audit Regime

Recommend that the Parish Council becomes an opted in authority to the scheme as advised by the National Association of Local Councils.

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mrs Quinlan, seconded by Mrs Hawes. All agreed.


7. Request for Donation – Norfolk Age UK

Recommend that no donation be given.

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mrs Quinlan, seconded by Mrs Savory. All agreed.

8. Request for permission for hedge at the Memorial Playing Field.

Recommend that permission be granted.

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mr Bartram, seconded by Mrs Savory. All agreed.

9.Request for Donation – Memorial Playing Field.

Recommend that the Parish Council approves a payment of £1090.90 for the cost of a new entrance gate. (details attached).

The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mrs Hawes, seconded by Mrs Quinlan. All agreed.

ii) To approve payment of the accounts


T T Jones LtdSt. Light Mtce. – Nov.£ 512.15104327

Forethought MarketingNewsletter Distribution£ 93.60104328

Village HallRoom Hire – Nov.£ 124.00104329

Canon UK Ltd.Photocopier Charges£ 67.91104330

Skippers Print & DesignNewsletter Printing£ 246.38104331

National ALCLCAS Registration Fee£ 30.00104332

NPTPTraining Course£ 50.00104333

David Ogilvy EngineeringCommemorative Seat£ 842.40104334

Paul BlowersCar Park Works£ 550.00104335

SLCCMembership Renewal£ 187.00104336

Hethersett Social ClubHEAT Room Hire£ 100.00104337

A EdwardsHEAT Expenditure£ 113.02104338

I WeetmanSalary/Expenses- Mth 9£ 1875.23104339

Post Office LtdTax/N.I. – Mth 9£ 581.72104340

E.onStreet Light Energy£ 683.10DD

Late Payments

R BellCar Pk/ Bus Shelter Clean£ 62.50104341

Waveney FencingVillage Hall Fencing£ 984.00104342

South Norfolk CouncilChurchyard Grass Cutting£ 1197.00104343

The accounts were approved for payment on the proposal of Mr Nightingale, seconded by Mr Bartram. All agreed

7. a) To receive the Planning Committee Minutes of 2nd and 16th November 2015

The Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings of the 2nd and 16th November 2015were approved on the proposal of Mr Nightingale seconded by Dr Edwards. All agreed.

b) A report of the Planning Committee meetings of 30th November and 21st December 2015

Mrs Hawes provided a report of the Planning Committee Meetings of 30th November and 21st December 2015.

8. Important Open Local Space.

The Chairman introduced the item and explained the background to the item resulting from an email from a resident.

Ms. Mulvaney suggested that the Parish Council should develop a plan for open space in the village and added that she had received information from District Councillor Dale regarding Community Land Trusts. Mr Hull was supportive of the idea of a plan for open space.


The Clerk advised that the Council find out more about the process of registering land as Important Local Open Space and Community Land Trusts so as to be better informed before deciding upon a particular course of action.

Mr Slack said that the definition of Important Public Open Space can cause confusion when there is no public access.

In response to point raised in the email from the resident, Mr Hull said that the landowner was agreeable to a Community dig involving Norfolk Archaeological Unit and the Junior School, however time has not as yet allowed for this to take place. He would contact the landowner’s agent again.

The Chairman said that any such dig would have to be carried out to necessary professional standards.

Ms Mulvaney supported the initiative by Mr Hull and added that any local open space was important, access or not.

The Chairman suggested that the most appropriate way forward was to work with the District Council with the review of the Local plan.

9. Development in the Village

The Chairman asked the District Councillors whether there was further information regarding the potential siting of a new Health Centre. They responded that they would attend a meeting on 12th January for an update on the matter.

10. Councillor Training

The Chairman reminded the Council of its ‘Quality Status’ and encouraged Councillors to take advantage of training opportunities.

Mrs. Savory and Mrs. Quinlan reported on the recent training course that they had attended and both said that is was both beneficial and worthwhile.

The Clerk mentioned the possibility of arranging a bespoke Planning course for the Parish Council.

11. Update on the All Weather Facility

Mr Hull introduced the item and said that progress was being made on the setting up of the Community Interest Company.

He said that South Norfolk Council was in discussion with the Academy with a view to a partnering agreement regarding the management of the facility. Initially management of the Sports Hall was envisaged, then possibly a Gym and then the All Weather Facility. Discussions were ongoing.

Mrs Quinlan felt that it was important that the local community has access to the facilities.

Mr Hull agreed that there must be a ‘community say’ in how things develop.

He said that there would be a presentation from South Norfolk Council and the Academy at the next meeting of the Hethersett and Meltons Sports Association at Park Farm on 11th January.

Mr Steward restated the HaMSA meeting and added that the time of the meeting is 7.30pm. He added that HaMSA was looking to move towards a more strategic direction.

Mrs Hawes said that the Community Interest Company would guarantee village involvement.

Mrs Quinlan suggested a presentation from South Norfolk Council and the Academy to the Parish council.

12. Meeting Dates 2016

The meeting dates were noted.


13. Correspondence

CPRE – ‘Fieldwork’ publication

CPRE – ‘Countryside Voice’ publication

The Clerk mentioned that he had received information from South Norfolk Council regarding the precept for 2016. He would contact members of the Finance and General Purposes Group with details.

14. Public Participation

The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 21.05pm to 21.11pm.

District Councillor Bills said that any agreement between South Norfolk Council and the Academy would be dependent upon local community involvement.

District Councillor Dale commented upon Community Land Trust possibilities regarding open space. He suggested that as the Local Development Plan was under review the Parish Council may wish to produce a Hethersett Development Plan.

15. Items for Good News

Parking in the Village

Memorial Playing Field hedge and gate

Meeting dates.

16. Dates of next meetings

Next Planning Committee meetings – Monday 4th January 2016 – 7pm in the Humphrey Back Room, Village Hall

Next Planning & Parish Council meeting – Wednesday 27th January 2016 - 7 and 7.30pm at the Village Hall

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21.14pm

Minutes approved……………………………… Date………………………..