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wish to become a Member/Student Member of the Royal Society of South Africa
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*Name of proposer: ......
*If you do not have a proposer/seconder, please include a brief note about your relevant interests:
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The2018subscriptionfor Members is R430 p.a., and for those over 65 years of age, R230. Both amounts are discounted for payment before 31 March in any year andhalved after end June in any year. There is a once-off New Member Entrance
fee of R50. Registered Students pay R120 p.a. and no Entrance Fee.
Website: l: 021.6502543
Promoting science - recognizing excellence in research and scholarship
1908- 2018
The Royal Society of South Africa is the oldest of the nation’s scientific academies. Its roots date back to the 1820s but it was formally incorporated as the South African Philosophical Society in 1877. It received its present name by the grant of a Royal Charter in 1908.
To promote the pure and applied sciences in South Africa
- by publishing a peer-reviewed scientific journal and an informal newsletter
- by arranging conferences, symposia colloquia on specialised topics
- by promoting science through Special Projects such as organising expeditions, administering scholarships and competitions
- by arranging lectures at local Branches by expert speakers
- by offering independent expert advice and initiating debate on
scientific matters of national interest and concern
- by liaising with other scientific bodies and organisations
- by recognizing excellence in scientific research, through various
awards, such as medals.
There are five categories of membership of the Royal Society of South Africa: Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Members, Honorary Members and Student Members. Of these, Fellows are elected by existing Fellows, on the basis of the scientific excellence of their published work. Honorary Fellowships are occasionally awarded to those who have done exceptionally distinguished work in South Africa.Honorary Memberships are awarded to those who have made substantial contributions to science in South Africa through community and educational projects.
Membership and Student Membershipare open to anyone interested in science. Candidates for membership should preferably be recommended by two Members or Fellows but please see membership application form overleaf for alternative.
Members receive all notices and communications of the Society and participate generally in its activities. Details of the Society’s Statutes, as well as much other information, can be found on the web site
Branches of the Society are located in the Eastern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal, the Northern areas (Johannesburg, Pretoria and Free State) and the Western Cape. Meetings featuring public lectures are held at the Branches on a regular basis.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa
Members receive three issues a year, online and in hard copy, of theTransactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, the oldest scientific journal published in South Africa. Members may also access the full archive at
RSSAf News
The electronic newsletter, which is distributed by email, contains information about activities of the Society and its members as well as other general news of scientific interest. Members are encouraged to contribute content.
The Society regularly awardsmedals:
- The John F.W.Herschel Medal for outstanding scientific achievement in South Africa, especially in multi-disciplinary activities, and
- The Marloth Medal for an individualdeemed to have a highly distinguished career and to have made a significant contribution to the public under-standing of science.
- The S.Meiring Naudé Medal for outstanding early career Contributions to the furtherance of Science.
- Honours Awards are made very occasionally to recognize exceptional service to the Society by Members orFellows.
Current Special Projects includeorganising scientific expeditions/excursionsand organising and managing anannual National Schools Essay Competition sponsored by the Claude Leon Foundation.