April 2016: Compiled by FET staff on behalf of FESS.
July 2017: Links Revised by FESS
If you have suggested additions, or you find that some links are not working, please email
Minor Award Name / DrawingMinor Award Code / 4N1878
Level / 4
Suggested resources to support delivery:
Theme/Topic / Type / Relevance / Author/Source / Web LinkHistory of drawing and drawing materials in Europe from 15th century – present day. / Online text book / This is an informative and well-illustrated resource though there is too much information for all but the exceptional L4 student. It is a useful asset to tutors looking for examples of work from specific periods. The section on the development and evolution of drawing materials: brush, chalk, charcoal, crayon, graphite, heightening, ink, metalpoint, paper, parchment, pastel, pen and wash will be of particular interest to students who want to ‘know’ their materials. The references to artists who favoured each medium add to the interest /
Thomas Buser
/ http://historyofdrawing.com/List of the art elements and principles / Online document / A no messing, simple and concise list of the art elements and art principles. No visual defences or links to artworks / Oberline College of Arts and Sciences / http://www.oberlin.edu/amam/asia/sculpture/documents/vocabulary.pdf
List and explanation of the art elements and principles / A practical online educational resource for students / A simple and concise list and explanation of each of the art elements. Accessible language and a contemporary example of an artwork to illustrate each art element. / BBC GCSE Bitesize / http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/practicalities/elementsofart1.shtml
The language of art history and appreciation / Video / An accessible video that compares and contrasts Art History with Art Appreciation. A transcript of the video is also supplied. / Ian McConnell / https://www.sophia.org/tutorials/art-history-art-appreciation
How to Talk About Paintings When You Know Know Nothing About Art. / Online article /
This is a good one to get the discussion going! The piece starts off as rather tongue in cheek but it will actually strike a note with those in the group who are nervous about having to articulate an analysis of a piece of their, or another’s, work.
/ Website: Hub Pages / http://hubpages.com/art/How-to-Speak-Intelligently-About-an-Artists-PaintingDrawing Light and Shade: Understanding Chiaroscuro / Book: / This is a practical book; easy for students to follow which shows how to observe and draw light and shade. It begins with the basics of drawing simple 3D shapes. There are sections on shadows and cast shadows, simplifying tone, methods of shading, form and relief, composition, the perspective of shadows and much more. / Author:
Giovanni Civardi / http://www.bookdepository.com/search?searchTerm=Drawing+Light+and+Shade%3A+Understanding+Chiaroscuro+&search=Find+book
Tone / Online lesson and visual resources / A drawing lesson on the aspects of tonal works – A Theory of Light and Shade. A number of practical lesson approaches to the subject are offered; a very graphic style of working, but much information and worth a look / Sheri Doty / http://www.artinstructionblog.com/drawing-lesson-a-theory-of-light-and-shade PLEASE NOTE: This link must be copied and pasted into the web browser, it does not work by holding ctrl and clicking on it.
Draw in Perspective / Book / A thorough explanation of and lessons on one and two point perspective. Illustrated with works of the masters to back up the theory. Easy to use / Justin Dublin / http://www.bookdepository.com/search?searchTerm=Draw+in+Perspective&search=Find+book
Markmaking / Online resource / An exploration of the different ways artists use marks and expressivequalities. Many references to the work of artists / Tate Gallery / http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/exam-help/themes/mark-making
Art appreciation and mark making / Downloadable book / Vincent Van Gogh: The Drawings. 120 works by Van Gogh; the master of mark making. / The Metropolitan Museum
Ives, Colta, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, with Marjorie Shelley / http://www.metmuseum.org/art/metpublications/Vincent_van_Gogh_The_Drawings
12 weeks of thorough lesson plans introducing students to the line work of Van Gogh, Durer and Rembrandt, and various mark making and line techniques. Emphasis on shape, texture and tone.
/ Free online lesson plans / Excellent resource for tutors. Many visual aids including worksheets on markmaking, videos and links to further resources. Very thorough.The website has many other lesson plans that may have content which can be adapted for this module; well worth a look. / Frank Curkovic
http://curkovicartunits.pbworks.com / http://curkovicartunits.pbworks.com/w/page/11306896/"Make You Mark" - Line Drawings
A commercial site which includes a blog introducing the work of contemporary artists from around the world / Website / Pencils.com is a company in the U.S. As well as being one of the Web's leading resources for high-quality pencils, notebooks and creative tools it runs a blog covering a range of pencil related topics; the most useful of which to the educator is the ‘pencil artist of the week’; where the work of a different contemporary, pencil using (and sometimes mixed media) artist is introduced each week. A valuable resource for introducing students contemporary artists who have different approaches to their work / www.pencils.com / http://pencils.com/category/drawinglessons/
Collins Complete Artist's Manual / Book / Amongst other topics this book discusses in detail, a range of drawing media for use in a variety of ways, expressive, analytical and graphical; plus the use of a view finder. / Author: Simon Jennings / http://www.bookdepository.com/search?searchTerm=Collins+Complete+Artist%27s+Manual&search=Find+book
Composition / A practical online educational resource intended for students / Consise advice in relation to the pricioles of art, for the student who’s looking at the possibilities within a new piece of work. As with all Bitesize resources, for most adult learners, it might be more clear and memorable, ‘cut and pasted’ on to a paper copy. / BBC GCSE Bitesize / http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/practicalities/composingartwork1.shtml
Mastering Composition: Techniques and Principles to Dramatically Improve Your Painting
/ The techniques discussed within relate to drawing as much as painting. This is a good guide for students who struggle to understand the principles of composition / Ian Roberts / https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=node%3D279716&field-keywords=Mastering+Composition%3A+Techniques+and+Principles+to+Dramatically+Improve+Your+Painting&rh=n%3A266239%2Cn%3A83%2Cn%3A400040%2Cn%3A279654%2Cn%3A279716%2Ck%3AMastering+Composition%3A+Techniques+and+Principles+to+Dramatically+Improve+Your+PaintingComposition / Online article / An explanation of the ‘Rule of Thirds’ / Will Kemp / http://willkempartschool.com/the-secret-of-good-composition/
Drawing from observation or secondary images / A practical online educational resource for students / Handy tips with illustrations of works by known artists on composing work from primary or secondary sources / BBC GCSE Bitesize / http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/practicalities/drawing1.shtml
The process of developing an idea / A practical online educational resource for students / Producing any art work is about developing ideas from a starting point to a final piece. Within an accredited course this is often done through mind-mapping, sketches and looking at work of other artists, designers and craftspeople. This illustrated resource gives tips to enable students to analyse and understand these contextual sources, and develop ideas in a personal way / BBC GCSE Bitesize / http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/aos/ao11.shtml
Drawing from observation / Activity / Draw from observation; still life’s composed of different sized objects; natural form and man-made, with a range of textural surface qualities.
Produce studies of the local environment; the built environment and of nature / Drawing studio and local environment / N/A
Critical evaluation / Activity / Having evaluated the work students choose pieces that they feel are successful in the demonstration of a range of media, elements and technique. / Drawing studio / N/A
Health and Safety / Online article / An introduction to health and safety issues in the art studio / Author:
Niamh Looney; Visual Arts Ireland / http://visualartists.ie/the-manual-a-survival-guide-for-visual-artists/protecting-yourself/health-and-safety-in-the-studio/
Student Induction Manual:
Fine Art Studios
Health & Safety
Manual / Downloadable manual / Table of contents
2.General Safety in the studio
3.Painting & Drawing in the studio
4.Sculpture in the studio
5.Wet based materials & chemical hazards
6.Workshops & Induction
7.Working outside of the College studio
8.Electrical Safety
9.Examination & Public exhibition code of practice
10.What to do if an accident happens / Crawford College of Art and Design / http://www.mycit.ie/contentfiles/ccad/guides/Studio_HandSManual.pdf
Draw Like The Masters / Book / An excellent introduction at this level to the art elements of Line, Tone, Texture, Form and Space, and The Geometry of Composition. They are each introduced, in turn, by way of examples of drawn works by various ‘masters’ who each have an individual style and use of the individual elements and composition.
Details of drawing techniques used by artists are discussed and illustrated. Clearly illustrated instructions follow on how to produce images using similar techniques and marks / Author:
Barrington Barber
Publisher: Arcturus / http://www.theworks.co.uk/p/drawing-books/draw-like-the-masters/9781784040444
An Introduction to Drawing / Book / Includes a brief history of drawing in Europe, introducing artists and their work chronologically and discusses their relevance to the historical context. Works are introduced under headings of Italian Renaissance Northern Europe, Pencil Drawings and The advent of Modernity. Well illustrated and accessible
Introduces the ‘basics of drawing’; perspective, cubes, spheres and ellipses are mentioned, as are linear drawing, form and modelling and tonal drawing. / Author:James Horton
Published by Dorling Kindersley / http://www.alibris.co.uk/
The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques / Book / This book is for those who want to expand their knowledge and understanding of materials. It is written with three sections:
One: The Pencil; Introduction, Materials and examples of marks, Ways of holding the pencil, Pencil projects.
Two: Charcoal; Introduction, Materials and examples of marks, Ways of holding the charcoal, Other forms of charcoal, Charcoal projects, Compressed charcoal projects, Willow charcoal projects.
Three: Pens, Inks, Brushes and Paper; Introduction, Materials and examples of marks and projects.
It is clearly illustrated throughout and also has instructions on one and two point perspective / Author: Peter Stanyer / http://www.alibris.co.uk/
The language of art history and appreciation / Online educational resource / Vocabulary of art terms for use when discussing art pieces / University of Arizona Museum of Art / http://www.artmuseum.arizona.edu/vocabulary-art-terms
The language of art history and appreciation / A practical online educational resource for students / A student accessible resource on how to start to analyse an artist’s work / BBC GCSE Bitesize / http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/practicalities/analysingartistwork1.shtml
How to analyse and critically evaluate a artwork / Online tutorial / Explanation of how to analyse an artwork. Example discussed is:
Claude Monet: Nymphéas, detail. 1920-26 Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris / Lucy Lamp / https://www.sophia.org/tutorials/composition-in-art
Multiple themes / Website / An essential site for a visit, excellent educational, arts website providing a vast encyclopaedia of visual art. Includes: A-Z of art movements, art history timelines, specialist areas of art, information on materials and equipment, art appreciation and much more. Well worth a visit by tutors and students. To research a particular topic, such as Drawing, click the letter (D) on the main A-Z index and scroll down. The section on Drawing includes: History, Types and Artists; Introduction/Characteristics, Drawing Methods, Charcoal, Chalks, Pastels, Metal Point, Graphite Point (Pencils), Drawing with Pen, Drawing with Brush, Pen and Brush, Types of Drawing, Types of Ground, History of Drawing. Chalk, Charcoal, Conte Crayon, Figure, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Pencil, Renaissance and Venetian. There is a comprehensive section on Art Evaluation: How to Appreciate Art. This is listed on the ‘homepage’. This section includes: What is Art Evaluation? How to Appreciate a work of Art, How to Appreciate Composition in a Painting, How to Appreciate: Line and Shape, Colour, Texture and Brushwork. The site also has a section on Irish art, an index of galleries, museums, schools and much, much more. / Neil Collins and others at Visual Arts Cork.com / http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/
Multiple themes /
Online visual art ideas and resources
/This site aims to provide visual art ideas and resources to inspire and motivate lessons, artwork and art curriculum.
It will inspire and guide tutors in their day-to-day practice and can be used as an aid to curriculum development. The site covers a vast amount of resources, many of which are not relevant to this module but could be relevant to other Art, Craft and Design course planners. Resources relevant to L4 Drawing (with adaptation) include: Art history, Composition, Discussing art, Drawing theory; composition, positive and negative space, value and tone. Drawing skills and techniques; line techniques, perspective, measuring to draw, drawing portraits, and figure drawing. Drawing medium; charcoal, coloured pencil, conte, ink, pastel, and pencil / Various author’s resources compiled by Frank Curkovic / http://artinspired.pbworks.comMultiple themes including: Art elements and principles,
drawing materials and techniques, perspective, art movements and art genres / Online resource for art teachers and students / An excellent website offering free art lessons. The site has three sections; Art lessons, Design Lessons, and Art Appreciation.
‘Art lessons’ includes: Still Life; in chalk, pencil and oil pastel; emphasis is put on the visual/art elements and principles, Pencil Portraits from observation; emphasis on proportion and tone, Pen and ink drawing; emphasis on detail, stippling and hatching, and an expressive style, Perspective: one, two, three point and arial, Drawing a circle and a cylinder, and Geometry in art. ‘Art Appreciation’ includes: Art movements, art history timelines and slideshows, the Visual elements; including a worksheet which aids analysis and a visual elements ‘wordbank’ that offers expressive visual element related words for the writing of critical evaluations of any artwork, and Discussion of examples of work by portrait, still-life, landscape and animal artists, and graphic designers. One of the pieces discussed in the section of animal artists is Pablo Picasso’s ‘Bull’, created in 1945. 'Bull' is a suite of eleven lithographs that have become a master class in how to develop an artwork from the academic to the abstract. / www.artyfactory.com / http://www.artyfactory.com/
Multiple themes
A ‘must’ to explore / Website / This is one of the most up to date and exciting websites on the web to date for art students and educators. It is a resource-sharing site initiated by an art teacher in New Zealand which has taken the art teaching world by storm. On the Home page there are options for: Resources, Articles, Careers, and Featured Art Projects, and About. Resources includes: A list of art teacher blogs and websites for students and teachers of high school art and design, the best drawing books for art teachers, and free art resources for teachers. Articles includes: Creative sketchbook examples, Line Drawing: a guide for art students (very good), One-point perspective: the ultimate guide, 50+ Life-drawing ideas, How to create an excellent observation drawing. Featured Art Projects includes: High school painting, drawing and mixed-media projects, High school graphic design projects, High school artist studies. Within all these headings are hundreds of examples to inspire teachers, tutors and students alike / Amiria Robinson and the Student Art Guide team plus contributors from all over the world / http://www.studentartguide.com/