Curriculum Vitae10/20/18 Alysson R. Muotri, Ph.D.
Alysson Renato Muotri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of California San Diego
2889 Torrey Piney Scenic Drive, La Jolla CA 92037-0695
Email: ; Phone: (858) 534-9320; Fax: (858) 246-1579; Cell: (858) 997-7935
University of São Paulo (USP), SP – Brazil
Ph.D. in Genetics, April 2001
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), SP – Brazil
B.S. in Biological Sciences, June 1995
Associate Director of UCSDSince 2015
Stem Cell Program
Associate Professor at UCSD, CASince 2014
School of Medicine, Dept. Pediatrics/Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Division of Genetics
Assistant Professor at UCSD, CA2008-2014
School of Medicine, Dept. Pediatrics/Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Division of Genetics
Postdoc at The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA2002-2008
Field: Neuroscience and Stem Cell Biology
Supervisor: Dr. Fred H. Gage
-2015:Rock Star of Innovation Award, CONNECT, San Diego, CA.
-2015:Organizer of the 2017 Keystone meeting on Neurogenesis.
-2014: Top referee by the Nature group.
-2014: Surugadai Award (Tokyo University, Japan)
-2014: UCSD/FMP Outstanding Mentor Award
-2014: NARSAD Independent Investigator Award
-2013: EUREKA NIMH Award
-2013: Winner of Pride Autism Brazil
-2013: Honor Medal from BlueWorld Autism
-2012: Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow
-2011: PopTech Science and Public Leadership Fellow
-2010:“Stigma Buster” from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
-2010:The 100 most influential people in Brazil, Época, SP, Brazil
-2009:NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
-2009:Emerald Foundation Young Investigator Award
-2009:National Center of Leadership in Academic Medicine, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
-2007: San Diego Lab Management Course, La Jolla, CA
-2006: Rett Syndrome Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, La Jolla, CA
-2005: Top 5 Brazilian Young Scientist, Folha, SP, Brazil
-2005:Frontiers in Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Stanford, CA
-2002:Pew Latin America Postdoctoral Fellowship, La Jolla, CA
-2001:CAPES/COFECUB Fellowship, Gustave-Roussy Institute, Villejuif, France.
-2001:Winner “Young Geneticist 2001”, SP, Brazil
-2001:Winner “Premium SBMCTA/ Banco do Brasil”, RS, Brazil
-2000: FAPESP Fellowship, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA
-1999:Recombinant Gene Products. IGCEB, New Delhi, India
-1998:Gene Therapy: from the bench to the clinic. Buenos Aires, Argentina
-1995:FAPESP PhD Fellowship, SP, Brazil
-1992:CNPq Young Investigator Fellowship, SP, Brazil
Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Neuron, Stem Cells, Nature, Science, Nature Cell Biology, PNAS, Cell Transplantation, PLoS Computational Biology, The FASEB Journal, PLoS-ONE, Stem Cells and Development, Cell Proliferation, Cancer Gene Therapy, Nucleic Acids Research, Epilepsy & Behavior, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Neural Regeneration Research, Experimental Neurology, Cell Biology International, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Biotechnology Progress, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, An. Acad. Bras. Cienc., French National Research Agency, Japan-Israel Scientific Research Cooperation, National Context for Life (NCL) Foundation, Hippocampus, GENE, Acta Histochemica, Journal Pediatric Biochemistry, Development, Growth & Differentiation, Regenerative Medicine, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, Epigenetics, Human Genetics, Wings for Life – Spinal Cord Research Foundation, The Mitsubishi Research Institute, Future Neurology, Stem Cell International, The Wellcome Trust (UK), Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, etc.
-Genetics and Molecular Biology
-Brain Plasticity
-Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
-International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR)
-American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
-InternationalBehavioral and Neural Genetics Society (IBANGS) since 2014
-Member of the Salk Society of Research Fellows (SRF), 2003-2008.
*Organizer of the Annual Salk Poster Day
*Coordinator of the SRF Salk Chalk Talks
*Host of the Salk Research Talks and SRF invited speakers
*Participation in the Salk Postdoc Office conception
-Pew Donation Network Committee, 2001-2003.
-Elected Graduate Student Representative, USP 1996-1997.
-Elected Undergrad Student Representative, UNICAMP 1993-1995.
-Member of the Scientific Director Board for the Autism & Reality Foundation, since 2010.
-Member of the Scientific Director Board for the Autism & Life Institute, since 2013.
-TEDx research talk on stem cells and autism.2012.
Published Scientific Manuscripts, review articles and others
96. Thomas, C.A., Tejwani, L., Trujillo, C.A., Negraes, P.D., Herai, H., Mesci, P., Crown, Y.J. & Muotri, A.R. TREX-1 degrades reverse-transcribed L1 DNA in human neural cells to prevent neurotoxicity. Under review in Cell.
95. Mesci, P., Macia, A., LaRock, C., Tejwani, L., Fernandes, I.R., Suarez, N.A., Beltrao-Braga, P. C. B, Nizet, V., Muotri, A. R. Differential signature of the Brazilian Zika virus infection in human developing macrophages. Under review in Science.
94.Chailangkarn, T., Trujillo, C.A., Freitas, B.C., Hrvoj-Mihic, B., Herai, R.H., Yu, D.X., Brown, T.T., Marchetto, M.C.N., Bardy, C., McHenry, L., Stefanacci, L., Jarvinen, A., Searchy, Y.M., DeWitt, M., Wong, W., Lai, P., Ard, M.C., Hanson, K.L., Romero, S., Jacobs, B., Dale, A.M., Dai, L., Korenberg, J.R., Bellugi, U., Gage, F.H., Halgren, E., Semendeferi, K. & Muotri, A. R. A human neurodevelopmental model for Williams syndrome. Nature (2016). In Press.
93.Marchetto, M.C.N., Belinson, H., Tian, Y., Freitas, B.C., Fu, C., Vadodaria, K., Beltrao-Braga, P., Trujillo, C.A., Mendes, A.P.D., Padmanabhan, K., Nunez, Y., Ou, J., Ghosh, H., Wright, R., Brennand, K., Pierce, K., Eichenfield, L., Prampano, T., Eyler, L., Barnes, C.C., Courchesne, E., Geschwind, D.H., Gage, F.H., Wynshaw-Boris, A., Muotri, A.R. Altered proliferation and networks in neural cells derived from idiopathic autistic individuals. Mol. Psy. (2016).In Press.
92.Cugola, F.R., Fernandes, I.R., Russo, F.B., Freitas, B.C., Dias, J.L.M., Guimaraes, K.P., Benazzato, C., Almeida, N., Pignatari, G.C., Romero, S., Polonio, C.M., Cunha, I., Freitas, C.L., Brandao, W.N., Rossato, C., Andrade, D.G., Faria, D.P., Garcez, A.T., Buchpigel, C.A., Braconi, C.T., Mendes, E., Sall, A.A., Zanotto, P.M.A., Peron, J.P.S., Muotri, A.R.*, Beltrao-Braga, P.* The Brazilian Zika virus causes birth defects in experimental models. Nature 534: 267-71 (2016). *co-corresponding authors.
91.Brandler, W.M., Antaki, D., Gujral, M., Noor, A., Rosanio, G., Chapman, T.R., Barrera, D.J., Lin, G.N., Malhotra, D., Watts, A.C., Wong, L.C., Estabillo, J.A., Gadomski, T.E., Hong, O., Fajardo, K.V., Bhandari, A., Owen, R., Baughn, M., Yuan, J., Solomon, T., Moyzis, A.G., Maile, M.S., Sanders, S.J., Reiner, G.E., Vaux, K.K., Strom, C.M., Zhang, K., Muotri, A.R., Akshoomoff, N., Leal, S.M., Pierce, K., Courchesne, E., Iakoucheva, L.M., Corsello, C., Sebat, J. Frequency and complexity of de novo structural mutation in autism. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 98: 667-79 (2016).
90.Wang, Y., Jones-Tabah, J., Chakravarty, P., Stewart, A., Muotri, A.R., Laposa, R. R., Svejstrup, J. Q. Pharmacological bypass of Cockayne Syndrome B function in neuronal differentiation. Cell Rep. 14: 2554-2561 (2016).
89.Zhang, Z. N., Freitas, B. C., Qian, H., Lux, J., Acab, A., Trujillo, C. A., Herai, R. H., Nguyen Huu, V. A., Wen, J. H., Joshi-Barr, S., Karpiak, J. V., Englear, A. J., Fu, X. D., Muotri, A. R.* & Almutairi, A.* Layered hydrogels accelereate iPSC-derived neuronal maturation and reveal migration defects caused by MeCP2 dysfunction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113: 3185-90(2016). *co-corresponding authors.
88.Muotri, A. R. L1 retrotransposition in neural progenitor cells. Methods Mol. Biol. 1400: 157-63 92016).
87.Beltrao-Braga, P. & Muotri, A. R. Modeling autism spectrum disorders with human neurons. Brain Research. In Press (2016).
86.Melo, J. T. A., Timoteo, A. R., S, Lajus, T. B. P., Brandao, J. A., Souza-Pinto, N. C., Menck, C. F. M., Campalans, A., Radicella, J. P., Vessoni, A. T., Muotri, A. R., Agnez-Lima, L. F. XPC deficiency is related to APE1 and OGG1 expression and function. Mutation Research 784: 25-33 (2016).
85.Wang, W., Chakravarty, P., Stewart, A., Jones-Tabah, J., Laposa, R., Muotri, A. R. & Svejstrup, J. Q. Pharmacological bypass of Cockayne Syndrome B function in neuronal differentiation. Cell Reports14: 2554-61 (2016).
84.Vessoni, A. T., Herai, R. H., Karpiak, J. V., Leal, A. M., Trujillo, C. A., Quinet, A., Agnez, L. F., Menck, C. F. & Muotri, A. R. Cockayne Syndrome-derived neurons display reduced synapse density and altered neural network synchrony. Hum. Mol. Genet.25: 1271-80 (2016).
83. Tang, X., Kim, J., Zhou, L., Wengert, E., Zhang, L., Wu, Z., Carromeu, C., Muotri, A.R., Marchetto, M.C.N., Gage, F.H. & Chen, G. KCC2 rescues functional deficits in human neurons derived from patients with Rett Syndrome. PNAS 113: 751-756 (2016).
82. Brennand, K. J., Marchetto, M. C., Benvenisty, N., Brüstle, O., Ebert, A., Izpisua Belmonte, J.C., Kaykas, A., Lancaster, M. A., Livesey, F. J., McConnell, M. J., McKay, R. D., Morrow, E. M., Muotri,A. R., Panchision, D.M., Rubin, L.L., Sawa, A., Soldner, F., Song, H., Studer, L., Temple, S., Vaccarino, F.M., Wu, J., Vanderhaeghen, P., Gage, F.H., Jaenisch, R. Creating Patient-Specific Neural Cells for the InVitro Study of Brain Disorders.Stem Cell Reports. 6:933-45. (2015).
81.Langley, G., Austin, C.P., Balapure, A.K., Birnbaum, L.S., Bucher, J.R., Fentem, J., Fitzpatrick, S.C., Fowle, J.R., Kavlock, R.J., Kitano, H., Lidbury, B.A., Muotri, A.R., Peng, S.Q., Sakharov, D., Seidle, T., Trez, T., Tonevitsky, A., van de Stope, A., Whelan, M. & Willett, C. Lessons from toxicology: developing a 21st-century paradigm of medical research.Environ Health Perspect 123: A268-272. (2015).
80. Moszczynska, A.; Flack, A.; Qiu, P.; Muotri, A.R. & Killinger B.A. Neurotoxic methamphetamine doses increase LINE-1 expression in neurogenic zones of the adult rat brain. Sci. Rep. 5: 14356 (2015).
79.Melo, U.S.; Macedo-Souza, L.I., Figueiredo, T., Muotri, A.R.; Gleeson, J.G.; Coux, G.; Armas, P.; Calcaterra, N.B.; Kitajima, J.P.; Amorim, S.; Olávio, T.R.; Griesi-Oliveira, K.; Coatti, G.C.; Rocha, C.R.R.; Martins-Pinheiro, M.; Menck, C.F.M.; Zaki, M.S.; Kok, F.; Zatz, M.; & Santos, S.. Overexpression of KLC2 due to a homozygous deletion in the non-coding region causes SPOAN syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics24: 6877-85 (2015).
78.Nageshappa, S., Carromeu, C., Trujillo, C., Mesci, P., Espuny-Camacho, I., Pasciuto, E., Vanderhaeghen, P., Verfaillie, C., Raitano, S., Kumar, A., Carvalho, C.M.B., Bagni, C., Ramocki, M.B., Araujo, B.H.S., Torres, L.B., Lupski, J.R., Van Esch, H. & Muotri, A.R. Altered neuronal network and rescue in a human MECP2 duplication model. Mol. Psychiatry 2:178-188 (2016).
77.Muotri, A.R. The human model: changing focus on autism research. Biological Psychiatry79: 642-9 (2016).
76.Acab, A. & Muotri, A.R. The use of induced pluripotent stem cell technology to advance autism research and treatment. Neurotherapeutics 3: 534-545 (2015).
75.Marinho, P., Chailangkarn, T. & Muotri, A.R. Systematic optimization of human pluripotent stem cells media using Design of Experiments. Scientific Reports5: 9834 (2015).
74.Belmonte, J.C.I., Callaway, E.M., Churchland, P., Caddick, S.J., Feng, G., Homanics, G.E., Lee, K., Leopold, D.A., Miller, C.T., Mitchell, J.F., Mitalipov, S., Muotri, A.R., Movshon, J.A., Okano, H., Reynolds, J.H., Ringach, D., Sejnowski, T.J., Silva, A.C., Strick, P., Wu, J. & Zhang F. Brain genes and primates. Neuron86: 617-631 (2015).
73.Zhao, H.W., Gu, X.Q., Chailangkarn, T., Perkins, G., Callacondo, D., Appenzeller, O., Poulsen, O., Zhou, D., Muotri, A.R. & Haddad, G.G. Altered iPSC-derived neurons’ sodium channel propoerties in subjects with Monge’s disease. Neuroscience 14: 1088-1084 (2015).
72.Griesi-Oliveira, K., Acab, A., Gupta, A., Sunaa, D. Chailangkarn, T., Nicol, X., Nunez, Y., Walker, M., Murdoch, Jo., Sanders, S., Fernandez, T., Ji, W., Lifton, R., Vadasz, E., Dietrich, A., Pradhan, D., Song, H., Ming, G., Guoe, X., Haddad, G., Marchetto, M., Sptzer, N., Passos-Bueno, M., State, M. & Muotri, A.R. Modeling non-syndromic autism and the impact of TRPC6 disruption in human neurons. Mol. Psychiatry 20: 1350-65. (2015).
71.Cortes, C.J., Miranda, H.C., Frankowski, H., Batlevi, Y., Young, J.E., Ivanov, N., Sopher, B.L., Carromeu, C., Muotri, A.R., Garden, G.A & La Spada, A.R. Polyglutamine-expanded androgen receptor interferes with TFEB to elicit autophagy defects in SBMA. Nat. Neurosci. 9: 1180-9 (2014).
70.Fernandes, I.R., Russo, F.B., Pignatari, G.C., Evangelinellis, M.M., Tavolari, S., Muotri, A.R. & Beltrao-Braga, P.C. Fibroblast sources: where can we get them?Cytotechnology. In press (2014).
69.Stein, J.L., de la Torre-Ubieta, L., Tian, Y., Parikshak, N.N., Hernandez, I.A., Marchetto, M.C., Baker, D.K., Lu, D., Hinman, C.R., Lowe, J.K., Wexler, E.M., Muotri, A.R., Gage, F.H., Kosik, K.S. & Geschwind, D.H. A quantitative framework to evaluate modeling of cortical development by neural stem cells. Neuron, 83: 69-86 (2014).
68.Herai, R.R., Stefanacci, L., Hrvoj-Mihic, B., Chailangkarn, T., Hanson, K., Semendeferi, K. & Muotri, A.R. Micro RNA detection in long-term fixed tissue of cortical glutamatergic pyramidal neurons after targeted laser-capture neuroanatomical microdissection. Journal of neuroscience methods 235C: 76-82 (2014).
67.Hrvoj-Mihic, B., Bienvenu, T., Stefanacci, L., Muotri, A.R. & Semendeferi, K. Evolution, development, and plasticity of the human brain: from molecules to bones. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7: 707 (2013).
66.Marchetto, M.C.N., Narvaiza, I., Denli, A.M., Benner, C., Lazzarini, T.A., Nathanson, J.L., Paquola, A.C.M., Desai, K.N., Herai, R.H., Weitzman, M.D., Yeo, G.W., Muotri, A.R. & Gage, F.H. Differential LINE-1 regulation in pluripotent stem cells of humans and other great apes. Nature. 503: 525-9 (2013).
65.Hrvoj-Mihic, B., Marchetto, M. C., Gage, F. H., Semendeferi, K., Muotri, A.R. Novel tools, classic techniques: evolutionary studies using primate pluripotent stem cells. Biol Psychiatry. 13:, 736-1 (2013).
64.Yoshioka, N., Gros, E., Li, H.R., Kumar, S., Deacon, D.C., Maron, C. Muotri, A.R., Chi, N.C., Fu, X.D., Yu, B.D., Dowdy, S.F. Efficient generation of human iPSCs by a synthetic self-replicative RNA. Cell Stem Cell, 13, 246-54 (2013).
63. Tang, X., Zhou, L., Wagner, A.M., Marchetto. M.C.N., Muotri, A. R., Gage, F.H., & Chen, G. Astroglial cells regulate the developmental timeline of human neurons differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research. 2, 743-57 (2013).
62.Muotri, A. R. Voices: Stem Cells in Translation. Brain in a dish. Cell. 153, 1177-1179. (2013).
61.Lovatel, G. A., Elsner, V. R., Bertoldi, K., Vanzella, C., Moyses, F. D., Vizuete, A., Spindler, C., Cechinel, L. R., Netto, C. A., Muotri, A. R. & Siqueira, I. R. Treadmill exercise induces age-related changes in aversive memory, neuroinflammatory and epigenetic processes in the rat hippocampus. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 13: 20-8 (2013).
60.Beltrao-Braga, P. C., Pignatari, G. C., Russo, F. B. Fernandes, I. R. & Muotri, A. R. In-a-dish: induced pluripotent stem cells as a novel model for human diseases. Cytometry A, 83: 11-17 (2013).
59.Elsner, V. R., Lovatel, G. A., Moyses, F., Bertoldi, K., Spinder, C., Cechinel, L. R., Muotri, A. R. & Siqueira, I. R. Exercise induces age-dependent changes on epigenetic parameters in rat hippocampus: a preliminary study. Exp. Gerontol, 12:308-312 (2012).
58.Trujillo, C. A., Negraes, P. D., Schwindt, T. T., Lameu, C., Carromeu, C., Muotri, A. R., Pesquero, J. B., Cerqueira, D. M., Pillat, M. M., de Souza, H. D., Turaca, L. T., Abreu, J. G. & Ulrich, H. Kinin-B2 receptor activity determines the differentiation fate of neural stem cells. J Biol Chem, 287: 44046-61 (2012).
57.Thomas, C. A., Paquola, A. C. & Muotri, A. R. LINE-1 Retrotransposition in the nervous system. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol, 28: 555-573 (2012).
56.Gage, F. H. & Muotri, A. R. What makes each brain unique. Sci. Am. 306, 26-31 (2012).
55.Freitas, B. C., Trujillo, C. A., Carromeu, C., Yusupova, M., Herai, R., Muotri, A. R. Stem cells and modeling of autism spectrum disorders. Exp Neurol, 12: 379-2 (2012).
54.Miranda, H.C., Herai, R. H., Thome, C. H., Gomes, G. G., Panepucci, R. A., Orellana, M. D., Covas, D. T., Muotri, A. R., Greene, L. J., Faça, V. M. A quantitative proteomic and transcriptomic comparison of human mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and umbilical cord vein. Proteomics, 17: 2607-2617 (2012).
53.Andrade, L. N., Nathanson, J. L., Yeo, G. W., Menck, C. F. & Muotri, A. R. Evidence for premature aging due to oxidative stress in iPSCs from Cockayne Syndrome. Hum Mol Genet, 21: 3825-34 (2012).
52.Chailangkarn, T., Acab, A. & Muotri, A. R. Modeling neurodevelopmental disorders using human neurons. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 22: 785-90 (2012).
51.Thomas, C.A. & Muotri, A.R. LINE-1: Creators of neuronal diversity. Front. Bioscie. 4: 1663-8 (2012).
50.Felfly, H., Zambon, A.C., Xue, Jin, Muotri, A.R., Zhou, D., Snyder, E. & Haddad, G.G. Severe Hypoxia: consequences to neural stem cells and neurons. J. Neurol. Res. 1(5): 177-189 (2011).
49.Coufal, N.G., Garcia-Perez, J.L., Peng, G.E., Marchetto, M.C., Muotri, A.R., Mu, Y., Carson, C.T., Macia, A., Moran, J.V. & Gage, F.H. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) modulates long interspersed element-1 (L1) retrotransposition in human neural stem cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 108(51): 20382-7 (2011).
48.Ming G.L., Brüstle O., Muotri A.R., Studer L., Wernig M., Christian K.M. Cellular Reprogramming: Recent Advances in Modeling Neurological Diseases.J Neurosci. 31(45):16070-16075 (2011).
47.Vessoni A.T., Muotri A.R., Okamoto O.K. Autophagy in Stem Cells Maintenance and Differentiation.Stem Cells Dev., 21: 513-20 (2012).
46.Mitne-Neto, M., Machado-Costa, M., Marchetto, M.C., Bengtson, M.H., Joazeiro, C.A., Tsuda, H., Bellen, H.J., Silva, H.A., Oliveira, A.S., Lazar, M., Muotri, A.R.* & Zatz, M.* Downregulation of VAPB expression in motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells of ALS8 patients. Hum Mol Genet., 20(18):3642-52 (2011). *co-corresponding authors
45.Felfly, H., Xue, J., Zambon, A., Muotri, A.R., Zhou, D. & Haddad, G. Identification of a neuronal gene expression signature: role of cell-cycle arrest in murine neuronal differentiation in vitro. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.,301(3):R727-45 (2011).
- Beltrão-Braga, P. C. B.*, Pignatari, G. C., Maiorka, P. C., Oliveira, N. A. J., Lizier, N. F., Wenceslau, C. V., Miglino, M. A., Muotri, A. R.* &Kerkis, I.Feeder free derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human immature dental pulp stem cells. Cell Transplantation. 20: 1707-1719(2011).
*co-corresponding authors
- Muotri, A. R.*, Marchetto, M. C. N., Coufal, N. G., Oefner, R., Yeo, G., Nakashima, K. & Gage, F. H.* L1 retrotransposition in neurons is modulated by MeCp2. Nature, 468(7322): 443-6 (2010).
*co-corresponding authors
- Marchetto, M. C. N., Carromeu, C., Acab, A., Yu, D., Yeo, G., Yangling, M., Gage, F. H. & Muotri, A. R. A model for neural development and treatment of Rett syndrome using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell, 143(4): 527-39 (2010).
-Cover material.
41.Felfly, H., Muotri, A. R., Yao, H. & Haddad, G. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Protects Mice from Lethal Stroke. Experimental Neurology. 225(2): 284-293 (2010).
39.Massirer, K., Carromeu, C., Oliveira, K. & Muotri, A. R. Maintenance and differentiation of neural stem cells. WIREs SysBioMed. Online ePub Jun 21 (2010).
38.Acu, I. D., Liu, T., Suino-Powell, K., Mooney, S. M., D’Assorro, A., Rowland, N., Muotri, A. R., Correa, R., Niu, Y., Kumar, R. & Salisbury, J. L. Coordination of centrosome homeostasis and DNA repair is intact in MCF-7 and disrupted in MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cells. Cancer Research. 70: 3320-8 (2010).
37.Secco, M., Moreira, Y. B., Zucconi, E., Vieira, N. M., Jazedje, T., Muotri, A. R., Okamoto, O. K., Verjovski-Almeida, S. & Zatz, M. Gene expression profile of mesenchymal stem cells from paired umbilical cord units: cord is different from blood. Stem Cell Rev. 5: 387-401 (2009).
36.Muotri, A. R., Zhao, C., Marchetto, M. C. N. & Gage, F. H.Environmental influence on L1 retrotransposons in the adult hippocampus.Hippocampus. 19: 1002-1007(2009).
35.Marchetto, M. C., Yeo, G. W., Mainohana, O., Marsala, M., Gage, F. H. & Muotri, A. R. Transcriptional Signature and Memory Retention of Human-induced Pluripotent Stem Cells PLoS ONE. 9: e7076 (2009).
34.Kuwabara, T., Hsieh, J., Muotri, A. R., Yeo, G., Warashina, M., Lie, C. D., Moore, L., Nakashima, K., Asashima, M. & Gage, F. H. Wnt-mediated activation of NeuroD1 and retroelements during adult neurogenesis. Nature Neuroscience. 12: 1097-1105(2009).
33.Muotri, A.R. Modeling epilepsy with pluripotent human stem cells. Epilepsy & Behavior. 14: 81-85 (2009).
32.Marchetto, M. C. N., Muotri, A. R., Mu, Y., Smith, A. M., Cezar, G. G. & Gage, F. H. Non-cell autonomous effect of human SOD1G37R astrocytes on motor neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cells. 3: 649-657 (2008).
31.Leite, R. A., Marchetto, M. C., Muotri, A. R., de Moraes Vasconcelos, D., Prado de Oliveria, Z. N., Rivitti Machado, M. C. & Menck, C. F. M. Identification of XP Complementation Groups by Recombinant Adenovirus Carrying DNA Repair Genes. J Invest Dermatol. (2008).
30.Yeo, G. W., Coufal, N., Aigner S., Winner, B., Scolnick, J. A., Marchetto, M. C., Muotri, A. R., Carson, C. & Gage, F. H. Multiple layers of molecular controls modulate self-renewal and neuronal lineage specification of embryonic stem cells. Hum Mol Genet. 17: 67-75 (2008).
29.Secco, M., Zucconi, E., Vieira, N., Fogaca, L. L. Q., Cerqueira, A., Carvalho, M. D., Jazedje, T., Okamoto, O. K., Muotri, A. R. & Zatz, M. Mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cord: Do not discard the cord! Neuromuscul. Disord. 18: 17-8 (2008).
28.Cezar, G. G., Quam, J. A., Smith, A. M., Rosa, G. J. M., Piekarczyk, M. S., Brown, J. F., Gage, F. H. & Muotri, A. R. Identification of small molecules from human embryonic stem cells using metabolomics. Stem Cells Dev. 16: 869-82 (2007).
27.Secco, M., Zucconi, E., Vieira, N., Fogaca, L. L. Q., Cerqueira, A., Carvalho, M. D., Jazedje, T., Okamoto, O. K., Muotri, A. R. & Zatz, M. Multipotent stem cells from umbilical cord: cord is richer than blood. Stem Cells. 26: 146-50 (2007).
26.Yeo, G. W., Xu, X., Liang, T. Y., Muotri, A. R., Carson, C. T., Coufal, N. & Gage, F. H. Alternative Splicing Events That Distinguish Human Embryonic Stem Cells from Neural Progenitors. PLOS Computational Biology. 3: 1951-67 (2007).
25.Armelini, M. G., Lima-Bessa, K., Marchetto, M. C. N., Muotri, A. R., Chigancas, V., Leite, R., Carvalho, H. & Menck, C. F. M. Exploring DNA damage response with recombinant adenovirus. Hum Exp Toxicology. 26: 899-06 (2007).
24.Muotri, A. R., Marchetto, M. C. N., Coufal, N. & Gage, F. H. The necessary junk – new functions for transposable elements. Hum Mol Genet. 16, 159-67 (2007).
23.Garcia-Perez, J. L., Marchetto, M. C., Muotri, A. R., Coufal, N., Gage, F. H., Sue O’Shea, K. & Moran, J. V. LINE-1 retrotransposition in human embryonic stem cells. Hum Mol Genet. 16, 1569-77 (2007).
22.Muotri, A. R. & Gage, F. H. Generation of neuronal variability and complexity. Nature. 441, 1087-93 (2006).
21.Muotri, A. R., Bottero, V., Tergaonkar, V. & Correa, R. G. UV-mediated NF-kappaB activation is abolished in deficient XPC/D primary fibroblasts. Cell Cycle. 5, 1085-9 (2006).
20.Marchetto, M. C., Correa, R. G., Menck, C. F. & Muotri, A. R. Functional lentiviral vectors for xeroderma pigmentosum gene therapy. J Biotechnol. 4, 424-30 (2006).
19.Cao, X., Yeo, G., Muotri, A. R., Kuwabara, T. & Gage, F. H. Noncoding RNAs in the Mammalian Central Nervous System. Annu Rev Neurosci. 29, 77-103 (2006).
18.Becker, C., Lacchini, S., Muotri, A. R., da Silva G. J., Castelli, J. B., Vassallo, P. F., Menck, C. F. & Krieger, J. E. Skeletal muscle cells expressing VEGF induce capillary formation and reduce cardiac injury in rats. Int J Cardiol. 3, 348-54 (2006).
17.Alisch, R. S., Garcia-Perez, J. L., Muotri, A. R., Gage, F. H. & Moran, J. V. Unconventional translation of mammalian LINE-1 retrotransposons. Genes Dev. 20, 210-24 (2006).
16.Muotri, A. R., Nakashima, K., Toni, N., Sandler, V. M. & Gage, F. H. Development of functional human embryonic stem cell-derived neurons in mouse brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102, 18644-8 (2005).