WylieView.com LLC By-Laws
- Definitions:
1)Advisory Board: Designated Members who oversee and maintain the daily functions of the Wylie View Message Board and operations of WylieView.com LLC (WV_ LLC).
2)Quorum: A called meeting consisting of 51% of WV_LLC Advisory Board Members. All Advisory Board Members must be notified of meeting.
3)Super Majority: 75% or better agreement of 75% of Advisory Board Members.Any action requiring a Super Majority requires all Advisory Board Members to be notified in writing at least 10 days prior to the vote.
- Advisory Board:
1)The WV_LLC Advisory Board must consist of on odd number of members.
2)The acceptance of a New Advisory Board Member requires a Super Majority.
3)The removal of an Advisory Board Member requires a Super Majority.
4)The acceptance of an Advisory Board Member’s resignation requires a simple majority of a Quorum.
- Executive Board:
The purpose of the Executive Board is to handle business the Advisory Board considers routine and not necessary to convene a Quorum to handle.
1)The Executive Board will consist of the following positions, each with specific duties:
a)President – will lead meetings; will act as a spokesperson on behalf of the organization; has full administrative access to WV_ LLC
b)Vice President – will lead meetings and act as spokesperson when President is unavailable; has full administrative access to WV_LLC
c)Secretary – creates and maintains agenda and minutes; updates by-laws and necessary spreadsheets
d)Treasurer – collects and maintains Member dues, fees for post office box, and any other accounting needs
2)Each Term is 1 year.
3)Elections will be held at the summer meeting.
4)Election of each position requires a simple majority of a Quorum.
5)The Executive Board is required to call a meeting of all Advisory Board Members each Quarter to discuss WV_LLC business matters. Meeting date, time, and place will be announced to all Members at least 10 days prior to meeting, with agenda announced 48 hours prior to the meeting.
6)The Executive Board only has the authority to make decisions on issues authorized by the Advisory Board.
7)The Executive Board has the authority to implement and oversee committees as they see fit.
8)An Executive Board Member can not hold a Wylie City Elected position (City Council or Mayor) during his/her term.
- By-Laws:
1)By-Law changes require a Super Majority.
2)Proposed changes must be provided to each Advisory Board Member 10 days prior to the vote.
3)All Wylie View user information and discussion thereof is considered confidential as well as any topic deemed confidential in nature during a meeting. A breach in confidentiality is grounds for an immediate dismissal from the Advisory Board.
4)Special Meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Board, or a simple majority of the Advisory Board.
5)When a vacancy on the Advisory Board exists, nominations for a new Advisory Board Member may be received from present members by the Secretary 10 days in advance of a Board meeting. These nominations shall be provided to Board members with the regular Board meeting announcement, to be voted upon at the next Board meeting or a Special Meeting.
6)Written information such as meeting notices and minutes may be presented in email form or via USPS or via the WylieView Management forum on