African Methodist Episcopal Church

Second Episcopal District Lay Organization

Executive Board Conference Call

January 14,2018

9:00 P.M.

Call to Order

The teleconference meeting was called to order at 9:05 pm by Second Episcopal District Lay Organization (SEDLO) President Dwight Patterson.


Connectional Lay Organization (CLO) 3rd Vice President Starr Battleoffered prayer.


Roll was called and the following attendance recorded: Present – Dwight Patterson, Florence Warren, Louise Murrill-Graves, Rose Brabble,Dr. Delaphine Green, Valerie Terry, Clara B. Neal,Larry Rhodes, Janie Reeder, Starr Battle,Matthew Douglas, Joan Wilson, Edna Watson, Penny Oliver, Marcie White, Adrienne Warren,and Patricia Matthews. Absent/Excused - Pamela Jones-Watford, Germain Favor,Jean Wilson Richie and Valerie Gary Bell.


President Pattersoncalled the teleconference to discuss the proposed proceedings of the Mid-Winter Gathering 2018, filling vacant SEDLO offices, planning for the Lay Convention, appointing the Chair of the Nominating Committee and to provide updates on other issues.

Issue Updates

  • Mid-Winter Gathering and SEDLO Legacy Breakfast -- The Second Episcopal District(SED) Mid-Winter Gathering (Founder’s Day and Mid-Year Convocation) will be held February 15 -17, 2018 at the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons in Greensboro, North Carolina. SEDLO Advisor Patricia Matthews reported that the SEDLO Legacy Breakfast will be held on Saturday morning, February 17th, from 7-9 AM. Rev. Tony Lee will be the Speaker for the occasion. Sister Matthews thanked Conference Directors of Lay Activities for their assistance. The program has been planned and confirmation of the program participants is in the final stages. Flyers have been distributed to each conference and 60 tickets will be distributed to each conference soon. Two persons are needed from each conference to serve as hosts/hostesses for the breakfast. SEDLO 1st Vice President Florence Warren stated that the proposed agenda shows the breakfast start time as 7:30 a.m. instead of 7:00 a.m. All need to be sure to inform potential attendees that the start time is indeed 7:00 a.m. Baltimore Conference Lay Organization (BCLO) President inquired whether it is appropriate to send a notice out about the correct time. Sister Matthews noted that Bishop Davis should be notified and asked to correct the start time in written materials along with confirmation that a microphone and podium will be provided.
  • SEDLO Component Meeting – According to the agenda distributed, two time periods have been given for Component Meetings, from 11:15 a.m. to 12 noon on Thursday, February 15th and from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. on Friday, February 16th. SEDLO 1st Vice President Florence Warren inquired about what the plans were for the Lay Component Meeting at the Mid-Winter Meeting and for the upcoming Lay Convention (including hotel and other arrangements). President Patterson indicated that an Executive Board Meeting will probably be held on Thursday and the Component Meeting on Friday. Instead of a separate reception for CLO President Valerie Gary Bell, she will be honored at the Legacy Breakfast.
  • Appointment of Nominating Committee Chairperson – SEDLO Advisor Marcie White is appointed as the Nominating Committee Chairperson. Each Conference President should submit the name of a member to serve on the committee. The following were given: Sister Gwen Smith (North Carolina Conference Lay Organization (NCCLO)), Brother Alvin White (BCLO), Sister Marcie White (Virginia Conference Lay Organization (VCLO)). Washington Conference Lay Organization (WCLO) and estern North Carolina Conference Lay Organization (WNCCLO) Presidents will send names.
  • Filling SEDLO Officer Vacancies – President Patterson indicated that the following names were submitted as possible appointees to fill SEDLO officer vacancies for the remainder of the current term – (1) Brother Woodrow Winchester (2nd Vice President); Sister Maria Wallace (3rd Vice President) and Brother Dontae Foote (Young Adult Representative). WCLO President Matthew Douglas moved to vote on the three names presented to fill vacancies and NCCLO President Edna Watson seconded the motion. During discussion, VCLO President Joan Wilson and BCLO President Jean Wilson Richie noted that they sent names. President Patterson stated that he had not received any additional names. The vote was taken and the motion failed. Since the discrepancy centered around names submitted for SEDLO 3rd Vice President, CLO 3rd Vice President Starr Battle moved to take a vote on the name submitted for 2nd Vice President and Young Adult Representative and NCCLO Edna Watson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and it passed. President Patterson asked to receive the names and contact information for those persons previously submitted for 3rd Vice President. BCLO Jean Wilson Richie gave the name of Brother Ronald Flamer. The appointment of 3rd Vice President will be voted on during the next meeting.
  • Mirroring Project– WNCCLO President Penny Oliver reported that the first phase of the Mirroring Project is being completed and the deadline is today, Monday, January 14th. Conference Presidents will be presenting the information at the 2018 Mid-Winter Gathering.
  • Articles for “We Speak” – SEDLO Director of Public Relations Janie Reeder asked that conferences submit articles to be submitted for inclusion in “We Speak”. The CLO Director of Public Relations needs all articles by March 1st.
  • Prayer Requests-- Prayer was requested for the family of SEDLO Chaplain Pamela Jones-Watford (death of father); SEDLO Director of Public Relations Janie Reeder (surgery) and the family of Bishop John Hurst Adams (death).


Theconference call meeting was adjourned at 10:07 PMafter closing prayer by CLO 3rd Vice President Starr Battle and recitation of the Lay Benediction.

Louise A. Murrill-Graves

Louise A. Murrill-Graves, Recording Secretary

Dwight Patterson, President