Kindergarten Writing Pacing Guide

Perry Local Schools

1st Nine Weeks / 2nd Nine Weeks / 3rd Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks
Develop appropriate pencil grip. / Improve and build upon previous
benchmarks. / Improve and build upon previous
benchmarks. / Improve and build upon previous
Teach handwriting focusing on strokes.
(Vertical lines, horizontal lines, backward circle lines, forward circle lines, slant lines) / Name or label objects and places. / Use developmentally appropriate sentence structure when expressing thoughts and ideas. / Use correct sentence structure.
Introduce basic strokes using all 3 lines. / Show characteristics of early letter names (alphabetic spelling, example: inventive spelling). / Generate writing ideas through discussion with others. / Place punctuation at the end of sentences.
Spell and write first name with 1st letter capital and rest lower case. / Use some beginning and ending consonant sounds. / Spell and write first and last name with 1st letter capital and rest lower case. / Use resources to enhance language
(ex. word wall).
Write from left to right and top to bottom of page. / Spell and write first name with 1st letter capital and rest lower case. / Write a sentence and illustrate it. / Dictate or write informal writings for various purposes.
Choose a topic for writing. / Leave spaces between words when writing.
Reread own writing-pictures are ok. / **Letters formed sitting on a baseline
**Write the basic stroke formations on lines. / **Write capital letters correctly: F, E, H, O, W, V / **Write 26 letters legibly (Use Aa, Bb, Cc,Dd form) / **Write letters using headline, midline, baseline and tail.
**Use appropriate pencil grip. / ** Write lower case letters correctly: l, i, t, c, s, x / **Write letters using top and bottom line (tail and middle line not assessed). / **Write 26 letters legibly (Write letters given in random order such as Mm, Qq, Aa, Kk)

** Denotes assessment of skill