
一、【POMR 範本】COPD withacuteexacerbation

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Breathlessness, chest tightness

O: T/P/R: 36.5C/132/36, BP:165/88mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral expiratory wheezing

Heart sound: tachycardia, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: mild pitting edema, bilateral

ABG: PH: 7.35, PO2: 120mmH2O, PCO2: 68mmH2O, HCO3: 18mmol/L, FiO2:50%

Problem #1: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation.

A:Dyspnea episode with CO2 retention, consciousness clear but disorientated to

person, people and place intermitent. Poor responsive treatment to O2 supply with V-mask, bronchodilator and steroid using. Impending respiratory failure was noted.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Follow up CXR, BNP, cardiac enzyme and echo, ammonia, electrolytes, blood sugar.

Therapeutic plan:

*Intubation if patient and family agree

*On BiPAP if patient andfamily disagree with intubation immediately.

*Adjust dosage of bronchodilator and steroid.

Educational plan:

*Inform critical condition and explain to patient and family aboutintubation was needed. *Compare the advantage and disadvantage between the decision of on BiPAP and intubation.

二、【POMR 範本】COPDwithsecondaryinfection.

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Fever and intermittent short of breathe episode

O: T/P/R: 38.5C/98/22, BP:145/78mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral expiratory wheezing and inspiratory coarse crackles.

Heart sound: tachycardia, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: no pitting edema

ABG: PH: 7.38, PO2: 150mmH2O, PCO2: 48mmH2O, HCO3: 18mmol/L, FiO2:35%

WBC: 22000, Hb: 10mg/dl, PLT: 230000, Segment: 88%

CXR: bilateral mild alveolar infiltration at lower lobe of lung

Problem #1: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with secondary infection.

A:Fever up to BT 39C and partial relieved by panadol and antibiotic treatment

with Zinacef, laboratory data reveal leukocytosis with left shift. Mild improving of

bronchospasm condition after O2 supply with bronchodilator and IV steroid were given.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Infection work up including sputum gram stain and culture, blood culture.

Therapeutic plan:

*Consider change antibiotics if fever persisting and consult ID.

*Adjust dosage of bronchodilator and IV steroid.

Educational plan:

*Inform infection status and mask wearing education.

三、【POMR 範本】Adenocarcinomaoflung,leftupperlobe

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: General malaise

O: T/P/R: 36.3C/82/18, BP:135/76mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: left upper fine crackles

Heart sound: regular, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: no lower leg pitting edema

WBC: 18000, Hb: 11mg/dl, PLT: 230000, Segment: 68%

Exon 19 deletions: negative, L858R point mutation in exon 21: negative

Problem #1: Adenocarcinoma of lung, left upper lobe, T3N3M0, stage IIIB.

A: Leukocytosis without left shift, no fever, no productive cough, favor due to leukemoid


P: Diagnostic plan:

*Follow up sputum gram stain, culture and acid fast stain.

Therapeutic plan:

*On going Platinum plus Gemcitabine chemotherapy.

Educational plan:

*Inform post chemotherapy complication including risk of latent infection and others reaction

as nausea and vomiting.

四、【POMR 範本】Solitarypulmonarynodule,rightupperlobeoflung.

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Intermittent dry cough

O: T/P/R: 36.5C/82/18, BP:135/68mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral clear

Heart sound: regular, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 9800, Hb: 12mg/dl, PLT: 260000, Segment: 64%

Problem #1: Solitary pulmonary nodule, right upper lobe of lung.

A:Solitary pulmonary nodule, right upper lobe of lung. Size less than 1cm but ground

class opacity, patient age 65 ==> high probability of malignancy.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Chest CT C(+/-), brain CT (+/-), bone scan, tumor marker, sputum cytology.

Therapeutic plan:

*Pending the result of diagnosis plan. Symptomatic treatment.

Educational plan:

*Explain the complication of contrast CT

五、【POMR 範本】Pulmonarytuberculosis,active.

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Productive cough and mild fever

O: T/P/R: 37.3C/86/18, BP:135/78mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral upper rhonchii

Heart sound: regular, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 16800, Hb: 11mg/dl, PLT: 190000, Segment: 74%, AFS (+++)

CXR: bilateral upper interstitial infiltration with fibrotic change, right upper partial

destructive change

Problem #1: Pulmonary tuberculosis, active.

A: AFS positive, CXR film and clinical presentations compatible with the diagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Sputum culture, TB PCR.

Therapeutic plan:

*Isolation, inform CDC, on anti-TB agents therapy.

Educational plan:

*Both patient and family mask wearing.

六、【POMR 範本】Community-acquiredpneumonia(CAP).

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Fever episode with productive cough, short of breath

O: T/P/R: 38.7C/116/32, BP:132/75mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral lower coarse crackles

Heart sound: tachycardia, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 19800, Hb: 11mg/dl, PLT: 230000, Segment: 84%, Bun/Cr: 16/2mg/L

CXR: bilateral lower lobe of lung alveolar infiltration

Problem #1: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).

A: high age of 75 years old, dyspnea with RR>30, Cr>2 ==> indicated for hospitalization.

No rhinorrhea, no bone pain of common cold illness. Dyspnea episode, caution for acute

respiratory failure or ARDS developed.

P: Diagnostic plan

*Sputum gram stain, culture, AFS; mycoplasma, legionella and chlamydia Ab follow up.

Therapeutic plan:

*Moxifloxacin 400mg qd ivd, O2 supply, symptomatic treatment

Educational plan:

*Mask wearing, explain possibility of respiratory failure or ARDS change.

七、【POMR 範本】Healthcare-associatedpneumonia(HCAP)

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Fever episode with productive cough, short of breath

O: T/P/R: 38.7C/116/32, BP:132/75mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4VtM6

Breath sound: bilateral lower coarse crackles

Heart sound: tachycardia, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 21600, Hb: 10.8mg/dl, PLT: 260000, Segment: 86%, Bun/Cr: 18/1.4mg/L

CXR: bilateral lower lobe of lung consolidation change

Problem #1: Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP)

A: Old CVA and bed ridden, poor self cough, febrile status.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Sputum gram stain, culture, blood culture, ABG follow up.

Therapeutic plan:

*Tazocin 4.5g qd6h ivd, O2 supply with T-mask using, symptomatictreatment, intensive chest care including sputum suction.

Education plan:

*Explain possibility of respiratory failure change.

八、【POMR 範本】Bronchiectasis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Bloody sputum

O: T/P/R: 36.5C/72/18, BP:145/88mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral lower lung coarse crackles

Heart sound: regular, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 8600, Hb: 9.8mg/dl, Hct: 29.5, PLT: 240000, Segment: 66%

CXR: bilateral lower lobe of lung consolidation change

Problem #1: Bronchiectasis

A: Productive cough with hemoptysis, amount about 60cc/day. Anemia, may due to chronic disease.

P: Diagnosticplan:

*Chest CT, bronchoscopy as needed.

Therapeutic plan:

*Antibiotics and symptomatic treatment, add transamine for themoptysis.

Educational plan:

*Explain risk of massive hemoptysis, may emergency intubation as needed. Quit cigarette smoking.

九、【POMR 範本】Cylindricalbronchiectasis

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Short of breath episode and productive cough

O: T/P/R: 36.5C/82/18, BP:135/78mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: bilateral fine crackles

Heart sound: regular, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 9600, Hb: 10.8mg/dl, PLT: 230000, Segment: 76%

HRCT: Airway dilatation, luminal airway diameter more than 1.5 times the adjacent

vessel is indicative of cylindrical bronchiectasis. Bronchial wall thickening observed

in dilated airways and contain mucopurulent plugs or debris accompanied by post- obstructive air trapping.

Problem #1: Cylindrical bronchiectasis

A:High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of the chest has become the defining

test of bronchiectasis, her clinical symptoms was compatible with the prevalence of

bronchiectasis of cough (98 percent of patients), daily sputum production (78 percent),

dyspnea (62 percent). Dyspnea episode was responsive with O2 supply and medication

treatment but any impairment due to bronchiectais was unknown.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Pulmonary function testing for functional assessment of impairment due to bronchiectasis.

Therapeutic plan:

*O2 supply, keep antibiotic of zinacef treatment for 5 days using, chest care.

Educational plan:

*Inform patients with bronchiectasis may have a mean annual decline in FEV1 of 50 to 55mL per year.

十、【POMR 範本】Rightpleuraleffusion

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Right chest pain and fever episode

O: T/P/R: 38.4C/102/18, BP:145/90mmHg

Consciousness: clear, GCS:E4V5M6

Breath sound: right lower decrease

Heart sound: tachycardia, no murmur

Abdomen: active of bowel sound, soft, no tenderness

Lower leg: bilateral no pitting edema

WBC: 18200, Hb: 13mg/dl, PLT: 340000, Segment: 89%, Bun/Cr: 16/1.2mg/L

CXR: right lower lobe of lung opacities with blunting of costal angle

Problem #1: Right pleural effusion

A:Fever episode with right pleural effusion, no cardiamegaly, no common cold symptoms, uncomplicated heart failure and viral pleurisy was not likely, favor exudative pleural effusion.

P: Diagnostic plan:

*Arrange chest echo and thoracentesis for pleural fluid study.

Therapeutic plan:

*Antibiotics treatment, consider on pigtail drainage as needed.

Education plan:

*Explain to patient and family about risk and complication of thoracentesis.