Lakewood Rotary Board Minutes
The regular board meeting of the Rotary Club of Lakewood was held on Friday, July 18, 2014, at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. Present were: President Dave Coleman, President-Elect Chris Kimball, Secretary Greg Rediske, and board members Kim Prentice, Jay Mayer, Mo Sarram, Bill Price, Mary Moss, and Rod Ladd. Absent were Past President Mark Blanchard, and Treasurer Bill Potter.
President Dave called the meeting to order at 1:40, with a very presidential pounding of a wood gavel, albeit a small gavel. Dave's opening remarks concerned the dual nature of our board: It looks like a board, and it looks like a staff. In the case of the latter, the directors all function as field managers.
Dave presented a document entitled, "Essentials for the Board". There was discussion about potentially adding this document to the club's by-laws, but was later MSC (Move/Second/Carry) to accept this document as policy and procedure for 2014-15 Lakewood Rotary year.
The previous minutes from June were MSC.
The Treasurer's Report was presented in summary, after first having been emailed by Bill Potter to the board members for review. Discussionon how the weekly drawing money is handled in terms of revenue benefit to the Fellowship Fund (it appears in the Charitable Club, obviously for gambling permit issues) was tabled for the future when Bill can be present. Greg indicated that the Directory expenses will exceed the $200 budget, due to ordering new binders ($300), but the board accepted the fact that the budget for this line item has not been accessed for about 3 years. It was suggested that Greg request pictures be sent by members for updating of the Directory, or have pictures taken at the next several meetings. There was no voted approval of the Report, given Bill's absence.
Committee Reports:
Dave would like Greg to send all Directors the current committee list. Greg and Dave will do some evaluation, and then work with the Directors on updating this list.
Mary Moss presented some confusion about the scholarship fund money: it was reported to not have been spent, but her investigation indicated it had. Question for Bill Potter next time.
Rod Ladd: Talked to committees, no immediate action of a reportable nature.
Bill Price: Looking for a new Sgt-At-Arms to replace Bill Young, in process. Will try and get a more regular presence by Puffins for attendance-taking. Working on the Rotary Store, expanding that, while at the same time inventorying supplies (Bill himself).
Jay Mayer, Mo Sarram, Kim Prentice: beginning on the job training.
Old Business:
Amphitheater project waiting on city action. Mo suggested an additional entrance for the amphitheater would be advisable. Updates on other similar projects are being submitted (Sisters, Coeur d'Alene).
New Business:
A new member proposal was received from Gary Fulton, Nicole Hancock. The Board approved her for presentation to the Information Committee.
Dave indicated his goal for membership is 115 by the end of the year (110 currently).
Dave presented his 5 Major Goals (and 20 sub-goals) for the year. Included is a desire to have the Past President issue a summary of his year (either as a program or sub-program, with a 1 page summary sheet). A raffle for 2014 was discussed, but instead a raffle for the fall of 2015 is under consideration.
It was MSC to accept the amended 5 Major Goals and 20 Sub-Goals.
Next meeting: August 15, 1:45. September's board meeting will include an 11:00 meeting with the District Governor, Michael Procter.
Adjourned 3:08.