Goodbye to Nurse Judy

After 28 years of hard work at Ashcroft Surgery Judy has decided that it’s time to retire ! We’d like to thank Judy for everything she’s done for the Practice. If you’ve got children, I’m sure Judy will have jabbed them with a needle at some point. If you’ve got asthma or chronic bronchitis I’m sure you will have seen Judy and had the benefit of her expertise on these conditions. Some of you may even have been told off because you’re not doing what she told you to do!

Judy sends the following message:

“I would just like to say ‘goodbye’ to everyone. I leave with great memories and will miss the chat and laughter we often shared. Thank you for your patience and tolerance of my little ways!”

Take care Judy, you are wished a long and happy retirement.

We are now looking to replace Judy. Katie is already doing asthma and COPD reviews but will also be taking over baby clinic. She is able to take blood from children over 5. Unfortunately one of the skills that Judy takes with her is her ability to take blood from children under 5. This means that if your under 5 year old needs blood tests they will be sent to the children’s blood-taking service in Longsight.

We will soon be interviewing for another nurse to support Katie. We also have Lorna and Vicky, our Health Care Assistants doing more for us.

We will soon be interviewing for another nurse to support Katie. We also have Lorna and Vicky, our Health Care Assistants doing more for us.

Pride in Practice

We have been awarded a Gold Pride in Practice award. This is an equality award from the LGBT foundation endorsed by the RCGP, demonstrating and supporting our good care for LGBT patients

This involved meeting with LGBT orgainisation and reviewing our practice against equality standards. It gives us access to continued support going forward from the LGBT organisation in Mancheste. This includes health-related LGBT posters, education for staff and accessing specific services such as counselling and drug services for LGBT patients. In general it supports our ability to maintain good care for this group of patients


Most of us will be affected by dementia at some time in our lives. In Levenshulme, The Peter

Quinn dementia support group meet every Wednesday between 12 and 2.30pm at St Mary's

Parochial Hall on Elbow St. Marion Quinn started this cafe in September 2016. It doesn't cost

anything, they make their money on the raffle which goes into providing sandwiches, cakes

and hot drinks.

The group is very friendly and you're encouraged to join in with the activities. They have a quiz, bingo, raffle, music and dance/exercise. I've spoken to quite a few people when I visited thegroup recently & everyone was so positive. It enables people living with dementia and theircarers a couple of hours respite and activities. For a lot of people this is the highlight of their week as they get to interact with others in asocial and friendly environment.

A new branch of the Peter Quinn friendship group takes place every Friday from 12 to 2.30

at Christchurch, 111 Burnage Lane, M19 2WH facing the Garden Village

New Mindfulness drop in class

Starts Wednesday 26 April 7pm to 8pm

Contact Phil:07852 174391 No need to book just turn up.

The Inspire Centre, 747 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3AR

£5 per session or £45 for 10 sessions

Practical easy to learn meditation techniques that are proven to help with happiness health and all round wellbeing.

New Yoga Class

Every Friday 9.30am and Saturday 10am. Beginners welcome! Mats provided if you don’t have your own. (If this is your first time please arrive 10 minutes early)

£7 drop in or 4/6 week passes available at reduced price of £5 per session.

The Inspire Centre, 747 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3AR. Contact Caroline on 07818 091 392 / Jo on 07887 920 915 or Christine on 07562 594 507.

Levy Livelies trips and outings for older people

Levy Livelies is a new older person led social group arranging trips and outings for older people in South Manchester. Trips are run on a self-paying basis where the travel costs are split across the participants. To participate you need to complete Registration & BookingForms and accept the terms and conditions. Participants are responsible for their own personal safety and for making a judgment on their wellness to participate.

The next two day trips are to Chester on 7th June and Liverpool on 28th June for a cost of £12 each, leaving from Inspire at 10am and returning by 7pm.

Contact Kate for registration or for more information:

0161 850 4044 or email

Do you really need an appointment?

I've had a number of patients telling me that they've been desperately trying to get to see a GP with symptoms of throat infections, ear infections, chest infections or urine infections and they finally managed to get to see me after trying for several days. We are aware that our current triage system hasn't got the capacity to meet demand. With this in mind, if you phone up and are told that there is nothing available you will be advised to go to the local chemist or walk-in centre (Hawthorn or Manchester Royal Infirmary).

It is advisable to follow this advice rather than trying to hold off for an appointment here.

Lloyds pharmacy (next to the surgery ) is now also offering a minor illness service as well as Cohens on Barlow Road.

They will deal with minor illnesses such as coughs and colds, indigestion and minor infections and can supply a number of medications that are free as long as you don't usually pay for your prescriptions. They can also give you advice on a range of conditions and advise you when you really need to see a doctor.

Dr Dominic Hyland.



The patient needs to be 2 years of age or older to access this service.

  • Constipation
  • Indigestion / Heartburn, from 6 years

  • Diarrhoea, from 12 years

  • Nasal Congestion (Infant)
  • Verruca / Wart
  • Temperature
  • Headache / Earache
  • Hay Fever
  • Soft Tissue Injury
  • Athletes’ foot
  • Cold sores
  • Contact dermatitis, from 10 years

  • Head lice

  • Insect bites & Stings
  • Dry Skin

  • Nappy rash
  • Vaginal thrush, from 16-60 years
  • Eczema

  • Conjunctivitis, from 2 years
  • Ear Wax
  • Threadworm, from 2 years
  • Allergy / Rash
  • Oral Thrush
  • Migraine
  • Acne

The scheme means that you can get medication from a local community pharmacy instead of waiting for an appointment to see a doctor. Normal prescription charges and exemptions apply.

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Be aware of ovarian cancer

Ovarian Cancer is the 5th most common cancer in women in the UK.

Eight out of every 10 cases are in women over 50 and it accounts for 4000 cancer deaths per year.

Being overweight increases your risk.

You have ahigher than average risk of developingovarian cancer if two or more relatives on the same side of yourfamily are diagnosed with ovarian cancer or breast cancer at a young age, particularly under the age of 50. If you are worried about your family history then speak to your GP.

It can be a hard cancer to diagnose as the symptoms it causes are often very vague, which means that it is often diagnosed at a late stage meaning that the survival rate is lower compared to a lot of other cancers. Although it accounts for only 25% of gynaecological cancers it accounts for more than half of deaths.

We would always encourage women to be alert for the following symptoms especially if you are over 50:

  • Persistent bloating of the abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pelvic/abdominal pain.
  • Increased need to pass urine.

When investigating symptoms like this we would do a blood test called CA125 and if this is raised then it would be recommended that you have a scan of your ovaries. If the CA125 is normal then this would make ovarian cancer unlikely.

Are you diabetic? Are you fasting for Ramadan?

  • Please be aware fasting can have an effect on your sugar and cholesterol, you are not required to fast if you have a long term condition. If you are taking medication, and plan on fasting please discuss with your Doctor or Nurse at your next appointment, as your medications may need to be altered.
  • Don’t forget: Madina Mosque does a communal break – fast each evening, bring some food – open to all communities.

Are you worried about diabetes?

Diabetes is a complex long term condition and is becoming more common in current society. Many people worry about having diabetes, some factors put you at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, such as:

  • Being over 40 years of age;
  • A family history of diabetes;
  • Being of South Asian descent; African Caribbean or black African descent;
  • Having high blood pressure;
  • Being overweight – especially if carry around the middle.

A blood test can be done to rule out diabetes, if you are concerned – ask your doctor or nurse at your next appointment.

How to I reduce the risk of diabetes?

It’s the things you have heard before…. But oddly enough they work!

  • Cut down on sugary and fatty food
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation
  • Reduce salt
  • Watch out for those glucose affecting carbohydrates! Including bread, rice and potatoes
  • Portion control

Highway HopeThursday Evening Meetings

  • Every first Thursday of the month - Chips night with music, board games, socials and of course chips will be served.
  • Every second Thursday of the month – “The quiz night” with prizes
  • Every third Thursday of the month – “The Talent Night” (The Cross Factor!)
  • Every Fourth Thursday – “The Royal Night” A dinner night just to celebrate you, Live music, testimonies and a 3 course meal (dress is formal).
  • Any 5th Thursday will be a film night.

No.1 Matthews Lane, Levenshulme, Manchester, M12 4QW, Contact John: 07449 557 309 All activities are free of charge

Ashcroft Surgery

0161 224 1329

803 Stockport Road



M19 3BS