Lincoln College
Oxford OX1 3DR
The College wishes to appoint a new Junior Dean, commencing from the end of Hilary Term 2015. The post will initially be until end of September 2016, with the possibility of extension for a further year, subject to performance of duty. The position is open to advanced graduate students (those currently in their second or third successive year), who intend to be in residence in Oxford over the coming 18 months.
The College employs two residential Junior Deans, both of whom have the same level of responsibility, and three residential Wardens. These five members of the Decanal team are required to share on-call duties so that between them a member of the team is on-call at all times, with the exception of the College Closed Period.
The successful candidate will be expected to reside in the Mitre (adjacent to the main College site) throughout the academic year, as well as at necessary periods outside of term. They will also be expected to serve directly as Warden for the Mitre and staircase 16, and additionally to share decanal jurisdiction over all of the College’s sites with the other Junior Dean and the Wardens.
The position has both a pastoral and a disciplinary dimension. A key responsibility is that of overseeing College discipline, in conjunction with the other Junior Dean, the Wardens, and the Senior Dean. The successful candidate will be expected to attend regular meetings with College authorities, to include meetings of the Junior Relations Committee, Welfare Committee, Health and Safety Committee, and Equality Committee, as well as a weekly meeting with the Senior Dean and the Chaplain & Welfare Officer. You will also be expected to liaise closely with the common rooms and staff, and to hold a no-appointment office hour each week during term-time. A willingness to work unusual (and frequently antisocial) hours is a requirement of the position, as are strong interpersonal skills, a keen sense of responsibility, personal initiative, flexibility, and discretion. Fire Marshall training will be provided, because working as a Fire Marshall forms part of the Junior Dean’s role.
An important component of the post is to ensure that student events are organised and conducted responsibly. It will be a role of the Junior Deans to discuss with the relevant committee, e.g. Entz, the arrangements and timing of these activities.
As Junior Dean you will, with the other Junior Dean, be Senior Representative on the Ball Committee. You will be required to ensure that the Ball Committee is regularly kept aware of any requirements laid down for the holding of Ball (eg by the Governing Body, the Environmental Health Officer, the Police, the VAT Regulations) and keep in good standing with these and other relevant bodies. You will report directly to the Senior Dean and keep him/her informed of developments and wishes made by the above-mentioned bodies.
The Junior Deans are required to set up the weekly on-call rota for the decanal team, which is to be in place for Weeks 0 to 10 each term, and to detail this in the Lodge Outlook Calendar. Each Junior Dean is required to be on-call for a 48-hour period in a given week (normally between Wednesday pm and Sunday am), and each Warden is required to be on-call for a 24-hour period (normally between Sunday pm and Wednesday am), to attend to any pastoral, disciplinary or social matters arising. While on-call, Junior Deans and Wardens are not required to remain on site, but they must be contactable and within 20 minutes of the main site, and may be called on to deal with any issue arising on any of the Lincoln College sites. They may also be contacted when they are not formally on-call, but there is not the same expectation that they will immediately be available. The exception to this is Freshers’ week, when both the Junior Deans and the Wardens are expected to be available and on-call. In addition, both Junior Deans are required to be present for College Bops and the College Ball.Each member of the team is required to keep a clear record of their time worked in a given week and lodge it with the HR Manager; hours worked are not to exceed 20 in any given week.
Outside of Weeks 0 to 10 there is no weekly on-call schedule, but the five members of the team must ensure that one person is in residence at all times except during the College Closed Period, and the Junior Deans are required to inform the Lodge, Senior Dean, and Chaplain & Welfare Officer who this is.
The remunerative package comprises College accommodation (to end of September 2016), free meals in Hall when the Kitchen is open, limited SCR dining rights (details of which are contained in the contract), a stipend in the region of c.£1,918 per annum, and an entertainment allowance to be used for fostering your relationship with the student community.
Interested applicants are asked to submit a current Curriculum Vitae to the Graduate Officer, Carmella Elan-Gaston, as well as a cover letter explaining the reasons for their application, and offering a description of any factors that might qualify them as particularly suitable for the position. Candidates are additionally asked to send two references (one of whom must be their academic supervisor) in support of their application directly to the Graduate Officer:
The deadline for submissions is noon, Friday of 4thWeek (13thFebruary, 2015).
Interviews will be held on the morning of Tuesday of 6thWeek (24thFebruary, 2015).
Please note that we also anticipate a Wardenship becoming available shortly. All applications for the position of Junior Dean will be held on file and considered for a Warden position, should there be a vacancy within the current academic year.
If you have questions about either post, please contact the Domestic Bursar, Dr Rachel Buxton ()
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